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Comment: CAMEL-907


By default the return value is set on the outbound message body.

For example a POJO such as:

Code Block
public class Bar {

    public String doSomething(String body) {
      // process the in body and return whatever you want
      return "Bye World";


For example you could write a method like this (showing also a feature in Camel, the @MessageDrive @MessageDriven annotation):

title@MessageDriven requires camel-spring

Using the @MessageDriven annotations requires camel-spring that uses the org.apache.camel.spring.CamelBeanPostProcessor to perform the setup for this consumer and the needed bean bindings.

Code Block
public class Foo {

    @MessageDriven(uri = "activemq:my.queue")
    public void doSomething(String body) {
		// process the inbound message here



Using Annotations to bind parameters to the Exchange

title[Bean] component

The annotations below is part of camel-core and its Bean component and thus does not require camel-spring. These annotations is to be used with the Bean component.

The annotations can be used to bind in situations where traditional methods would result in ambiguous methods. So by adding annotations you can decorate your bean to help Camel invoke the correct method.





To bind to an inbound message body


To bind to an inbound message header


To bind to the Map of the inbound message headers


To bind to the Map of the outbound message headers


To bind to a named property on the exchange


To bind to the property map on the exchange

For example:

Code Block
public class Foo {
    @MessageDriven(uri = "activemq:my.queue")
    public void doSomething(@Header('JMSCorrelationID') String correlationID, @Body String body) {
		// process the inbound message here



You can also use any of the Languages supported in Camel to bind expressions to method parameters when using bean integration. For example you can use any of these annotations...:




Inject a Bean expression


Inject a BeanShell expression


Inject a Constant expression


Inject an EL expression


Inject a Groovy expression


Inject a Header expression


Inject a JavaScript expression


Inject an OGNL expression


Inject a PHP expression


Inject a Python expression


Inject a Ruby expression


Inject an Simple expression


Inject an XPath expression


Inject an XQuery expression

For example:

Code Block
public class Foo {
    @MessageDriven(uri = "activemq:my.queue")
    public void doSomething(@Path@XPath("/foo/bar/text()") String correlationID, @Body String body) {
		// process the inbound message here

Advanced example using @Bean

And an example of using the the @Bean binding annotation, where you can use a POJO where you can do whatever java code you like:

Code Block

public class Foo {
    @MessageDriven(uri = "activemq:my.queue")
    public void doSomething(@Bean("myCorrelationIdGenerator") String correlationID, @Body String body) {
		// process the inbound message here

And then we can have a spring bean with the id myCorrelationIdGenerator where we can compute the id.

Code Block

public class MyIdGenerator {

    private UserManager userManager;

    public String generate(@Header( name = "user" ) String user, @Body String payload) throws Exception {
       User user = iserManager.lookupUser(user);
       String userId = user.getPrimaryId();
       String id = userId + generateHashCodeForPayload(payload);
       return id;

The POJO MyIdGenerator has one public method that accepts two parameters. However we have also annotated this one with the @Header and @Body annotation to help Camel know what to bind here from the Message from the Exchange being processed.

Of course this could be simplified a lot if you for instance just have a simple id generator. But we wanted to demonstrate that you can use the Bean Binding annotations anywhere.

Code Block
public class MySimpleIdGenerator {

    public static int generate()  {
       // generate a unique id
       return 123;

And finally we just need to remember to have our bean registered in the Spring Registry:

Code Block

   <bean id="myCorrelationIdGenerator" class="com.mycompany.MyIdGenerator"/>