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Table of Contents
3.0.6 (December 22nd, 2023)

Apache Syncope 3.0.6 Fusion is the sixth maintenance release of Apache Syncope 3.0, bringing several fixes and improvements.

titleUpgrade procedure
Upgrading from 3.0.5? There are some notes about this process.

New and noteworthy

  • A new extension is available for OpenSearch, providing an alternate internal search engine for Users, Groups and Any Objects,Realms and Audit Events
  • Ready-to-use components are provided to ease integration with Microsoft Entra (formerly Azure)



  • [SYNCOPE-1778] - Reset password requires double click in order to provide username
  • [SYNCOPE-1779] - Missing support for underscore in queries
  • [SYNCOPE-1785] - Display rows changes not effective until reload
  • [SYNCOPE-1790] - Swagger filtered GET returns multiple Users/AnyObjects instead of one
  • [SYNCOPE-1791] - Unable to save audit config for CUSTOM event in the console
  • [SYNCOPE-1792] - Error in console while editing conf parameter with values containing numbers
  • [SYNCOPE-1793] - A logged in user cannot associate/deassociate a resource to himself
  • [SYNCOPE-1794] - SAML: Authentication issue instant is too old or in the future

New Feature


  • [SYNCOPE-1780] - Password policy allows a minimum length less than the number of characters needed
  • [SYNCOPE-1784] - Allow you to use other OIDCScopes in addition to those currently defined
  • [SYNCOPE-1786] - Self Keymaster improvements
  • [SYNCOPE-1787] - Support deployments with large number of Realms
  • [SYNCOPE-1788] - Allow to insert JWKS value in OIDC Client Applications
  • [SYNCOPE-1795] - JWT_SSO_PROVIDER and AUDIT_APPENDER should not be Implementations
  • [SYNCOPE-1797] - Compatibility of SCIM 2.0 requests from Microsoft Entra

3.0.5 (September 29th, 2023)

Apache Syncope 3.0.5 Fusion is the fifth maintenance release of Apache Syncope 3.0, bringing several fixes and improvements.

titleUpgrade procedure
Upgrading from 3.0.4? There are some notes about this process.



  • [SYNCOPE-1764] - Connector capabilities and/or configuration are not updated in cluster environments
  • [SYNCOPE-1770] - Errors upon Core restart after adding domain
  • [SYNCOPE-1774] - Admin console does not recognize parameter type
  • [SYNCOPE-1777] - DelegatedAdministrationException is occasionally thrown during Pull Task execution

New Feature


  • [SYNCOPE-1771] - WA: support delegated authentication for Google, Keycloak and Apple ID
  • [SYNCOPE-1773] - Support configuration for multi-nodes Elasticsearch clusters
  • [SYNCOPE-1775] - It should be possible to set logoutType to WA services
  • [SYNCOPE-1776] - Let Elasticsearch re-index use bulk requests

3.0.4 (July 7th, 2023)

Apache Syncope 3.0.4 Fusion is the fourth maintenance release of Apache Syncope 3.0, bringing several fixes and improvements.

titleUpgrade procedure
Upgrading from 3.0.3? There are some notes about this process.



  • [SYNCOPE-1755] - NullPointer exception during PULL delete operation in case of NO_MATCH
  • [SYNCOPE-1757] - Misalignment between SyncTokenSerializer and SyncTokenDeserializer in case of token given as a clear string
  • [SYNCOPE-1761] - As admin, searching Users, Groups or Any Objects performs full Realm tree traversal
  • [SYNCOPE-1763] - Constant increase of open files after upgrade to CXF 3.6.0
  • [SYNCOPE-1767] - When searching Groups with GROUP_MEMBER condition only Users are considered


  • [SYNCOPE-1759] - REST endpoint to evaluate account and password compliance with policies
  • [SYNCOPE-1760] - Align Core Spring Boot actuator endpoint security with other components
  • [SYNCOPE-1762] - Enrich actuator info with JPA provider information
  • [SYNCOPE-1765] - allow WA to decrypt properties during the configuration bootstrap phase
  • [SYNCOPE-1768] - Improve internal storage export feature
  • [SYNCOPE-1769] - Allow the same name to be used across different Any Object types

3.0.3 (May 5th, 2023)

Apache Syncope 3.0.3 Fusion is the third maintenance release of Apache Syncope 3.0, bringing several fixes and improvements, including the new Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM).

titleUpgrade procedure
Upgrading from 3.0.2? There are some notes about this process.



  • [SYNCOPE-1731] - Performance issue with multiple any type classes
  • [SYNCOPE-1734] - Elasticsearch not updated for uidOnCreate
  • [SYNCOPE-1735] - Can't retrieve all policies during Realm create and update
  • [SYNCOPE-1736] - Templates do not set the latest additions to Users and Groups
  • [SYNCOPE-1737] - Cannot specifiy attribute mapping for AttributeRelease policies
  • [SYNCOPE-1739] - Wrong volume mapping for source code in fit docker profile
  • [SYNCOPE-1742] - Exception in console when defining a date for delegation
  • [SYNCOPE-1749] - Incorrect Dynamic Group Membership Condition save from Console
  • [SYNCOPE-1750] - Password policy not enforced if password is not stored in Syncope

New Feature

  • [SYNCOPE-1741] - Add support form Azure Active Directory delegated authentication
  • [SYNCOPE-1746] - Provide Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM)


  • [SYNCOPE-1732] - Console does not support custom Access Policy Configuration
  • [SYNCOPE-1733] - Support OAUTH20 authentication module in WA
  • [SYNCOPE-1738] - Refactor Report management
  • [SYNCOPE-1740] - Allow to specify UsernameAttributeProvider for Client Applications
  • [SYNCOPE-1743] - Add support for Ticket Expiration Policies into ClientApp
  • [SYNCOPE-1745] - Allow to manage ConnId bundles with more Connectors
  • [SYNCOPE-1747] - Provide controls to refresh WA client applications from Console
  • [SYNCOPE-1748] - SCIM 2.0 Implement PATCH operations
  • [SYNCOPE-1751] - Improve password auto generation on propagation
  • [SYNCOPE-1752] - Support large number of Realms
  • [SYNCOPE-1753] - Extend changes' history management to most relevant WA configuration objects

3.0.2 (February 17th, 2023)

Apache Syncope 3.0.2 Fusion is the second maintenance release of Apache Syncope 3.0, bringing several fixes and improvements, including the compatibility with reproducible builds.

titleUpgrade procedure
Upgrading from 3.0.1? There are some notes about this process.



  • [SYNCOPE-1725] - Error when searching with high number of OR or AND conditions with Elasticsearch
  • [SYNCOPE-1726] - WA does not always get configuration from Core on startup
  • [SYNCOPE-1727] - Elasticsearch cannot find anything under given Realm in case of parent update
  • [SYNCOPE-1728] - Unable to create LDAP authentication module from console
  • [SYNCOPE-1730] - Standalone on Windows: Console Topology page does not show any Connector or Resource


3.0.1 (January 13th, 2023)

Apache Syncope 3.0.1 Fusion is the first maintenance release of Apache Syncope 3.0, bringing several fixes and improvements.

titleUpgrade procedure
Upgrading from 3.0.0? There are some notes about this process.



New Feature


  • [SYNCOPE-1709] - Persist Jobs' current status in the database to support multi-node deployments
  • [SYNCOPE-1713] - Support time-based conditions for Audit, Exec and Remediation queries
  • [SYNCOPE-1714] - Support Docker deployments from archetype
  • [SYNCOPE-1716] - Concurrent handling for pull and push tasks
  • [SYNCOPE-1719] - Remove limitations for memberships and relationships
  • [SYNCOPE-1720] - Switch persistence identifiers to UUID version 7
  • [SYNCOPE-1721] - Allow for more Access Policy types

3.0.0 (November 11th, 2022)

More than 4 years, around 2000 commits after Syncope 2.1 Fusion, here it comes the first release from the new major series Syncope 3.0 Maggiore.

Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is now a full-fledged IAM system covering provisioning, reconciliation and reporting needs (as with earlier releases), access management and API management.

Image Added

What's new

At a general level, all components were (re)written to be based on Spring Boot 2.7 and JDK 11 LTS. JDK 17 LTS is fully supported.
This fact provides the greatest deployment flexibility: each component can be run:

Image Added

New component: Keymaster

The Keymaster allows for dynamic service discovery so that other components are able to find each other.
On startup, all other component instances will register themselves into Keymaster so that their references can be found later, for intra-component communication.

In addition, the Keymaster is also used as key / value store for configuration parameters and as a directory for defined domains.

Two different implementations are provided, following the actual needs:

  1. as an additional set of RESTful services exposed by the Core, for traditional deployments (also known as Self Keymaster);
  2. as a separate container / pod based on Apache Zookeeper, for microservice-oriented deployments.

New component: Web Access (WA)

The Web Access component is based on Apereo CAS: this means (besides the rest) that Authentication, Authorization, Single Sign, OpenID Connect and SAML 2.0 are coming to Syncope.

In addition to all the configuration options and features from Apereo CAS, the Web Access is integrated with Keymaster, Core and Admin UI to offer centralized configuration and management.

New component: Secure Remote Access (SRA)

The Secure Remote Access component is built on Spring Cloud Gateway.

In addition to all the configuration options and features from Spring Cloud Gateway, the Secure Remote Access is integrated with Keymaster, Core and Admin UI to offer centralized configuration and management.

The Secure Remote Access allows to protect legacy applications by integrating with the Web Access or other third-party Access Managers implementing standard protocols as OpenID Connect or SAML.

Revised component: Enduser UI

The End-user UI is the web-based application for self-registration, self-service and password reset.

The communication between End-user UI and Core is exclusively REST-based.

This component was rewritten from scratch in Syncope 3.0, to be technologically aligned with Console UI and based on Apache Wicket.

Migrating from older releases

The distance between earlier releases and Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is relevant under different aspects: architecture, technology, project organization and naturally internal data representation.

For this reason there is no practical way to migrate an old project to Syncope 3.0; it is possible, however, to setup a new Syncope 3.0 project, replicate configurations and finally migrate the existing data.
Here is the outlined approach:

  1. create a new Maven project based on Syncope 3.0
  2. update code customization and extensions made from your previous Syncope project to the new classes and interfaces provided by Syncope 3.0
  3. with both projects running:
    1. download relevant configurations - especially connectors and resources - via REST from your previous Syncope project
    2. upload via REST to the new Syncope 3.0 project
    3. configure a new REST resource in the new Syncope 3.0 project to pull users, groups and any objects from your previous Syncope project


All issues from 3.0.0-M0, 3.0.0-M1 and 3.0.0-M2 plus the following.


  • [SYNCOPE-1706] - Notification task not created with event category PROPAGATION
  • [SYNCOPE-1707] - Failure when attempting to add Plain Schema via Console


3.0.0-M2 (October 27th, 2022)

This is likely the last milestore release before General Availability of the new major series Syncope 3.0 Maggiore.



  • [SYNCOPE-1701] - unable to build syncope-sra from Maven Archetype
  • [SYNCOPE-1704] - Policy update not affecting External Resources

New Feature


3.0.0-M1 (October 14th, 2022)

This additional milestone release brings a few improvements and features, code polishing and some fixes for the new major series Syncope 3.0 Maggiore.



  • [SYNCOPE-1693] - Must change password submit on console leads to errors
  • [SYNCOPE-1698] - Aux classes number doubles when saving external resource

New Feature


  • [SYNCOPE-1665] - In enduser manage provisioning result on create/update and set feedback accordingly
  • [SYNCOPE-1694] - Optimize creation of Implementation instances
  • [SYNCOPE-1695] - History console view improvements
  • [SYNCOPE-1699] - Extract key from path for UserUpdate ops if undefined in request body

3.0.0-M0 (August 5th, 2022)

First milestone release for the new major series Syncope 3.0 Maggiore.




  • [SYNCOPE-1333] - Missing virtual attribute value in case of type extension
  • [SYNCOPE-1334] - Maven install problem with Apache Syncope 2.1.0
  • [SYNCOPE-1335] - Missing SQL statements when upgrading from 2.0 Jazz
  • [SYNCOPE-1337] - Password history policy is not enforced on salted passwords
  • [SYNCOPE-1338] - Double type conversion applied during pull leads to errors
  • [SYNCOPE-1339] - Enduser spinner does not apply to the whole page
  • [SYNCOPE-1340] - Cannot update membership attribute
  • [SYNCOPE-1342] - console UI login form ignores Domain selection
  • [SYNCOPE-1343] - Attributes are not reset after pull of null values
  • [SYNCOPE-1344] - CORE_SCHEME not being updated in
  • [SYNCOPE-1346] - Adding a new task while re-executing a propagation task
  • [SYNCOPE-1347] - Invocation Problem calling org.apache.syncope.installer.processes.ArchetypeProcess
  • [SYNCOPE-1350] - Date values not formatted according to the conversion pattern
  • [SYNCOPE-1352] - Group wizard doesn't update the plain attributes
  • [SYNCOPE-1353] - DBPasswordPropagationActions link in the reference guide is wrong
  • [SYNCOPE-1354] - Push Tasks do not send status onto External Resources
  • [SYNCOPE-1356] - LDAPMembershipPullActions does not remove memberships
  • [SYNCOPE-1357] - MemoryVirAttrCache not working
  • [SYNCOPE-1358] - Search by boolean value does not work from Admin Console
  • [SYNCOPE-1360] - Delegated administration to Dynamic Realms not possible
  • [SYNCOPE-1361] - Custom audit appender does not work after a restart
  • [SYNCOPE-1362] - Sorting users by creation date raises RuntimeException
  • [SYNCOPE-1363] - Deleting multiple users at once reports "Operation delete not supported"
  • [SYNCOPE-1364] - Upgrade tool from 2.0 script error
  • [SYNCOPE-1365] - Erorr during retrieve candidate groups for approval process
  • [SYNCOPE-1366] - Audit events ownership always set to admin user
  • [SYNCOPE-1370] - Password reset succeeds also on wrong captcha
  • [SYNCOPE-1373] - Custom task schedule is reset after update
  • [SYNCOPE-1374] - Concurrent propagation tasks for non-Master domains not saved
  • [SYNCOPE-1375] - The existence of a membership attribute mapping implies membership creation during pull
  • [SYNCOPE-1376] - swagger-ui server URL incorrect behind ssl reverse proxy
  • [SYNCOPE-1377] - Wrong X-Syncope-Domain header does not throw an error
  • [SYNCOPE-1380] - During Push or Pull, if policy with conflict resolution IGNORE is set, the process is interrupted as soon as such setting applies
  • [SYNCOPE-1383] - Exception during "getObject" from external resource
  • [SYNCOPE-1387] - ClassCast exception when pull realms
  • [SYNCOPE-1388] - mustChangePassword flag does not prevent user from invoking actions
  • [SYNCOPE-1389] - In case of virtual attribute mapping, propagation is always set as UPDATE also in case of CREATE
  • [SYNCOPE-1390] - Pull Realms: pull task with Unmatching Rules: PROVISION shouldn't create propagation task
  • [SYNCOPE-1391] - Check template for confirmPasswordReset and mustChangePassword
  • [SYNCOPE-1393] - jexl function fullPath2Dn return invalid value for ROOT realm
  • [SYNCOPE-1399] - Error while executing the custom task to initialize indices with Elasticsearch v6.x
  • [SYNCOPE-1404] - Dialog not closing in Netbeans ide plugin when creating a new element
  • [SYNCOPE-1405] - Error during db initialization: views.xml always set for PostgreSQL
  • [SYNCOPE-1406] - Error during startup because of missing property 'historyLevel'
  • [SYNCOPE-1407] - Date pattern ignored by widget
  • [SYNCOPE-1408] - Partial user edit via Role layout implies removing all unmanaged attributes
  • [SYNCOPE-1411] - User/Any object updates generate attributes with null owner in case of patches involving membership attributes
  • [SYNCOPE-1417] - Search with order by two plain attributes gives no results
  • [SYNCOPE-1419] - User and AnyObject search fails in case of not leaf conditions given on multivalue fields
  • [SYNCOPE-1420] - Expired Access Tokens might impede successful authentication
  • [SYNCOPE-1425] - Mapping item transformers do not work for non-string values
  • [SYNCOPE-1428] - APIs to read by key return 404 instead of 401 for not authenticated calls
  • [SYNCOPE-1429] - Wildcard case-insesitive queries do not work with Elasticsearch
  • [SYNCOPE-1430] - ItemTransformer for Date schemas throws NPE
  • [SYNCOPE-1431] - Connector and Resource history compare does not work
  • [SYNCOPE-1432] - After creating new connector / resource, Topology does not show it
  • [SYNCOPE-1437] - Error while searching for users / groups / any objects with Elasticsearch when no data are present
  • [SYNCOPE-1438] - "changePwdDate" field is not initialized when create a new user with the specified password
  • [SYNCOPE-1439] - User membership attributes not updated
  • [SYNCOPE-1440] - Pagination of Users/Groups doesn't work as expected with Elasticsearch
  • [SYNCOPE-1442] - Inactive Job with cron expression set is executed anyway
  • [SYNCOPE-1443] - Changing Display Rows number in Reconciliation Resource Panel doesn't work
  • [SYNCOPE-1446] - Persistence exception on PostgreSQL when AUDIT is enabled on propagation tasks
  • [SYNCOPE-1447] - NPE while deleting a privilege from admin console
  • [SYNCOPE-1448] - Bean loading/register section not threadsafe
  • [SYNCOPE-1450] - Audit: sensitive information not masked by default during update
  • [SYNCOPE-1452] - Notification about is not deleted after update
  • [SYNCOPE-1453] - MappingItem with "mustChangePassword" field cannot be provisioned and updated during import
  • [SYNCOPE-1454] - Avoid duplicated Propagation Tasks
  • [SYNCOPE-1457] - NonAlphaNumeric policy pattern matches the "Not word" character class
  • [SYNCOPE-1461] - MySQL: Segmentation fault with query using JSON_TABLE
  • [SYNCOPE-1467] - RDN not allowed when an attribute of the group present also in the DN is changed
  • [SYNCOPE-1469] - MySQL with JSON support: errors during startup
  • [SYNCOPE-1470] - Flowable extension not working with MariaDB
  • [SYNCOPE-1472] - Resource association is duplicated on database after update, assign or link operations
  • [SYNCOPE-1474] - Resource is duplicated after batch operation
  • [SYNCOPE-1476] - Error while creating Enum schema from Admin Console
  • [SYNCOPE-1477] - jQuery UI's spinner not rendered
  • [SYNCOPE-1478] - Unable to remove value of "Schema to hold values for identifiers generated upon Create by the external Identity Store" from provisioning
  • [SYNCOPE-1480] - Elasticsearch:dynrealm assignment not updated on condition change
  • [SYNCOPE-1481] - Invalid values when saving a membership attribute of type date
  • [SYNCOPE-1483] - maven-enforcer-plugin: API incompatibility fails the build
  • [SYNCOPE-1484] - syncope-ide-netbeans submodule fails to find netbeans dependency
  • [SYNCOPE-1485] - Reindex of elasticsearch ends with memory error in case of huge amount of data
  • [SYNCOPE-1487] - Build Instructions do not say that the "patch" program is needed
  • [SYNCOPE-1488] - Change to MVM Env for JDK > 8.00
  • [SYNCOPE-1492] - Build Instructions are missing an EVN (DOCKER_HOST) needed for mvn -Ppostgres-it
  • [SYNCOPE-1493] - Mapping unique schema as remote key never matches internal objects
  • [SYNCOPE-1503] - Cannot remove provisioning information from Resource in Admin Console
  • [SYNCOPE-1504] - Error setting uidOnCreate attribute during a pull task with multiple provisions
  • [SYNCOPE-1505] - Changes to "AjaxPalettePanel" components in Console are not saved when the previous step button is pressed before submitting the wizard form
  • [SYNCOPE-1512] - Error while saving a unique plain attribute value with single quote when using JPA JSON
  • [SYNCOPE-1520] - Exception when updating Group unique attribute with JPA JSON
  • [SYNCOPE-1525] - Documentation indicates sharing private key, hiding public key
  • [SYNCOPE-1526] - Broken link to issues from reference documentation
  • [SYNCOPE-1533] - Broken backward compatibilty because of changes in Equals and HashCode methods in TOs
  • [SYNCOPE-1536] - Enduser UI does not clean up file alteration monitors on shutdown
  • [SYNCOPE-1537] - Password of LinkedAccounts not saved properly from Admin Console
  • [SYNCOPE-1538] - Admin Console: users / groups management slow to access with high number of realms
  • [SYNCOPE-1539] - AjaxPalettePanel does not support setRequired
  • [SYNCOPE-1542] - Search panel issues in Admin Console
  • [SYNCOPE-1544] - 'Override?' flag not properly set for password and username fields of LinkedAccounts
  • [SYNCOPE-1546] - PriorityPropagationTaskExecutor: rejected tasks not stored
  • [SYNCOPE-1554] - Generated default admin role layout doesn't work
  • [SYNCOPE-1560] - File upload component: missing translations
  • [SYNCOPE-1561] - Batch: missing support for custom TLSClientParameters
  • [SYNCOPE-1563] - User approval update should send the password only when requested
  • [SYNCOPE-1564] - Integration tests run with YAML payloads are failing
  • [SYNCOPE-1565] - Integration tests run with XML payloads are failing
  • [SYNCOPE-1567] - Mapping does not allow relationships
  • [SYNCOPE-1569] - Console: cannot save Reportlet search conditions
  • [SYNCOPE-1573] - Logout forced from Console when editing user with many memberships
  • [SYNCOPE-1583] - For members part of a Dynamic Group, but cannot access group attributes in member mapping
  • [SYNCOPE-1586] - Startup failures with sample docker-compose and MySQL
  • [SYNCOPE-1598] - Create or update user with two+ memberships for the same group are not prevented
  • [SYNCOPE-1601] - Propagation not always triggered after form submit in User Requests
  • [SYNCOPE-1602] - ConnObjectKey attribute values not included with DefaultPushCorrelationRule
  • [SYNCOPE-1603] - PushCorrelationRule not used for DELETE on External Resources
  • [SYNCOPE-1604] - AjaxDateTimePicker doesn't handle some 1900 dates the right way
  • [SYNCOPE-1605] - Propagation task not generated if update involves only ConnObjectLink
  • [SYNCOPE-1606] - Syncope returns an exception when doing two sequential operations for the same user from the toggle panel
  • [SYNCOPE-1607] - Console Page preferences not working
  • [SYNCOPE-1612] - "Operation is taking too long" warning while adding/editing a connector/resource
  • [SYNCOPE-1613] - startAt date is set to start field for SCHEDULED, PULL and PUSH TaskTOs
  • [SYNCOPE-1616] - CSV and single push / pull concurrency issues
  • [SYNCOPE-1619] - SearchPanel should display the input field based on the type of the selected property
  • [SYNCOPE-1620] - JWT validation requires exp and nbf claims
  • [SYNCOPE-1622] - ConnId Connectors not pooled with Resource override
  • [SYNCOPE-1626] - rename package org.apache.syncope.common.keymaster.client.zookeper to zookeeper
  • [SYNCOPE-1628] - Console goes NPE when Connector fails to initialize
  • [SYNCOPE-1629] - JPA JSON: Date conversion pattern including slashes leads to incorrect search results
  • [SYNCOPE-1632] - Graphical issue on must change password view
  • [SYNCOPE-1634] - Group Owner update/delete action doesn't trigger propagation action
  • [SYNCOPE-1635] - Create Rules with configurations for each domain, make creation thread safe
  • [SYNCOPE-1640] - Uncaught exception when creating Enum schema
  • [SYNCOPE-1643] - Update of Realm doesn't trigger provisioning for users
  • [SYNCOPE-1644] - Task run failure with multi-node deployments
  • [SYNCOPE-1645] - Case insensitive search with Elasticsearch extension returns wrong results
  • [SYNCOPE-1646] - Linked Account status set to wrong value on propagation
  • [SYNCOPE-1648] - Search with PostgreSQL JSONB fails for FIQL like 'username!=value'
  • [SYNCOPE-1649] - Reports: XML character escaping applied to CSV output
  • [SYNCOPE-1650] - Default Account Rule: pattern is ignored
  • [SYNCOPE-1651] - Invalid users can be specified in X-Syncope-Delegated-By
  • [SYNCOPE-1654] - Inconsistent Realm search FIQL expressions between JPA and Elasticsearch engines
  • [SYNCOPE-1656] - Remediations are not created on update while pulling
  • [SYNCOPE-1657] - Unable to define a new name for a cloned resource
  • [SYNCOPE-1659] - Read-only flag not working in console on virtual attributes
  • [SYNCOPE-1660] - Anonymous requests does not store domain and delegatedBy information in the auth context
  • [SYNCOPE-1663] - Value errors in FIQL expressions lead to empty result rather than error messages
  • [SYNCOPE-1664] - JSONB: Inconsistent search query when is used a pull correlation rule
  • [SYNCOPE-1671] - Wrong JobDelegate column name in scheduled task table
  • [SYNCOPE-1672] - Can't retrieve Java classes when add java implementation for Password Rule, Account Rule and Reportlet on Console
  • [SYNCOPE-1676] - Wrong header color in reset password enduser
  • [SYNCOPE-1677] - Code editor in Console wraps short lines
  • [SYNCOPE-1683] - Show connector overridden properties in resource wizard in tabular topology during create
  • [SYNCOPE-1684] - NotFoundException thrown when enabled/disabled audit from console
  • [SYNCOPE-1690] - NPE when add search condition in topology explore resource
  • [SYNCOPE-1691] - Schema labels not used for attribute column headers

New Feature


  • [SYNCOPE-1336] - Add pagination for approvals forms
  • [SYNCOPE-1341] - Domain should be configurable parameter for syncope-enduser docker image
  • [SYNCOPE-1355] - Document how to access services when using Docker Compose
  • [SYNCOPE-1379] - Make configurable resource check timeout
  • [SYNCOPE-1382] - Failure specifying push task filters including db column mapped as integer
  • [SYNCOPE-1384] - SAML 2.0: Allow to customize RequestedAuthnContext for a given Service Provider
  • [SYNCOPE-1385] - Priority propagation timeout hard coded into PriorityPropagationTaskExecutor
  • [SYNCOPE-1392] - Reduce usage of Reflection to improve overall performance
  • [SYNCOPE-1394] - Add un-claim capability for requests
  • [SYNCOPE-1396] - Give the possibility to configure TLS client parameters
  • [SYNCOPE-1397] - No Such element exception while editing USER update approval
  • [SYNCOPE-1409] - Avoid double round-trip to External Resource during Push
  • [SYNCOPE-1412] - Serch for identities with null attributes can be improved
  • [SYNCOPE-1416] - remove user_search_null_attr view
  • [SYNCOPE-1422] - Permit to provide custom implementation of NotificationManager and AuditManager
  • [SYNCOPE-1424] - Improve Propagation task ordered search
  • [SYNCOPE-1433] - Unflag/flag uniqueness shouldn't be permitted
  • [SYNCOPE-1436] - Remove pullPolicy EAGER fetchType from JPAExternalResource
  • [SYNCOPE-1441] - Perform in-memory match for dynamic conditions
  • [SYNCOPE-1444] - Pull correlation rules: allow to discriminate ongoing event
  • [SYNCOPE-1445] - Docker: support pgjsonb as DBMS option
  • [SYNCOPE-1449] - Support multi-value attributes in JEXL expressions
  • [SYNCOPE-1465] - Add executor information to Task and Report executions
  • [SYNCOPE-1466] - Add context to user, group and any object metadata information
  • [SYNCOPE-1468] - Allow for configurable org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold
  • [SYNCOPE-1473] - Provide a PropagationActions to maintain a conservative membership policy management
  • [SYNCOPE-1498] - Allow variable resolution in Content.xml
  • [SYNCOPE-1499] - Add support for READ correlation rule
  • [SYNCOPE-1500] - Allow single import from External Resource
  • [SYNCOPE-1501] - Allow filtering for explore resource
  • [SYNCOPE-1502] - Find Anys using FIQL: SQL improvements
  • [SYNCOPE-1508] - Allow to extend the set of attributes requested from External Resources
  • [SYNCOPE-1509] - Auto-select language from Accept-Language HTTP header
  • [SYNCOPE-1510] - Allow to store encrypted schema's secret key externally
  • [SYNCOPE-1513] - Allow to customize security headers
  • [SYNCOPE-1515] - Adapt realm selector to actual number of realms
  • [SYNCOPE-1517] - Audit appender should be configurable
  • [SYNCOPE-1518] - Allow X-Forwarded-For and X-Forwarded-Proto HTTP headers integration
  • [SYNCOPE-1519] - SchemaDataBinderImpl#update optimization
  • [SYNCOPE-1521] - Allow filtering for Role assignment
  • [SYNCOPE-1522] - Realm behaviors for Delegated Administration
  • [SYNCOPE-1523] - JPAConnInstanceDAO should be marked as Transactional
  • [SYNCOPE-1527] - Allow for custom search conditions
  • [SYNCOPE-1530] - Add parameters at User Requests start
  • [SYNCOPE-1531] - Easier bulk upload from / download to CSV
  • [SYNCOPE-1532] - Allow tilde for key values and Realms name
  • [SYNCOPE-1534] - Display friendly error messages in Admin Console
  • [SYNCOPE-1535] - Customize the order of the provisions of a resource according to the object classes
  • [SYNCOPE-1540] - Make internal storage export DBMS independent
  • [SYNCOPE-1541] - XML response message timestamps missing millisecs component if "0 msecs"
  • [SYNCOPE-1547] - Allow the possibility to customize the roles to be displayed
  • [SYNCOPE-1548] - Allow the possibility to customize the Groups wizard step
  • [SYNCOPE-1551] - Allow for info notifications in Admin Console
  • [SYNCOPE-1568] - Render custom wizard on user request
  • [SYNCOPE-1575] - Provide the ability to specify on which resources the user's status should be propagated
  • [SYNCOPE-1591] - Support fetching data from internal storage for XML content loader
  • [SYNCOPE-1594] - Allow to filter user requests and forms by username
  • [SYNCOPE-1597] - Enable default customization of console layout
  • [SYNCOPE-1600] - Flowable: support password form property type
  • [SYNCOPE-1608] - Allow wildcard group membership search
  • [SYNCOPE-1609] - Reduce the number of table joins into PostgreSQL JSONB persistence implementation
  • [SYNCOPE-1610] - Set Reconciliation to work with Pull and Push Correlation Rules if available
  • [SYNCOPE-1611] - Caffeine Cache for Virtual Attribute Cache
  • [SYNCOPE-1614] - Convert SyncopeService into Spring Boot's InfoContributor
  • [SYNCOPE-1615] - Convert LoggerService into Spring Boot's loggers actuator
  • [SYNCOPE-1624] - Toggle panel improvements
  • [SYNCOPE-1630] - Use Group owners to extend Delegated Administration
  • [SYNCOPE-1631] - Pass ConnId ObjectClass to ReconFilterBuilder
  • [SYNCOPE-1633] - Give the possibility to add a custom message to the confirm dialog
  • [SYNCOPE-1639] - Provide ordering of attributes in the diff view on the history management
  • [SYNCOPE-1641] - Allow to purge Propagation Tasks
  • [SYNCOPE-1652] - Align AccessPolicy with CAS DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy
  • [SYNCOPE-1653] - Align AttrReleasePolicy with CAS ReturnAllowedAttributeReleasePolicy
  • [SYNCOPE-1658] - Allow to view the topology in table format
  • [SYNCOPE-1661] - Add sidebar layout customization thorugh JSON file to enduser
  • [SYNCOPE-1666] - Security Answer encryption
  • [SYNCOPE-1667] - Propagation Policy
  • [SYNCOPE-1668] - Provide Entity Cache report and management
  • [SYNCOPE-1669] - Create pull results for remediations
  • [SYNCOPE-1670] - Support Graceful shutdown
  • [SYNCOPE-1673] - Use Passay for password validation and generation
  • [SYNCOPE-1674] - Optimize User, Group and Any Object lifecycle events management
  • [SYNCOPE-1678] - Allow for non-recursive search operations
  • [SYNCOPE-1679] - Allow to search by Auxiliary Any Type class assignment
  • [SYNCOPE-1685] - Allow JEXL expression to evaluate to Object
  • [SYNCOPE-1687] - Allow to configure External Resources not to pre-fetch objects during propagation
  • [SYNCOPE-1689] - Consolidate Provision, Mapping and Items into single JSON column
