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10-Fold Cross Validation

Wiki Markup
\[check it out:\] svn co cd trunk perl Makefile.PL  make
cd masses

Wiki Markup
\[also get pgapack and install as "masses/pgapack".  I just scp'd in an already-built tree I had here.\]

Wiki Markup
\[and use the set-0 logs from the 2.60 GA run -- taken from the rsync repository:\]

wc -l /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/Obsolete/submit-2.60-GA-run1/ham-set0.log /home/cor pus-rsync/corpus/Obsolete/submit-2.60-GA-run1/spam-set0.log
210442 /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/Obsolete/submit-2.60-GA-run1/ham-set0.log
354479 /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/Obsolete/submit-2.60-GA-run1/spam-set0.log

Wiki Markup
\[we want about 2k in each bucket, otherwise it'll take weeks to complete. use split-logs-into-buckets to juggle the log files in blocks of 10% to get the ratio and size to around 2k:2k.\]

Wiki Markup
\[ham buckets first:\]

No Format

./tenpass/split-log-into-buckets 10 < /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/Obsolete/submit-2.6
mv split-1.log new
./tenpass/split-log-into-buckets 10 < new
wc -l split-1.log
   2104 split-1.log

Wiki Markup
\[much better!\]

No Format

mv split-*.log ../../logs/nonspam-jm/

./tenpass/split-log-into-buckets 10 < /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/Obsolete/submit-2.6
mv split-1.log new
wc -l new
  35437 new

Wiki Markup
\[given this, we want 6 of the 10 logfiles to make 21264 lines, which would result in a roughly even ham:spam ratio for testing. let's do that.\]

No Format

cat split-{1,2,3,4,5,6}.log > new
./tenpass/split-log-into-buckets 10 < new
wc -l split-1.log
   2126 split-1.log

Wiki Markup

mv split-*.log ../../logs/spam-jm/

Wiki Markup
\[and doublecheck the log sizes:\]

No Format

wc -l ../../logs/*/*.log
   2104 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-1.log
   2103 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-10.log
   2106 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-2.log
   2103 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-3.log
   2102 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-4.log
   2105 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-5.log
   2102 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-6.log
   2103 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-7.log
   2103 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-8.log
   2104 ../../logs/nonspam-jm/split-9.log
   2126 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-1.log
   2127 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-10.log
   2126 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-2.log
   2126 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-3.log
   2128 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-4.log
   2126 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-5.log
   2126 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-6.log
   2126 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-7.log
   2126 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-8.log
   2125 ../../logs/spam-jm/split-9.log
  42297 total

Wiki Markup
\[looks fine.  now run the 10pass master script.\]

nohup sh -x ./tenpass/10pass-run &

Results will appear in "tenpass_results" – over the course of 4 days. (wink)


copied ./tenpass/10pass-run to ./10pass-run-perceptron .

Changed these lines:

No Format

  make clean >> make.output
  make >> make.output 2>&1
  pwd; date


No Format

  make clean >> make.output
  make -C perceptron_c clean >> make.output
  make tmp/tests.h >> make.output 2>&1
  rm -rf perceptron_c/tmp; cp -r tmp perceptron_c/tmp
  make -C perceptron_c >> make.output
  ( cd perceptron_c ; ./perceptron )
  pwd; date


cp craig-evolve.scores tenpass_results/scores.$id


cp perceptron_c/perceptron.scores tenpass_results/scores.$id

10-fold cross validation (abbreviated "10FCV") is a system for testing trained classifiers. We use it in SpamAssassin development and QA.

The FAQ covers it well, in :

No Format


In k-fold cross-validation, you divide the data into k subsets of
(approximately) equal size. You train the net k times, each time leaving
out one of the subsets from training, but using only the omitted subset to
compute whatever error criterion interests you. If k equals the sample
size, this is called "leave-one-out" cross-validation. "Leave-v-out" is a
more elaborate and expensive version of cross-validation that involves
leaving out all possible subsets of v cases.

In other words, take a testing corpus, divided into ham and spam; each message has previously been hand-verified as being of the correct type (e.g. ham if it's in the ham corpus, spam if in the other one). Divide each corpus into k folds. (In SpamAssassin, we generally use k=10 – which is what pretty much everyone else does anyway, it just seems to work well (wink). Then run these 10 tests:

No Format

Train classifier on folds: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; Test against fold: 1
Train classifier on folds: 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; Test against fold: 2
Train classifier on folds: 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; Test against fold: 3
Train classifier on folds: 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10; Test against fold: 4
Train classifier on folds: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10; Test against fold: 5
Train classifier on folds: 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10; Test against fold: 6
Train classifier on folds: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10; Test against fold: 7
Train classifier on folds: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10; Test against fold: 8
Train classifier on folds: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10; Test against fold: 9
Train classifier on folds: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;  Test against fold: 10   

We use 10FCV to test:

  • new tweaks to the "Bayesian" learning classifier (the BAYES_* rules)
  • new tweaks to the rescoring system (which is also a learning classifier, just at a higher level).

Traditionally, k-fold cross-validation uses a "train on k-1 folds, test on 1 fold"; we use that for testing our rescoring system. However, for the BAYES rules, we use "train on 1 fold, test on k-1 folds", as otherwise it can be hard to get a meaningful number of false positives and false negatives to be able to distinguish improvements in accuracy, because that classifier is very accurate when sufficiently trained.

So, for example,

See RescoreTenFcv for a log of a sample 10-fold CV run against two SpamAssassin rescoring systems (the GA and the perceptron).and run ./10pass-run-perceptron . This one runs quicker (wink)