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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

Deploying applications with the command line deployer or through the administration console is fine for experiments but does not fit well into an automated development workflow. The With the Geronimo plugin system lets , you can set up a workflow by using maven that builds your applications, pre-deploys them as geronimo Geronimo plugins, and assembles a server containing the plugins needed to run your applications. Further workflow steps could include automated testing by starting the custom server and running e.g. , for example, selenium tests against it.

In order to To simplify setting up such an automated workflow we provide , you can use maven archetypes to , which can help with setting up maven projects to build plugins and assemble servers. As an example we'll describe , this topic describes setting up such a workflow for the liferay 4.4.1 portal. Note that this is two steps removed from a description of how to deploy liferay on geronimo, and one step removed from a description of how to build plugins for the liferay portal. For a completed example of such a workflow, see the roller plugins at Removed


  1. Due to Because of maven lifecycle improvements in the car-maven-plugin, the assembly artifact only generates poms that work with Geronimo 2.1.1-SNAPSHOT or later. The archetypes are currently available only as snapshots from branches/2.1 and trunk.
  2. Maven tends to strip out all comments from the new pom.xml so . Therefore, a pom.sample.xml is included that has more comments on how to set up the pom.xml for common situations is included.
  3. Archetypes use some attributes (groupId, version) of parent projects when they exist. The instructions use this: for standalone use you may need to supply more command line options.
  4. Some of this would not be necessary given a project built with maven in the first place
  5. As of writing, the server starts (given enough memory) but the liferay portal doesn't show up. Hopefully we'll figure out why soon.


As of writing the server will start but accessing http://localhost:8080/liferayImage Removed redirects to http://localhost:8080/cImage Removed and gives a 404 error.