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  • Authentication technologies to be used:
  • Database changes - add a new database table userattributes. It should consist of three columns: user_id, attributename and attributevalue. So, with such changes in the database scheme any other authentication system which requires some user attributes can use this database table.
  • Change Acegi Authentication filter in security.xml file - add a new filter to redirect the user to the OpenID Provider website
  • List of classes to which the new functionality will be added:
    • - add the list of openids and method of casting openid to the canonical view (so in the database it will be stored in the predefined format)
      • String castToCanonical(String url)
    • Create a new POJO class UserAttributes which will represent the userattributes database table.
    • Create a new class OpenIDConnector where implement methods to establish connection with the openid provider, requesting authentication and handling the response.
      • String getProviderURL(String opened_url) - returns Provider's URL to send request
      • void sendRedirect(String provider_url) - redirects the user to the Provider's website
      • UserDetails getParameters() - get user profile information
      • void verifyResponse(HttpServletRequest httpReq) - verify Provider's response
    • Modify classes, and - add methods to connect to the OpenID provider and receive response, and methods connected with receiving an instance of the user and managing his openIDs, for instance:
      • int getUserId(openid_url) - returns userid by the verified openid_url
      • GetOpenIDsByUser(user_id) - returns the list of openid's that belong to one user
      • AttachOpenID(openid_url, user_id) - add openid url to the user's profile
      • DetachOpenID(openid_url, user_id) - delete certain openid url from the user's profile
      • DetachOpenIDsByUser(user_id) - delete all openIDs from the user's profile
  • For some of the actions I should add work with cookies - to preload openid_url for user convenience
  • Add new Struts Actions and Forms - for establishing the connection with opened provider website and receiving the response from it.
