Versions Compared


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The special [-, -] placeholder indicates that no trace details are being available at the moment of logging the record.

Accessing Apache HTrace APIs

The Apache CXF  abstracts as much of the tracer-specific APIs behind TracerContext as possible. However, sometimes there is a need to get access to Apache HTrace APIs in order to leverages the available instrumentations. To make it possible, TracerContext has a dedicated unwrap method which returns underlying Tracer instance.

Code Block
public JsonObject search(@QueryParam("q") final String query, @Context final TracerContext tracing) throws Exception {
    final Tracer tracer = tracing.unwrap(Tracer.class);
    // ...

Future Work

The Apache CXF is very proud to offer Apache HTrace integration. At the current stage, it was a conscious decision to keep the minimal API and provide the set of necessary features only. However, there is a strong commitment to evolve not only Apache HTrace integration, but the distributed tracing support in general.