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Code Block
 * Plain JUnit test of our consumer.
public class ReportIncidentConsumerTest extends TestCase {

    private ReportIncidentEndpointImpl endpoint;

    public void testConsumer() throws Exception {
        // we run this unit test with the consumer, hence the true parameter
        endpoint = new ReportIncidentEndpointImpl(true);

        // get the mailbox
        Mailbox box = Mailbox.get("");
        assertEquals("Should not have mails", 0, box.size());

        // drop a file in the folder that the consumer listen
        // here is a trick to reuse Camel! so we get the producer template and just
        // fire a message that will create the file for us
        endpoint.getTemplate().sendBodyAndHeader("file://target/subfolder?append=false", "Hello World",
            FileComponent.HEADER_FILE_NAME, "mail-incident-test.txt");

        // let the consumer have time to run
        Thread.sleep(3 * 1000);

        // get the mock mailbox and check if we got mail ;)
        assertEquals("Should have got 1 mail", 1, box.size());
        assertEquals("Subject wrong", "New incident reported", box.get(0).getSubject());
        assertEquals("Mail body wrong", "Hello World", box.get(0).getContent());


End of part 3

Okay we have reached the end of part 3. For now we have only scratched the surface of what Camel is and what it can do. We have introduced Camel into our integration piece by piece and slowly added more and more along the way. And the most important is: you as the developer never lost control. We hit a sweet spot in the webservice implementation where we could write our java code. Adding Camel to the mix is just to use it as a regular java code, nothing magic. We were in control of the flow, we decided when it was time to translate the input to a mail body, we decided when the content should be written to a file. This is very important to not lose control, that the bigger and heavier frameworks tend to do. No names mentioned, but boy do developers from time to time dislike these elephants. And Camel is no elephant.

I hoped you enjoyed this entry level tutorial how to solve a real life integration problem. In the next part we will change focus and look at the routing feature in Camel, this is really impressive what you can do here. Okay see you in part 4. But I suggest you download these the samples from the first 3 parts and try and play with it before you continue. It is great basic knowledge to have in the mind when we look at the routing domain language in Camel - from these parts you know how Camel builds this internally in its frameworks with the concepts such as:

  • Endpoint
  • Consumer
  • Producer
  • URI configuration
  • Event Driven Consumer
  • Component
  • Camel Context
  • ProducerTemplate
  • Type Converter

Okay enough talk. End of part 3.