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This schema is not container-independentspecific, meaning that it can be used to deploy a web application to either of the Tomcat or Jetty web containers supported by Geronimo. If it is necessary to deploy to a specific container, one of the two following container-specific schemas can be used instead. These allow container-specific configuration elements that are only understood by either the Tomcat or Jetty web container.

This schema is container-independent, meaning that it can be used to deploy to Simileither of the Tomcat or Jetty web containers supported by Geronimo. If it is necessary to deploy to a specific container, one of the following schemas can be used instead. These allow container-specific configuration elements that are only understood by either the Tomcat or Jetty web container. Additionally, while the container-independent Finally, while the generic schema has no container-specific elements, it does faciliate the inclusion of container-specific elements by using the <container-config> element. This element is described in more detail below.


Code Block
title<naming:web-container> Example
<web-app xmlns=""









    <gbean name="TomcatWebAppContainer" class="org.apache.geronimo.tomcat.TomcatContainer">
  <attribute name="catalinaHome">var/catalina</attribute>
<reference name="EngineGBean">
        <sys:groupId>default</sys:groupId><reference name="ServerInfo">
         <sys:version>1.0</sys:version><reference name="WebManager">


    <gbean    <sys:hidden-classes/>
name="TomcatWebAppEngine" class="org.apache.geronimo.tomcat.EngineGBean">
         <sys:non-overridable-classes/><attribute name="className">org.apache.geronimo.tomcat.TomcatEngine</attribute>
        <sys:inverse-classloading/<attribute name="initParams">




    <naming:web-container> <reference name="DefaultHost">

      <gbean name="TomcatWebAppContainer" class="org.apache.geronimo.tomcat.TomcatContainer"> </reference>
        <attribute<references name="catalinaHome">var/catalina</attribute>Hosts">
        <reference name="EngineGBean">
        <reference name="ServerInfo    </pattern>
        <reference name="RealmGBean">
        <reference name="TomcatValveChain">
        <reference name="WebManagerLifecycleListenerChain">

    <gbean name="TomcatWebAppEngineTomcatWebAppHost" class="org.apache.geronimo.tomcat.EngineGBeanHostGBean">
        <attribute name="className">org.apache.geronimocatalina.tomcatcore.TomcatEngine<StandardHost</attribute>
        <attribute name="initParams">
        <reference name="DefaultHost">appBase=

    <references<gbean name="HostsTomcatWebAppConnector" class="org.apache.geronimo.tomcat.ConnectorGBean">
        <attribute name="name">HTTP</attribute>
     <attribute name="host">localhost</attribute>
<attribute name="port">8081</attribute>            </pattern>
        <reference name="RealmGBean">
         <!-- Use port 8081 instead of the default of 8080 -->
    <attribute name="maxHttpHeaderSizeBytes">8192</attribute>   </reference>
        <reference<attribute name="TomcatValveChainmaxThreads">>150</attribute>
            <name>FirstValve</name><attribute name="minSpareThreads">25</attribute>
        </reference><attribute name="maxSpareThreads">75</attribute>
        <reference<attribute name="LifecycleListenerChainhostLookupEnabled">>false</attribute>
        <attribute name="redirectPort">8453</attribute>

    <gbean<attribute name="TomcatWebAppHost" class="org.apache.geronimo.tomcat.HostGBean">acceptQueueSize">100</attribute>
        <attribute name="className">org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost<connectionTimeoutMillis">20000</attribute>
        <attribute name="initParamsuploadTimeoutEnabled">>false</attribute>
        <reference    name=localhost"TomcatContainer">


    <gbean name="TomcatWebAppConnector" class="org.apache.geronimo.tomcat.ConnectorGBean">
        <attribute name="name">HTTP</attribute>
        <attribute name="host">localhost</attribute>
        <attribute name="port">8081</attribute>                             <!-- Use port 8081 instead of the default of 8080 -->
        <attribute name="maxHttpHeaderSizeBytes">8192</attribute>   
        <attribute name="maxThreads">150</attribute>
        <attribute name="minSpareThreads">25</attribute>
        <attribute name="maxSpareThreads">75</attribute>
        <attribute name="hostLookupEnabled">false</attribute>
        <attribute name="redirectPort">8453</attribute>
        <attribute name="acceptQueueSize">100</attribute>
        <attribute name="connectionTimeoutMillis">20000</attribute>
        <attribute name="uploadTimeoutEnabled">false</attribute>
        <reference name="TomcatContainer">



The <container-config> XML element uses the Geronimo default namespace for the geronimo-web.xml file that is described here:

This element is used for the configuration of elements specific to the underlying Geronimo web container (i.e., Jetty or
Tomcat). An example geronimo-web.xml file is shown below using the <container-config> elements for the Tomcat web container:



As previously mentioned, there are actually three schemas that can be used for the geronimo-web.xml file. The first is container-independent and can be used to deploy a web application to either of the web containers supported by Geronimo. The second two are container-dependent that contain elements specific to either the Tomcat or Jetty web container:

  1. Added
  2. Added
  3. Added

Which to use is left to the discretion of the user. If a web application is meant to be deployed to both Tomcat and Jetty, then the generic schema is typically used, and if a web application is meant to be deployed to only Tomcat or Jetty, then one of the container-specific schemas is typically used. However, another option is available since the generic schema allows the inclusion of the container-specific elements found in the container-specific schemas by using the <container-config> element. This allows the user to use the generic schema even when the web application requires container-specific configuration for Tomcat or Jetty (or both). An example geronimo-web.xml file is shown below using the <container-config> element to configure the Tomcat web container. Note that the <host>, <valve-chain>, and <tomcat-realm> elements are understood only by the Tomcat container, not Jetty:

Code Block
title<container-config> Example

<web-app xmlns=""

Code Block
title<container-config> Example

<web-app xmlns=""










        </naming:pattern>    <sys:type>car</sys:type>


        <tomcat xmlns="">


