Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents


This page lists the numerous actions required to make an Apache OpenOffice release happen. Initially, it will cover a simple point release, without major user interface changes. It can be expanded later to cover more cases.


  • Pick a Release Manager, by lazy consensus unless there are multiple candidates.
  • Create a SVN branch from a previous branch or from trunk. This has to be discussed and agreed on the dev@ mailing list.
    From anywhere on a machine with SVN access, just run:
    $ svn copy \
    -m "Branch off 4.1.6 from HEAD of 4.1.5"

  • Select issues and enhancements to go in the releases that can be accepted as a release blocker.
  • Only the Release Manager should grant or deny requested issues:
    • This is done by setting the release blocker flag in the respective Bugzilla (BZ ) issue (? = ask for blocker, + = grant as blocker, - = deny as blocker).
    • See BZ 127168 as example.
      Make sure that your BZ user account has the permissions for the groups "relman", "qa-team", "editbugs", and "canconfirm" to be able to edit the issues as it is needed. Ask your BZ admin to get these permissions set.


  • source/ - more on this below
  • binaries/ - they do include SDK, but they do NOT include kid (kid = keyID, which is a help for translators to identify specific strings)

The structure must not be changed since the scripting on the download pages assume it is identical to any former release.


  • Upload builds using svn mv to ASF Dist server (dist area) - the target SVN URL has the pattern and this can be done before or after the copy to SourceForge.

  • Since 2017, OpenOffice is not on the Apache mirrors anymore. It it unlikely that the Infrastructure team will change that. But when OpenOffice is back on the Apache mirrors, then the Infrastructure team needs to know about the new release and the following notification is becoming a MUST DO again:


    The Infrastructure team needs to know about an upcoming release to be able to prepare servers and resources and to make sure they are up and running. Write a mail to and tell them what can be expected (number of files, total file size, directory structure, etc.). See for further details. You have to do this before executing svn move !

  • Upload to SF SourceForge mirrors (copy requires just a few hours, with the normal rsync instructions shown; note: project name has changed since 4.1.2 and now the rsync target must be written as


    Make sure it's going into a "staged" directory.

    STEP BY STEP: (assuming you updated the ASF dist server first)

    1) Open - Add Folder, name: 4.1.6 and mark it as staged (this will automatically apply to all contents)

    2) svn export (in case you don't already have a local checkout)

    3) Remove all checksums/hashes/SVN internal files since we don't want them on third-party servers:

    4)      rsync -avz --exclude '*.asc' --exclude '*.sha256' --exclude '*.sha512' --exclude '*.svn' 4.1.6/

  • Make sure builds are on the ASF Archive server


    Hash files must not be stored on public servers but only on ASF servers. The files get copied automatically when the files get uploaded to the ASF Dist server (dist area).

  • SourceForge: Update to "Latest Version"
    Set the attribute "Latest Version" to all full installation files for every platform.

  • Update Feed: New check.Update for the aoo<version> area. The update notification will create a high load on the SourceForge mirror servers as a lot of users will then update their AOO installation. This must be avoided. Therefore this task has to be done always some days after the release.

Create new SVN tag


Do not create any SVN tag as long as the release is not officially announced and public available. Otherwise the created build files cannot be published when a late show stopper will be found. This must be avoided in any case.


Requires a Confluence account that can edit OpenOffice pages. Create a page for the release as a child of Releases. Select that page, click "Create" in the Confluence menu bar, and create a blank page. Copy the planning for a previous release. Under that page, create a release notes page that can also start as a copy of prior release notes. Edit to reflect reality.


Create templates for the release planning and release notes pages.


  • Release Notes
  • Press Release


Give translators a heads-up of 48 hours before the release should happen. This should enable a parallel press release.


Localized download webpages


Every language has it's its own website area that needs to be updated.


Of course the languages depend on the release. The most important languages - with it's its ISO codes are the following (ordered by download popularity):

en-US, fr, de, it, es, ja, ru ,pl, nl, zh-tw, cs, zh-cn, el, pt, da, no, xx (template files)

Do not forget the template files with code "xx".


Localized homepages


Finally, don't forget to publish the website.


The new data is not shown after it was published. There is a delay due to a cron job that runs maybe every 24h.



The webpage itself does not need to be changed. The download numbers are taken from
The file just needs to be updated with new numbers. As soon as the file is then committed and the website published, the new download numbers are shown in the chart.

Please see for instructions how to get new download numbers.


Tasks after the release is public



  • This requires admin privileges on Bugzilla


  • Add new version to the UI field "Version". This has to be done for every active product via "Edit versions".
  • Deactivate (don't delete) previous version in the UI field "Milestone". This has to be done for every active product via "Edit milestones". Because the previously released version is done and will not be updated, then it shouldn't be able to choose it.
  • Add new version to the UI field "Latest Confirmation via the custom field "cf_lastconfirmedver". This needs to be set only ones which is used for all products.


Add new revision to available list.

Update Notifications

Apache Project Checker

After the new release is published and announced, the Release Manager should have a look at the project checker to make sure that htere are no problems:

What has to be checked?

  • The section "problems" should have a green "none".
  • The section "status" should have a green "perfect".
  • The section "signing keys" should list all keys with "GOODSIG".
  • The section "signature status" should list with "GOODSIG" and "sig is ok".

In general, all data listed on the webpage should make sense and does not point to a problem.

When to do this?

It depends on the following:

All together, doing this after the release is announced should be enough.

Delete the previous release

OpenOffice is using a lot of spache for each release. To keep it at a minimum it was agreed with the Infrastructure team to delete the previous release when the new one is published and no problems arised in theshort time frame.

What has to be done?

Make sure that on is only the new release. Delete the older release


svn delete

When to do this?

Also here, doing this after the release is announced should be enough.

Update Notifications

Change update script Change update script so users are notified of new version when they start AOO:


Usually done 1 - 3 weeks after the formal announcement to avoid a high traffic load on the SourceForge mirror servers which must be avoided. hash as <filename>.sha256