Versions Compared


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JIRA contains the entire project history, but as the project has matured our use of JIRA has not kept up. This page proposes some changes to the structure of our JIRA project, to capture more information, simplify the data entry and nudge people towards more complete and accurate data entry. This will better allow us to measure release quality over time and identify when Cassandra is ready for release.


To simplify the maintenance of JIRA, it would help to remove any unnecessary concepts. Mostly these are concepts we do not use in practice, except very spottily (so as to make them useless).


New Priority

Logically Replaces

Migrate From



Wish Issue Type

Wish Issue Type 

 Feature request that has no commitment from anyone to be worked on.








It wasn't clear what Minor or Major meant, but priority is a relative concept - a 'normal' is our logical baseline, and the default for a new issue


Rest of Major


For tickets that community members plan to prioritise over other outstanding work, but has no immediate urgency




There's limited logical distinction between Critical and Blocker; it seems to make more sense to have a single 'do ASAP' tag. This should be limited to issues that need to be resolved prior to the next release.


This field will be required, discussed further in the Workflow section below.






Persistent Corruption / Loss

Corruption that persists, and may propagate across the cluster


Response Corruption / Loss

Corruption that does not propagate or persist, only results in a client receiving erroneous responses


Semantic Failure

The logical behaviour is either not to spec, or the spec is faulty/ambiguous


Consistency Failure

Apparently successful action, but with lower consistency than required


Test Failure

A test is broken - if this turns out to be a legitimate bug, it should transition to the bug's category once diagnosed


Response Crash

An operation does not succeed/respond because of a crash while servicing it, without affecting process stability


Process Crash

An isolated exceptional state occurs that brings down the affected node


Cluster Crash

A correlated exceptional state occurs across the cluster, bringing down a multiplicity of nodes



Apparently unavailable, when should be available


Resource Management

Either a resource leak or overcommit


Slow Use Case

A specific use case with suboptimal characteristics that have not yet been accommodated


Performance Bug/Regression

Unintended performance behaviour, including e.g. exceptions stalling compactions


Other Exception

An exception is being thrown, that is not coinciding with another category of degradation


Information Leakage



Privilege Escalation



Denial of Service


Remote code execution

Required. Only provided as an option for the Feature and Improvement issue types.


Currently it is easy for the project to miss a ticket, and for that ticket to fall through the cracks indefinitely.
At the same time, user reports cannot be expected to fill out all of the required fields accurately.
It's proposed that we introduce a new initial state named 'Triage' that has no required fields, and that anybody may file.
To transition to the Open state, you must be a committer contributor in JIRA (or, perhaps, we can introduce a new role for those
on the way to committershipequivalent to able to assign tickets), and must ensure the required fields have been correctly filled out before doing so.


  • Component
  • Priority
  • Complexity
  • Bug/Change Category
  • Severity (if bug)
  • Discovered By (if bug)
Required fields on transition to '


Patch Available'
  • Impacts
  • Test and Documentation Plan
Required fields on transition to '


Review in Progress'
  • Reviewers

Required fields on transition to 'Resolved'
  • Since Version (if bug)
  • Fix Versions
