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Writing a webservice for ServiceMix using Apache CXF

This tutorial teaches you


how you can do WSDL service a webservice for ServiceMix , which use using the CXF framework.

Goals of the document

This example shows how to expose a service in webservice with servicemix-cxf-se/bc, beginning starting from the
pure WSDL , and exposing it over via servicemix-cxf-bc.

Description of



This service webservice is a simple hello-user example. User demands your name and service greats him.

CXF service framework

The client will send a user name and the webservice will reply with a greeting.

Apache CXF Framework

The Apache CXF framework is an open source framework Apache CXF service framework is open source framework, which helps you develop services webservices using frontend programming APIs , like JAX-WS.
These services can communicate over many protocols. For example: SOAP, XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP. They can communicate over many transports.
For example HTTP, JMS or JBI.


  • using Maven to develop JBI service units and service assembly
  • using xbean.xml files to configure routes and services in ServiceMix
  • writing WSDL file to provide define our servicewebservice
  • writing a java class to implement our service
titleSuggestions for improvements
  • construct a specific usecase (for example to retrieve information about a person etc.)
  • tell the user what will be created in this tutorial and explain CXF -> Webservice relation)
  • better specification of the requirements for this tutorial
  • let the user create a project folder somewhere and only work there -> not in SMX_HOME etc.
  • use the servicemix-project-root archetype for creating the project
  • use smx-arch to create the SU's and SA's and explain what is generated there and what it is used for
  • don't copy source code around ... this is not needed if the project is set up correctly
  • optional: graphical tool (eclipse?) to generate a wsdl ?
  • try to not use headlines like 'Creating our second SU' as it tells the user nothing
  • explain how the source code is generated from the wsdl file
  • add a description how to deploy the SA to smx. Maybe some people can't remember (wink)
  • check if the test html page really works for both Linux and Windows
  • add some kind of conclusion to the end of the tutorial maybe also with some tipps how to do further
  • webservice

After finishing this tutorial you have a working webservice. Feel free to play around with it and adding improvements.


  • basic knowledges about development in Java
  • basic knowledges about web services (especialy about WSDL file)
  • basic knowledges about deployment services in ServiceMix


Start this tutorial (← 1.01 Creating the Maven project)

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