Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
    private void sendToCamelLog(String name) {
        try {
            // get the log component
            Component component = camel.getComponent("log");

            // create an endpoint and configure it.
            // Notice the URI parameters this is a common pratice in Camel to configure
            // endpoints based on URI.
            // com.mycompany.part2 = the log category used. Will log at INFO level as default
            Endpoint endpoint = component.createEndpoint("log:com.mycompany.part2");

            // create an Exchange that we want to send to the endpoint
            Exchange exchange = endpoint.createExchange();
            // set the in message payload (=body) with the name parameter

            // now we want to send the exchange to this endpoint and we then need a producer
            // for this, so we create and start the producer.
            Producer producer = endpoint.createProducer();
            // process the exchange will send the exchange to the log component, that will process
            // the exchange and yes log the payload

            // stop the producer, we want to be nice and cleanup
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // we ignore any exceptions and just rethrow as runtime
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


Okay there are code comments in the code block above that should explain what is happening. We run the code by invoking our unit test with maven mvn test, and we should get this log line:


Code Block
    String filename = "easy-incident-" + incidentId + ".txt";
    template.sendBodyAndHeader("file://target/subfolder", name, FileComponent.HEADER_FILE_NAME, filename);


Reducing even more code lines

Well we got the Camel code down to 1-2 lines for sending the message to the component that does all the heavy work of wring the message to a file etc. But we still got 5 lines to initialize Camel.

Code Block

    camel = new DefaultCamelContext();
    camel.addComponent("log", new LogComponent());
    camel.addComponent("file", new FileComponent());
    template = camel.createProducerTemplate();

This can also be reduced. All the standard components in Camel is auto disconvered on-the-fly so we can remove these code lines and we are down to 3 lines:

Code Block

    camel = new DefaultCamelContext();
    template = camel.createProducerTemplate();

Later will we see how we can reduce this to ... in fact 0 java code lines. But the 3 lines will do for now.

Message Translation

TODO: Write about simple java stringbuilder with processor to create the email body

Message Translation with Velocity

Okay lets head back to the over goal of the integration. Looking at the EIP diagrams at the introduction page we need to be able to translate the incoming webservice to an email. Doing so we need to create the email body, and for that we will use a template language such as Apache Velocity. As Camel have a component for Velocity integration we will use this component. Looking at the Component List overview we can see that camel-velocity component uses the artifactId camel-velocity so therefore we need to add this to the pom.xml
