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  1. To deploy the EJB application on to server Export the EJB application as a jar file. Right Click on SimpleEJB application and Select Export->EJB JAR File as shown in the figure.

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  2. Browse to the Destination of your choice and Select Finish. This will export the SimpleEJB application as a jar file. This jar will be later deployed on to Geronimo server
    titleWhy to Export EJB? Why cannot I use Eclipse for deploying the EJB application on the server?

    Due to some limitation Eclipse is not able to deploy the EJB application on to server. This issue will be fixed very soon.

  3. Start the server and Launch the Administrative Console. Under Applications, Select Deploy New and Deploy the SimpleEJB.jar on the server.
  4. Once the Deployment is successful. Open <GERONIMO_HOME>/var/log/server.log. Find the following in server.log
    Code Block
    titleSnippet from server.log after deployment of SimpleEJB
    18:16:39,750 INFO  [startup] Jndi(name=CountryCapitalBeanLocal) --> Ejb(deployment-id=SimpleEJB/CountryCapitalBean)
    18:16:39,750 INFO  [startup] Jndi(name=CountryCapitalBeanRemote) --> Ejb(deployment-id=SimpleEJB/CountryCapitalBean)
    As can be seen openEJB container after deployment suggests the Remote as well as Local lookup names.
    In this case since the SimpleEJB application and Java Application Client are running on different instances of JVM. We need to have the CountryCapitalBeanRemote as the lookup name.
  5. Under Eclipse Right Click on the Application Client project and Run as a Java application.

Sample Input1: India

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Sample Input2: China

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Sample Input3: United States Of America

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Sample Input4: France

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