Versions Compared


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However, this design could be problematic under certain conditions. When failed records are moved to a retry topic, the current thread has no way of passing it off to another thread and say "here, you could do this work for me so it doesn't hold up the line." Generally, a API which saves the user most implementation details seems to be favorable, therefore we will likely have to do most of the heavy lifting ourselves (that is implement the multithreading and the extra asynchronous processes ourselves, kinda like Samza). So we have some options to fix this issue:


  1. Positive sides: Failure handling is better now in that multiple threads are on the job. While a secondary thread takes care of the failed metadata, the primary thread could move on processing new ones. Since the failed metadata topic's workload is not constantly increasing, we will have time to process them. Once the secondary thread has finished with the failed records, it could be terminated, thus freeing up CPU resources and space. Latency would be reduced.
  2. Negative sides: Ordering is now harder to guarantee, and exactly-once is impossible because we have no way of knowing which records has been returned since asynchronous processes threads have no way of communicating between one another. 


For example, the original metadataForStore method will call processMetadataForStore(boolean inOrder) with inOrder having a value of true. If the configs indicated that we are processing using multiple threads, then an exception will be thrown

Impacts and Steps for Implementation

There are a series of ramifications that would result from this KIP that we would need to take into account. For starters, the metrics for KafkaStreams will need to be updated such that it could output the states of multiple threads if they are working in tandem on the same Kafka Streams application (but this will come later once we have laid the groundwork for the other methods)

Rejected Alternatives

If there are alternative ways of accomplishing the same thing, what were they? The purpose of this section is to motivate why the design is the way it is and not some other way.
