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New Proposal

Special Note

Univesrity project Sept 08- May 09

Original Authors

Tanuja Varkanthe, Ganesh Mathrubootham, Dave Johnson


You can upload any type of content to a Roller weblog and include that content on weblog entries as images or Podcasts, but the tools for doing so are lacking. The interface that allows you to browse your file uploads does not display thumbnails, it is not sortable and not pagable. Once you have uploaded an image or Podcast, you have to cut and paste the URL into your blog post. This project will replace that old File Upload user interface with a more interactive and modern UI for browsing and choosing media and automatically adding the correct HTML markup to blog entries.


Basic requirements to be satisfied by this proposal:

Replace Roller's existing File Upload pages with:

  • Sortable, searchable, hierarchical and tabular display of uploaded files
  • Display small thumbnails for all images
  • Ability to select any file and create a Podcast blog post for it
  • Ability to select multiple image, create blog post of them
  • Add photo-browser feature to Roller's Weblog Editor
    • Allow user to pick image from File Uploads to be included in blog post
    • User can pick multiple figures for collage

More detailed requirements to be satisfied by this proposal:

File upload interface

  • Upload new file -> Specify more information about the file being uploaded (metadata such as file name, description, tags )
    • Ability to store this metadata
  • List the files
    • Hierarchical display (show all folders with expand/collapse buttons, no thumbnail)
    • Tabular display (shows just one folder at a time, with links for other folders)
      • Display thumbnail for images
      • Display thumbnail for videos (with play/pause buttons)
      • Display icon for other kind of files.
      • Have pagination
    • Have the ability to switch between hierarchical and tabular display.
  • Manage uploaded files
    • Move files across folders.
    • Delete
    • Rename, edit tags
  • Ability to define security level for the uploaded file (Public/private)
    • Ones made "public" can be made available as a library to other bloggers. (This will lead to a whole new functionality of media
      library which can be browsed by any other blogger)
    • Force blogger to make a private file public, when they try to publish a blog post after adding a private file.
  • Ability to sort from tabular display.
  • Ability to filter file lists by
    • file name
    • file type
    • file extension
    • uploaded date range
    • Size
  • Ability to save links instead of physically uploading the file ( pointers to files in the roller media library, to public URLs etc).
  • Ability to create a blog post out of uploaded files
    • After file is uploaded, provide option to create a blog post out of it.
    • Ability to select one or more files from the list and create a blog post out of the selected files.

Create blog post interface

  • Add media from uploaded file
    • browse and choose uploaded file
      • Allow search by file name, description and tag.
    • If it is an image, specify dimension and layout to be used in the blog post.
  • Add media directly (upload file as part of this)
    • Browse the file to be uploaded
    • Input file name, description and tags
    • If it is an image, specify dimension and layout to be used in the blog post.
  • Add media directly, pointing to an external source (youtube video, picture etc)
  • Add media from media library (library built from all files uploaded and shared by user communiity)
    • search by tag, name and description.
    • pick the selected one to be displayed.
    • If it is an image, specify dimension and layout to be used in the blog post.

Other minor enhancements

Choose text and insert links easily.


  • ATOM publishing protocol for uploaded files - change the structure to be hierarchical and add the metadata information (name, description tags) for each file.
  • Support RSS/ATOM feeds for "latest images that you uploaded".


Not yet discussed


Yet to add.


Please comment on the Roller-dev mailing list.