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Wiki Markup

Though pipeline is the default mode of operation when you specify multiple outputs in Camel. The opposite to pipeline is multicast; which fires the same message into each of its outputs. (See the example below).

In Spring XML you can use the <pipeline/> element as of 1.4.0 onwards

Code Block

  <from uri="activemq:SomeQueue"/>
    <bean ref="foo"/>
    <bean ref="bar"/>
    <to uri="activemq:OutputQueue"/>

In the above the pipeline element is actually unnecessary, you could use this...

Code Block

  <from uri="activemq:SomeQueue"/>
  <bean ref="foo"/>
  <bean ref="bar"/>
  <to uri="activemq:OutputQueue"/>

Its just a bit more explicit. However if you wish to use <multicast/> to avoid a pipeline - to send the same message into multiple pipelines - then the <pipeline/> element comes into its own.

Code Block

  <from uri="activemq:SomeQueue"/>
      <bean ref="something"/>
      <to uri="log:Something"/>
      <bean ref="foo"/>
      <bean ref="bar"/>
      <to uri="activemq:OutputQueue"/>

In the above example we are routing from a single Endpoint to a list of different endpoints specified using URIs. If you find the above a bit confusing, try reading about the Architecture or try the Examples
