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JIRA: : KAFKA-7800

Pull Request: PR#6903here

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Ideally, Kafka would support dynamically changing log levels and address all of the aforementioned concerns out of the box.

We propose extending the IncrementalAlterConfig/DescribeConfig Admin API with functionality for dynamically altering the a single broker's log level.

This approach would also pave the way for even finer-grained logging logic (e.g log DEBUG level only for a certain topic) and would allow us to leverage the existing AlterConfigPolicy for custom user-defined validation of log-level changes.
These log-level changes will be temporary and reverted on broker restart - we will not persist them anywhere.


Users most likely need two operations for managing log levels - reading the currently-set log levels and altering them. Thus, we will add new functionality to the DescribeConfig and IncrementalAlterConfigs Admin APIs.

Resource Type

To differentiate between the normal Kafka config settings and the application's log level settings, we will introduce a new resource type - BROKER_LOGGERS

public final class ConfigResource {
     * Type of resource.
    public enum Type {
        BROKER_LOGGER((byte8), BROKER((byte4), TOPIC((byte2), UNKNOWN((byte0);

When resource_type=BROKER_LOGGER:

  • we will use the existing ACL for the Cluster resource (as used in IncrementalAlterConfigs/DescribeConfigs operations).
  • we will only support one of five six values for the value of a config - the log levels (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL)

Log Level Definitions

Let's define the log levels we support and the syslog severity level (as defined in RFC-5424) they correspond to:

TRACE - intended to enable TRACE logs - syslog level 7 and above
DEBUG - intended to enable DEBUG logs - syslog level 7 and above
INFO - intended to enable INFO logs - syslog level 6 and above
WARN - intended to enable WARN logs - syslog level 4 and above
ERROR - intended to enable ERROR logs - syslog level 3 and above
FATAL - intended to enable FATAL logs - syslog level 0

To have these levels defined in code, we will create a new public class called LogLevelConfig, intended to be used by the AdminClient

Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.common.config;

 * This class holds definitions for log level configurations related to Kafka's application logging. See KIP-412 for additional information
public class LogLevelConfig {

     * The <code>FATAL</code> level designates a very severe error
     * that will lead the Kafka broker to abort.
    public static final String FATAL_LOG_LEVEL = "FATAL";

     * The <code>ERROR</code> level designates error events that
     * might still allow the broker to continue running.
    public static final String ERROR_LOG_LEVEL = "ERROR";

     * The <code>WARN</code> level designates potentially harmful situations.
    public static final String WARN_LOG_LEVEL = "WARN";

     * The <code>INFO</code> level designates informational messages
     *      that highlight normal Kafka events at a coarse-grained level
    public static final String INFO_LOG_LEVEL = "INFO";

     * The <code>DEBUG</code> Level designates fine-grained
     * informational events that are most useful to debug Kafka
    public static final String DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL = "DEBUG";

     * The <code>TRACE</code> Level designates finer-grained
     * informational events than the <code>DEBUG</code level.
    public static final String TRACE_LOG_LEVEL = "TRACE";

Config Source

We will add a new DYNAMIC_BROKER_LOGGER_CONFIG type to the ConfigSource enum

public enum ConfigSource {

  DYNAMIC_BROKER_LOGGER_CONFIG, // dynamic broker logger config that is configured for a specific broker <--- NEW

  DYNAMIC_TOPIC_CONFIG, // dynamic topic config that is configured for a specific topic
  DYNAMIC_BROKER_CONFIG, // dynamic broker config that is configured for a specific broker
  DYNAMIC_DEFAULT_BROKER_CONFIG, // dynamic broker config that is configured as default for all brokers in the cluster
  STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG, // static broker config provided as broker properties at start up (e.g. file)
  DEFAULT_CONFIG, // built-in default configuration for configs that have a default value
  UNKNOWN // source unknown e.g. in the ConfigEntry used for alter requests where source is not set


We will change the behavior of two getter methods.

  • Log4jController#getLogLevel()
    • It would previously return "Null log level." for a logger that did not have an explicitly-configured log level
    • It will now return the ROOT logger's log level when the log level is not explicitly set for a logger
  • Log4jController#getLoggers()
    • It would return all the loggers and their associated log level in the format of "logger=level". When a logger did not have an explicitly-configured log level, it would return "null" as the log level
    • It will now return the ROOT logger's log level when the log level is not explicitly set for a logger

This is clearer and more user friendly. Previously, users would need to know to search for the ROOT logger's log level to figure out what log level their desired logger was logging at.

Request/Response Overview

We will not be modifying the DescribeConfigs/IncrementalAlterConfigs request/response.
Let's go over the expected semantics when using them with the new resource type.


DescribeConfigs Request (Version: 2) => [resource [config_name]] include_synonyms
    resource => resource_type resource_name
        resource_type => INT8 # BROKER_LOGGER (8)
        resource_name => STRING # ID of broker
    config_name => STRING
    include_synonyms => BOOLEAN # ignored
DescribeConfigs Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms entities
    throttle_time_ms => INT32
    entities => error_code error_message resource configs
        error_code => INT16
        error_message => STRING
        resource => resource_type resource_name
            resource_type => INT8 # BROKER_LOGGER (8)
            resource_name => STRING # ID of broker
        configs => [config_entry synonym]
            config_entry =>
                config_name => STRING # logger name - e.g kafka.server.ReplicaManager
                config_value =>


STRING # log level - e.g INFO.

Null if not set

Returns the root logger's log level if this logger is not set explicitly yet
                read_only => BOOLEAN # false always
                config_source => INT8





, depending on what changed the log level

                is_sensitive => BOOLEAN # false always
            synonym => # empty always
                config_name => STRING
                config_value => NULLABLE_STRING
                config_source => INT8

Request semantics (as defined in KIP-133) are conserved where applicable:


SET: Set the log level to the desired value
REMOVE: Sets Unsets the log level to NULL. In log4j, this means using the next higher-up subpackage logger (or root logger). Most classes have a log level of NULL if inspected through JMXof the logger. This effectively means it is set to the root logger's log level, as the logging library goes up the chain of configured loggers until it finds one. By default - the next logger in the hierarchy is root.

IncrementalAlterConfigsOp => INT8
0: SET
1: REMOVE # sets log level to


the root logger's level
IncrementalAlterConfigsRequest (Version: 0) => [resources] validate_only
 validate_only => BOOLEAN
 resources => resource_type resource_name [configs]
    resource_type => INT8 # BROKER_LOGGER (8)
    resource_name => STRING # ID of broker
    configs => config_name config_op config_value
        config_name => STRING
        config_op => INT8 # support SET and APPEND only
        config_value => NULLABLE_STRING
IncrementalAlterConfigsResponse (Version: 0) => [responses] 
  responses => resource_type resource_name error_code error_message
  resource_type => INT8 # BROKER_LOGGER (8)
  resource_name => STRING # ID of broker
  error_code => INT16
  error_message => NULLABLE_STRING

Request semantics (as defined in KIP-133 and KIP-339) are conserved where applicable:


In the case of an invalid config_value or an invalid/non-existent logger name, the broker will return an INVALID_CONFIG (40) error for that config resource (BROKER_LOGGER).
INVALID_REQUEST will be returned when attempting to unset the ROOT logger's log level

Tools Changes will be extended to support the new resource type via --entity-type broker-logger.


bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --entity-type broker-


loggers --entity-name 0  // show all the log levels for broker 0
bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --alter --add-config "kafka.server.ReplicaManager=WARN,kafka.server.KafkaApis=DEBUG" --entity-type broker-


loggers --entity-name 0  // set some log levels for broker 0
bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --alter --delete-config kafka.server.ReplicaManager --entity-type broker-


loggers --entity-name 0 // will set the log level to


the ROOT logger level

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan


Kafka will continue to expose the JMX API for configuring log levels. The only difference is that it will not return "null" for unset loggers now but rather return the root logger's log level.

Since we want to deprecate AlterConfigs, that API will not support altering log levels.


  1. Extend Kafka's JmxTool class to support changing log levels dynamically
    1. Does not properly address the concerns outlined in the Motivation section 
      1. Can abstract away a bit of the complexity but still has the fundamental flaws of no security and not being easy to use
  2. Create new Admin API commands for reading and altering log levels
    1. Will result in more boilerplate and some code duplication.
    2. Will result in seemingly needless Admin API command bloat
    3. Altering log levels can be seen as a form of altering configurations and seems intuitive use the same API
    4. Will require separate Policy class
  3. Add new config_type field in Alter/Describe request/responses or new map of logger=>log_level 
    1. Results in more code and field bloat in request/response without clear benefits of extendability
  4. Support turning log levels to OFF
    1. Log4j supports a log level called OFF. We decided to not expose this as there is never a compelling reason to turn off application logs.