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For example, the following Geronimo-web.xml is the deployment plan of a web application that connects to a datasource deployed on DB2 and retrieves data.web.xml and geronimo-web.xml are the deployment plans of a web application that connects to a datasource deployed on DB2 and retrieves data.

Sample web.xml

Code Block

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<web-app xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation="" version="2.5">


Sample geronimo-web.xml 

Code Block
<web-app xmlns=""

                 <sys:groupId> samples</sys:groupId>




 Please Please observe the different namespace prefixes and corresponding namespaces used to configure dependencies and resource mapping. Also observe how the Datasource name 'jdbc/DataSource' in web.xml is mapped to 'jdbc/EmployeeDatasource' in geronimo-web.xml.

The deployment plan starts with <sys:moduleId> to provide a unique module id configuration for the web application. In dependencies section, using <sys:dependency>, a dependency on "samples/EmployeeDatasource/2.1/rar" is configured. This is the module id of Datasource that connects to DB2. The web context root is configured by <context-root>. Since there is no namespace prefix for this tag, it is going to be the default namespace The datasource name "jdbc/Datasource" is mapped to "SystemDatasource" using <naming:resource-ref>.
