Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


2010-10-07 The Vote to release Maven 3 is in progress on the maven dev list.


Email Threads

Site Generation


See Maven 3.x and site plugin

The main issue with Maven3 are the changes to site generation. The <reporting> section no longer works - maven-site-plugin is now configured in the <plugins> section of <build> with reports report plugins configured in the site plugins configuration. See Maven 3.x and site pluginmaven-site-plugin's configuration.

Merging site configuration items from a parent POM

There's an issue with inheriting the maven-site-plugin's configuration from a parent and merging it with a components configuration - See:

At the moment (i.e. 3.0-beta-2 of the maven-site-plugin) the fix is to add combine.children="append" (See FAQs-1) - its not 100% and I don't currently know whether this is the only/permanent solution or whether the maven team is going to fix this properly. You can see an example of this here


No Format

              <reportPlugins combine.children="append">



  • Testing
  • Upgrade components reporting plugins to use the latest versions (doing this first means any problems with plugins can be identified and fixed first - otherwise the cause might be either the plugin or Maven 3)
  • Update commons-parent
    • Add reporting plugins to <dependencyManagement> section
    • Site Plugin configuration - either:
      • remove <reporting> section and configure maven-site-plugin in the main <build> section
      • add a Maven 3 profile (automatically activated when M3 is used) with the site plugin configured - see example here
    • Release commons-parent
    • Release commons-sandbox-parent
  • Update component pom's (if commons decides to adopt M3 support)
    • Update to use new commons-parent release
    • Site Plugin configuration - either:
      • remove <reporting> section and configure maven-site-plugin in the main <build> section
      • add a Maven 3 profile (automatically activated when M3 is used) with the site plugin configured - see example here





mvn -Prc clean package

Run for all proper components - need to test Sandbox components


mvn -Prc clean install

Current problem with gpg plugin


mvn site

Requires config update and plugin upgrades


mvn -Ptest-deploy site



release plugin



Nexus Release



mvn commons:download-page



mvn commons:mail-page



mvn commons:jira-page



mvn commons:sandbox-jira-page



commons-build-plugin build

currently not building


mvn -Pjava-1.3 test

uses different surefire-plugin version


mvn -Pjava-1.4 test



mvn -Pjava-1.5 test



mvn -Pjava-1.6 test



Commons Site



mvn -Ptrunks-proper clean package



mvn -Ptrunks-sandbox clean package



mvn -Pci ???