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This page is meant as a template for writing a KIP. To create a KIP choose Tools->Copy on this page and modify with your content and replace the heading with the next KIP number and a description of your issue. Replace anything in italics with your own description.


Current state:  [One of "Under Discussion", "Accepted", "Rejected"] "Adopted"

Discussion thread: here [Change the link from the KIP proposal email archive to your own email thread]

Vote thread: here

JIRA: here [Change the link from KAFKA-1 to your own ticket]

Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


Describe the problems you are trying to solve.

Public Interfaces

Briefly list any new interfaces that will be introduced as part of this proposal or any existing interfaces that will be removed or changed. The purpose of this section is to concisely call out the public contract that will come along with this feature.

A public interface is any change to the following:

  • Binary log format

  • The network protocol and api behavior

  • Any class in the public packages under clientsConfiguration, especially client configuration

    • org/apache/kafka/common/serialization

    • org/apache/kafka/common

    • org/apache/kafka/common/errors

    • org/apache/kafka/clients/producer

    • org/apache/kafka/clients/consumer (eventually, once stable)

  • Monitoring

  • Command line tools and arguments

  • Anything else that will likely break existing users in some way when they upgrade

Proposed Changes

Describe the new thing you want to do in appropriate detail. This may be fairly extensive and have large subsections of its own. Or it may be a few sentences. Use judgement based on the scope of the change.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

  • What impact (if any) will there be on existing users?
  • If we are changing behavior how will we phase out the older behavior?
  • If we need special migration tools, describe them here.
  • When will we remove the existing behavior?

Rejected Alternatives

Log recovery is a process when a broker start up, if it has previous unclean shutdown, it'll be triggered to make sure the log is in a good state and not get corrupted. The process of log recovery is as below (producer snapshot and other steps are skipped here):

  1. iterate all dirs in "log.dirs" config one by one
    1. find out the topic partition log folder under the dir
    2. Iterate all the topic partition log folders and add them as jobs to thread pool with the "" config number of threads
      1. load all the segments under log folder, suppose there are 10 segments
      2. filter out the segments after "recovery checkpoint", suppose there are 5 segments needed to be recovered
      3. recover the 5 segments, one by one
        1. iterate all the record batches inside the segment
        2. validate all the batches
        3. rebuilt the indexes.

As we can imagine, if the broker stores a lot of logs, the log recovery process might take hours or days for the log recovery.

So far, we have no way to know the log recovery progress. All we can do is check the broker log and know it is busy on doing recovery. In this KIP, we're going to expose a RemainingLogsToRecover  metric for each log.dir and RemainingSegmentsToRecover  metric for each recovery thread, to allow the admin have a way to monitor the progress of log recovery.

Public Interfaces

Full NameTypeDescription


note: The dir format is the valid directory path string for OS(and valid for JAVA). Since the rule is different from each OS, here is just a simple example format.

32-bit gaugeThe remaining logs number for each log.dir to be recovered


note: The dir format is the valid directory path string for OS(and valid for JAVA). Since the rule is different from each OS, here is just a simple example format.

32-bit gaugeThe remaining segments for the current log assigned to the recovery thread.

Proposed Changes

The proposal is to propose 2 metrics:

1.  RemainingLogsToRecover: It's to show the remaining logs number for each log.dir to be recovered. The total number of logs to be recovered will be summed in step (1.b) described in "motivation" section. When each log completes the recovery for all the segments under the log, the RemainingLogsToRecover will be decremented, and in the end, it'll be 0. When broker is not under log recovery state, the metric will be removed.

2. RemainingSegmentsToRecover: It's to show the remaining segments to be recovered in each recovery thread (i.e. in each replica log). The total number of segments to be recovered will be calculated in step (1.b.ii) described in "motivation" section. When each segment completes the recovery, the RemainingSegmentsToRecover will be decremented, and in the end, it'll be 0. When broker is not under log recovery state, the metric will be removed.

For example:


  • log.dirs=/tmp/log1,tmp/log2

In the jmx, we'll see something like this during log recovery

  • kafka.log
    • LogManager
      • RemainingLogsToRecover 
        • /tmp/log1 => 5            ← there are 5 logs under /tmp/log1 needed to be recovered
        • /tmp/log2 => 0
      • RemainingSegmentsToRecover
        • /tmp/log1                       ← 2 threads are doing log recovery for /tmp/log1
          • 0 => 1000           ← there are 1000 segments needed to be recovered for thread 0
          • 1 => 3
        • /tmp/log2
          • 0 => 0
          • 1 => 0

It showed, currently, there are still 5 logs (partitions) needed to recover under /tmp/log1 dir. And there are 2 threads doing the jobs, where one thread has 1000 segments needed to recover, and the other one has 3 segments needed to recover.

After a while, the metrics might look like this:
It said, now, there are only 3 logs needed to recover in /tmp/log1, and the thread 0 has 9000 segments left, and thread 1 has 5 segments left (which should imply the thread already completed 2 logs recovery in the period)

  • kafka.log
    • LogManager
      • RemainingLogsToRecover 
        • /tmp/log1 => 3            ← there are 3 logs under /tmp/log1 needed to be recovered
        • /tmp/log2 => 0
      • RemainingSegmentsToRecover
        • /tmp/log1                     ← 2 threads are doing log recovery for /tmp/log1
          • 0 => 300           ← there are 300 segments needed to be recovered for thread 0
          • 1 => 5
        • /tmp/log2
          • 0 => 0
          • 1 => 0

After log recovery completes, the RemainingLogsToRecover and RemainingSegmentsToRecover metrics will be removed.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

No compatibility issue and no migration plan needed because this KIP only adds a metric for log recovery.

Rejected Alternatives

1. output the log recovery progress in logs

This is not conflicted with the KIP, but finding the log recovery progress inside the broker logs is not easy for admins. Actually, during the implementation, we'll also improve the log output to have much clear info for log recovery progress. On the other hands, having the metrics is still a better way to monitor the log recovery progress for admins.

2. Provide a RemainingBytesToRecover metric:

Currently, when log manager start up, we'll try to load all logs (segments), and during the log loading, we'll try to recover logs if necessary.
And the logs loading is using "thread pool" as you thought.

So, here's the problem:
All segments in each log folder (partition) will be loaded in each log recovery thread, and until it's loaded, we can know how many segments (or how many Bytes) needed to recover.

That means, if we have 10 partition logs in one broker, and we have 2 log recovery threads (, before the threads load the segments in each log, we only know how many logs (partitions) we have in the broker (i.e. RemainingLogsToRecover metric). We cannot know how many segments/Bytes needed to recover until each thread starts to load the segments under one log (partition).

That said, the `RemainingBytesToRecover` metric is difficult to achieve as you expected. I think the current proposal with `RemainingLogsToRecover` and `RemainingSegmentsToRecover` should already provide enough info for the log recovery progressIf there are alternative ways of accomplishing the same thing, what were they? The purpose of this section is to motivate why the design is the way it is and not some other way.