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IPOJO Ant Task

IPOJO Ant Task allows automating the iPOJO manipulation process. This page explains how to use the iPOJO Ant Task and how to combine them with the BND Tasks.

Downloading the iPOJO Ant Task

The iPOJO Ant Task can ben downloaded from here.

How to use the Ant Task

The iPOJO Ant task take an input bundle and a metadata file and create the final (i.e. manipulated) bundle.
To use the task declare a target in your build.xml as:


<target name="main">
        <taskdef     <!-- Change the path to point on the iPOJO Ant task jar-->
    <taskdef name="ipojo" classpath
        classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.ant-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" classnametask.IPojoTask"
        classpath="org.apache.felix.ipojo.task.IPojoTask"/> <!---Change the path to point on the iPOJO Ant task jar -->

               metadata         metadata = "meta.xml"

First, define the new task. Then simply use it. The input argument describe the input bundle (must exists) and the metadata argument describes the metadata file (must exist too). The input bundle must be a well-formed bundle.

Ant Task Arguments

The iPOJO Ant Task as three different arguments:

  • Input: describes the input bundle. This argument is mandatory.
  • Output: describes the output bundle. This argument is optional. If not present, the output file will be input file.
  • Metadata: describes the metadata file. This argument is optional. By default, it tries with a metadata.xml file (in the same directory as the build.xml file). If the default file is not present, it tries to use only iPOJO annotations.
  • IgnoreAnnotations: if set to "true", the manipulator skips annotations processing.

Combining the iPOJO Ant Task and BND

The iPOJO Ant Task requires an input bundle. BND is a tools simplifying bundle creation. So, it is possible to combine the two tools to create your bundle automatically. The following build.xml shows you an example of combination.


<project default="main" basedir=".">
        <target     <target name="bnd">
           <taskdef       <!-- Change to use the latest BND version –>
      <taskdef resource="aQute/bnd/ant/"
             classpath         classpath="bnd-0.0.178.jar"/> <!-- Change to use the latest BND version -->
              eclipse         eclipse="true"
              failok         failok="false"
              exceptions         exceptions="true"
         <     </target>    target>

 <target     <target name="main" depends="bnd">
               <echo message="Call main"/>
      <!-- Change the path to point on the iPOJO Ant task jar -->
        <taskdef       <taskdef name="ipojo" classpath
        classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.ant-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" classnametask.PojoTask"
        classpath="org.apache.felix.ipojo.task.PojoTaskant-0.8.1.jar" /> <!---Change the path to point on the iPOJO Ant task jar -->
               metadata         metadata = "meta.xml"
<     </target>

The first target creates the bundle with BND. More details on the BND Ant Task are available here. To combine the BND output and the iPOJO input, the iPOJO input need to be the same as the BND file but with the ".jar" extension. For instance, the BND file is foo.bnd, so the input jar must be foo.jar.
To be sure that the BND bundle is already created, you can add the "depends" clause in the target using the iPOJO task to the target creating the bundle.

However, it is possible to create only one target doing the two operations as:


<target name="main">
  <taskdef resource>
    <!-- Change to use the latest BND version -->
             classpath       classpath="bnd-0.0.178.jar"/>

      <!-- Change the path to use the latest BND version point on the iPOJO Ant task jar -->
  <taskdef       <taskdef name="ipojo" classpath
        classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.ant-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" classnametask.IPojoTask"
        classpath="org.apache.felix.ipojo.task.IPojoTaskant-0.8.1.jar"/> <!---Change the path to point on the iPOJO Ant task jar -->

              eclipse         eclipse="true"
              failok         failok="false"
              exceptions         exceptions="true"
              files         files="foo.bnd"/>         <ipojo

              metadata       metadata = "meta.xml"/>


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