Versions Compared


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In this manner, we will be able to commit records in sequence. 

Proposed Changes

A new config will be added (like num.threads.per.task) which will define how many threads will be used per task. By default, it will be set to one, which means that the current behavior of Processor API will be replicated. However, if it is more than one, two or more StreamThreads, for instance, will be processing at the same time from a task. Ordering is guaranteed, therefore, the user does not have to deal with inexplicable out-of-order issues. There will be an added benefit of faster processing and commit speeds for that particular task.

Note: if the total number of threads is not divisible by the num.threads.per.task then a task will probably have the remainder of the threads assigned to it after division. An IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if < num.threads.per.task. Changes to Processor API TBD.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

There might be some problems if a new KafkaStreams instance is brought online in which it gives the offsets out of order when the user is expecting it to be in-order. So in order to maintain the old behavior, we will keep the current structure of Kafka Streams methods intact (although some of its statements might have to be tweaked to accommodate for the new change).
