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By rebalancing the Apache Ignite cluster, the distribution of primary and backup data copies would be balanced according to applied affinity function on the new set of peer nodesImbalanced data increases the likelihood of data loss and can affect peer peers utilization during data requests. On the other hand, a balanced set of data copies optimizes each Ignite peer requests load and each Ignite peer disk resources consumption.


  • Although all cache data is sent between peers in batches (GridDhtPartitionSupplyMessage used) it still processes entries one by one. Such an approach process has low impact with a pure in-memory Apache Ignite usage but it leads to additional fsync's fsyncs and logging WAL records with the Apache Ignite the native persistence enabled. 

    By default, setRebalanceThreadPoolSize is set to 1 and setRebalanceBatchSize to 512K which means that thousands of key-value pairs will be processed single-thread and individually. Such Such an approach impacts on: 
    • The extra unnecessary changes to keep node data structures up to date. Adding each entry record into CacheDataStore will traverse and modify each index tree N-times. It will allocate the space N-times within FreeList structure and will have to additionally store WAL page delta records with approximate complexity ~ O(N*log(N));
    • Batch with N-entries will produce N-records in WAL which might end up with N fsyncs (assume fsync WAL mode configuration enabled);
    • Increased the chance of huge JVM pauses. The more serving objects we produce by applying changes, the more often GC happens and the greater chance of JVM pauses arise;

  • The rebalancing procedure doesn't utilize the network and storage device throughout to its full extent even with enough meaningful values of setRebalanceThreadPoolSize. For instance, trying to use a common recommendation of N+1 threads ( – the number of CPU cores available) to increase rebalance speed will drammatically slowdown computation performance on demander node. This can be easily shown on the graphs below.

    CPU utilization (supplier, demaner)

    setRebalanceThreadPoolSize – 9; setRebalanceBatchSize – 512K;setRebalanceThreadPoolSize – 1; setRebalanceBatchSize – 512K;

Advantages of peer-2-peer balancing

One and the most common case to which the peer-2-peer partition file balancing can by apply – is adding a completely new node or the set of new nodes to the cluster. Such a scenario implies fully relocation of cache partition files of all caches (suppose RendezvousAffinityFunction used for all of them) to the new node over lower-level socket network communication. The partitition transmitting signified the following fundamental things:

  • All data stored in the single partition file will be transmitted within single batch (equal to partition file) much faster and without the serealization\deserialization overhead. To roughly estimate the superiority of partition file transmitting using network sockets the native Linux scp\rsync commands can be used. The test environment showed us results – 270MB\s over the current 40MB\s rebalance speed.
    The zero-copy file transmission can be used [1]. The contents of a file can be transmitted without copying them through the user space. Internally, it depends on the underlying operating system's support for zero copy. For instance, in UNIX and various flavors of Linux, the Java method FileChannel.transfertTo() call is routed to the sendfile() system call;



Apache Ignite needs to support peer-2-peer cache partition file transfer using zero-copy algorithm based on extension of communication SPI. 


  1. Zero Copy I: User-Mode Perspective –
  2. Example: Efficient data transfer through zero copy –
  3. Persistent Store Overview#6.PartitionRecovery