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The <naming:web-container> XML element uses the Geronimo naming namespace, which is used to identify the common elements for resolving EJB references, resource references, and Web services references, and is described at It is used to specify a reference to a web-container specific GBean either via a pattern or via a link to a GBean. An example geronimo-web.xml file is shown below using the <naming:web-container> elements:


The <naming:abstract-naming-entry> XML element uses the Geronimo naming namespace, which is used to identify the common elements for resolving EJB references, resource references, and Web services references, and is described at It is an abstract element used as a generic element for multiple reference types.


The <naming:ejb-ref> XML element uses the Geronimo naming namespace, which is used to identify the common elements for resolving EJB references, resource references, and Web services references, and is described at It is used to map EJB references to EJB's in other applications using remote home and remote interface. The application which contains the EJB being referenced should either be in same EAR or should be included in dependency list of this application. Also note as the EJB's referenced are in a different JVM all the Client interfaces should also be included in current application.


The <naming:ejb-local-ref> XML element uses the Geronimo naming namespace, which is used to identify the common elements for resolving EJB references, resource references, and Web services references, and is described at It is used to map EJB references to EJB's in other applications using local home and local interface. The application which contains the EJB being referenced should either be in same EAR or should be included in dependency list of this application. Also note as the EJB's referenced are in a different JVM all the Client interfaces should also be included in current application.


The <naming:service-ref> XML element uses the Geronimo naming namespace, which is used to identify the common elements for resolving EJB references, resource references, and Web services references, and is described at It is used to map service references to service's in other applications. The application which contains the EJB being referenced should either be in same EAR or should be included in dependency list of this application.


The <naming:resource-ref> XML element uses the Geronimo naming namespace, which is used to identify the common elements for resolving EJB references, resource references, and Web services references, and is described at It is used to map resource references to resources's like JDBC resources, JMS resources, etc. configured outside the current application.


The <naming:resource-env-ref> XML element uses the Geronimo naming namespace, which is used to identify the common elements for resolving EJB references, resource references, and Web services references, and is described at It is used to map resource references to administrative objects deployed as a part of connectors.


The <naming:message-destination> XML element uses the Geronimo naming namespace, which is used to identify the common elements for resolving EJB references, resource references, and Web services references, and is described at It is used to configure a JMS queue or topic which acts like a destination for the messages delivered.
