Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


And then, the output from Acme to the customers:

Tutorial Tasks

To get through this scenario, we're going to break it down into smaller pieces, implement and test those, and then try to assemble the big scenario and test that.

Here's what we'll try to accomplish in this tutorial:

  1. Create a Maven build for the project
  2. Get sample files for the customer Excel, CSV, and XML input
  3. Get a sample file for the canonical XML format that Acme's accounting system uses
  4. Create an XSD for the canonical XML format
  5. Create JAXB POJOs corresponding to the canonical XSD
  6. Create an XSLT stylesheet to convert the Customer 1 (XML over FTP) messages to the canonical format
  7. Create a unit test to ensure that a simple Camel route invoking the XSLT stylesheet works
  8. Create a POJO that converts a List<List<String>> to the above JAXB POJOs
    • Note that Camel can automatically convert CSV input to a List of Lists of Strings representing the rows and columns of the CSV, so we'll use this POJO to handle Customer 2 (CSV over HTTP)
  9. Create a unit test to ensure that a simple Camel route invoking the CSV processing works
  10. Create a POJO that converts a Customer 3 Excel file to the above JAXB POJOs (using POI to read Excel)
  11. Create a unit test to ensure that a simple Camel route invoking the Excel processing works
  12. Create a POJO that reads an input message, takes an attachment off the message, and replaces the body of the message with the attachment
    • This is assuming for Customer 3 (Excel over e-mail) that the e-mail contains a single Excel file as an attachment, and the actual e-mail body is throwaway
  13. Build a set of Camel routes to handle the entire input (Customer -> Acme) side of the scenario.
  14. Build unit tests for the Camel input.
  15. TODO: Tasks for the output (Acme -> Customer) side of the scenario


Initial Work on Customer 1 Input (XML over FTP)

To get a start on Customer 1, we'll create an XSLT template to convert the Customer 1 sample file into the canonical XML format, write a small Camel route to test it, and build that into a unit test. If we get through this, we can be pretty sure that the XSLT template is valid and can be run safely in Camel.

Create an XSLT template

Start with the Customer 1 sample input. You want to create an XSLT template to generate XML like the canonical XML sample above – an invoice element with line-item elements (one per item in the original XML document). If you're especially clever, you can populate the current date and order total elements too.

My sample XSLT template isn't that smart, but it'll get you going if you don't want to write one of your own.

Create a unit test

Initial Work on Customer 2 Input (CSV over HTTP)
