Versions Compared


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Comment: Made steps 1 and 2 easier to follow, marked some steps (including forking) optional



Instructions for pulling the sources, building and starting Apache Fineract CN. This guide assumes that default OS is Debian/Ubuntu flavours of Linux with some adjustments for developers using MacOS.

Step 1 : What You Will Need


What you need to have installedDebian/Ubuntu notesMac notes
Google ChromeGoogle Chrome On Ubuntu 16.06


 LTSGoogle Chrome 
Ensure that you


have Oracle Java SDK 8


You can



 to do that.


Install git using This Article


Install MySQL 5.7 Using This Guide 


Install maven using mkyong & Ensure that artifacts are stored in $USER_HOME/.m2/repository


Use sdkman to install Gradle 4.5


Install cassandra 3.11 using this guide


Ensure you have Node 6.10.0+ and NPM 3+ installed.


Install  Nginx using this guide


Install Node packages using npm i 

If you're not using a Mac, then Skip Adjustment for Mac developers below

Adjustment for Mac developers


See this tutorial at mkyong.
You might have multiple Java versions
installed so make sure that Java 8 is used.


-version # should display 
java version "1.8.0_



This tutorial teaches how to choose the correct Java version like this:

export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -d 64 -v "1.8


launchctl setenv JAVA_HOME `/usr/libexec/java_home`

Install GitInstall git using This ArticleHere we use


Homebrew approach (not the only package manager but one that is preferred on mac) 
  • Install homebrew to make life easier


  • See how to instructions. 

  • on older macs, you may first need to 


> Brew help   #gets the list of commands  


  • xcode-select --install


Homebrew has "kegs" for each of the various libraries and software pieces 

  • you can specify version "@version.number", without the "@" sign brew assumes the most recent stable release 
  • you can install all at same go: brew install git, maven, gradle, cassandra, npm, node

    brew install git
Install MySQL 5.7Install MySQL 5.7 Using This Guide 
brew install mysql@5.7  
and to start the service


: brew services start mysql@5.7 

> brew git, maven, gradle, cassandra, npm node  #installs them all in one go 


Optional step: install Maven and ensure
that artifacts are stored in
Install maven using mkyong brew install maven

Optional step: install Gradle

This step is optional as all the Fineract CN
applications package Gradle wrapper into
the project, run it: ./gradlew

Use sdkman to install Gradle 4.5brew install gradle

You need NoSQL database
Cassandra 3.11 running.

Alternative: If you have Docker installed you
have the option to not install Cassandra and
run it from inside a container like this:

docker run -p9042:9042 -p7199:7199 cassandra:3.11

Install cassandra 3.11 using this guide

brew install cassandra

brew services start cassandra

Node 6.10+ and NPM 3+Ensure you have Node 6.10.0+ and NPM 3+ installed.

brew install node

npm (node package manager for javascript) is another package manager, homebrew still treats it like a keg to be installed, instructions


Node packages npm i npm i 
Optional step: Install NginxInstall Nginx using this guide

Step 2: (Optionally fork and) clone the repositories

You have two options.

> brew services start cassandra # starts the cassandra service - noSQL database 

Step 2: Clone The Repositories


Fork the Apache Fineract CN repositories to yourGithubHandle


  1. You clone Fineract CN repositories directly
    • later if you want to contribute to some microservice then you have to create a fork and switch to that fork to create a pull request
    • this way you don't have to fork anything
    • Run the script using `bash apache`, 
  2. You fork all the Apache Fineract CN repositories to yourGithubHandle and check out code from there.
    • yourGithubHandle`, 

Feedback Note :  Ensure that you get BUILD SUCCESSFUL after iteration for EACH repository. Also ensure that artifacts show up in $USER_HOME/.m2/repository/org/apache/fineract/cn/

Step 3: Orchestrate Microservices Using The Demo-server

TipNoteOn average the build will take at least 30 - 40 mins to complete when building on 8 (x86-64) dedicated cores, >=16 GB of memory and an SSD drive.


Notification Service: http://localhost:2033/notification/v1

Step 4: Run The Fims Web App

  • Open a new terminal And cd into ‘integration-tests/fineract-cn-fims-web-app'
  • Run ‘npm i
