Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Had to update POM to use scpexe in the distributionManagement URLs
  • mvn clean release:prepare at components/pom.xml level
  • mvn release:perform at components/pom.xml level
    • FAILED: Doxia package rename killed the build.
      NOTE: ALWAYS perform 'install' phase when doing release:prepare, to be sure.
    • Added compatibility layer to maven-reporting-api and maven-reporting-impl to translate org.codehaus.doxia.* calls to org.apache.maven.doxia.* classes.
    • Committed changes to maven-2.0.1 tag
    • Retried mvn release:perform...SUCCESS
      • mvn assembly:assembly from components/maven-core/pom.xml level
      • Signed and uploaded as RC
      • Noted that binary size was 150% normal
      • Retried mvn clean assembly:assembly (NOTE the 'clean' phase called here.)
      • Signed and uploaded RC binaries
      • Announced RC.
      • Moved RC binaries to release download area next morning
    • mvn clean install release:prepare release:perform at components/maven-artifact-ant/pom.xml level.
      • mvn clean assembly:assembly...SUCCESS
      • Signed and uploaded binaries to release download area
    • mvn clean install release:prepare release:perform at components/maven-embedder/pom.xml level.
      • mvn clean assembly:assembly...SUCCESS
      • Signed and uploaded binaries to release download area
    • Updated website files to reflect 2.0.1 release:
      • site/src/site/apt/download.apt
      • site/src/site/xdoc/index.xml
      • Performed mvn site site:deploy at site/pom.xml level.
    • mvn -DperformRelease=true -N deploy at plugins/pom.xml level.
      • NOTE: It seems that the release plugin doesn't like the -N will iterate over all modules anyway.

Announced Release

  • Sent to announce at and users at
    • Had to resend because my from: address wasn't an address...