Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


































  • Rename


  • org.apache.pivot.wtkx.WTKXSerializer


  • to


  • org.apache.pivot.beans.


  • BXMLSerializer


  • its


  • name


  • and


  • inclusion


  • in


  • the


  • WTK


  • library,


  • WTKXSerializer


  • never


  • had


  • any


  • actual


  • dependency


  • on


  • WTK.


  • In


  • Pivot


  • 2.0,


  • this


  • class


  • has


  • been


  • renamed


  • to


  • BXMLSerializer


  • and


  • moved


  • to


  • the


  • Core


  • library


  • to


  • reflect


  • its


  • more


  • general


  • nature.


  • It


  • has


  • also


  • recieved


  • a


  • number


  • of


  • updates


  • and


  • improvements,


  • discussed


  • below.



  • Create


  • an


  • annotation


  • to


  • specify


  • the


  • default


  • "child"


  • property


  • of


  • a


  • component


  • Classes


  • can


  • now


  • specifiy


  • a


  • default


  • property


  • using


  • the


  • new


  • @DefaultProperty


  • annotation.


  • For


  • example,


  • the


  • org.apache.pivot.wtk.Window


  • class


  • declares


  • a


  • default


  • property


  • of


  • "content",


  • making


  • the


  • <content>


  • element


  • in


  • markup


  • optional.


  • Taking


  • advantage


  • of


  • default


  • properties


  • can


  • significantly


  • reduce


  • the


  • verbosity


  • (and


  • indent


  • depth)


  • of


  • BXML


  • markup.



  • Add


  • support


  • for


  • dynamic


  • data


  • binding


  • Pivot


  • 1.5


  • and


  • earlier


  • supported


  • data


  • binding


  • via


  • a


  • load/store


  • model


  • that


  • maps


  • well


  • to


  • client/server


  • applications


  • such


  • as


  • REST


  • clients.


  • However,


  • a


  • more


  • dynamic


  • model,


  • where


  • a


  • property


  • of


  • a


  • target


  • element


  • is


  • automatically


  • updated


  • whenever


  • a


  • source


  • value


  • changes,


  • is


  • also


  • useful


  • in


  • many


  • circumstances.


  • Pivot


  • 2.0


  • adds


  • support


  • for


  • declaratively


  • creating


  • such


  • dynamic


  • binding


  • relationships


  • as


  • well


  • as


  • the


  • ability


  • to


  • define


  • them


  • in


  • code.


  • For


  • example,


  • the


  • following


  • markup


  • creates


  • a


  • binding


  • association


  • between


  • a


  • page


  • variable


  • named


  • "myText"


  • and


  • the


  • "text"


  • property


  • of


  • a


  • Label


  • instance. Any time the value of "myText"


  • changes,


  • the


  • value


  • of


  • the


  • label's


  • "text"


  • property


  • is


  • also


  • updated:
Code Block
<Label text="${myText}"/>
  • PIVOT-546 Bindable improvements
    The Bindable interface allows a caller to easily associate Java code with markup defined in BXML. It defines a single method, initialize(), that is called on the root element of a BXML document once the document has been completely loaded.

    Though Bindable was actually introduced in Pivot 1.5, it did not provide all of the information an implementing class might need. Pivot 2.0 adds arguments containing the serializer's namespace, resources, and location, to the initialize() method. Any @BXML annotations defined on the Bindable class are also processed prior to the call to initialize(). This allows the implementing class to get access to the document's namespace (i.e. page variables), the resources that were used to load it, and the location it was loaded from, to perform any necessary post-processing (for example, registering event listeners).
  • PIVOT-537 Move message processing functionality to pivot-core
    Pivot 1.5 included a pub/sub messaging API as part of the org.apache.pivot.wtk.ApplicationContext


  • class.


  • However,


  • like


  • WTKXSerializer,


  • this


  • API


  • didn't


  • actually


  • have


  • a


  • dependency


  • on


  • WTK.


  • It


  • has


  • been


  • moved


  • to


  • org.apache.pivot.util.MessageBus


  • to


  • reflect


  • this.



  • Allow


  • serializers


  • to


  • fire


  • events


  • as


  • data


  • is


  • read


  • The


  • org.apache.pivot.json.JSONSerializer


  • ,


  • org.apache.pivot.serialization.CSVSerializer


  • ,


  • and


  • org.apache.pivot.xml.XMLSerializer


  • classes


  • allow


  • an


  • application


  • to


  • read


  • structured


  • content


  • from


  • an


  • input


  • stream.


  • In


  • Pivot


  • 1.5


  • and


  • earlier,


  • callers


  • had


  • to


  • wait


  • until


  • the


  • Serializer#readObject()


  • method


  • returned


  • in


  • order


  • to


  • access


  • the


  • deserialized


  • data.


  • Pivot


  • 2.0


  • allows


  • developers


  • to


  • hook


  • into


  • the


  • serialization


  • process


  • and


  • be


  • notified


  • as


  • data


  • is


  • read.


  • For


  • example,


  • JSONSerializer


  • now


  • fires


  • events


  • whenever


  • a


  • string,


  • number,


  • boolean,


  • list,


  • or


  • map


  • is


  • read,


  • and


  • XMLSerializer


  • fires


  • events


  • as


  • elements


  • and


  • text


  • nodes


  • are


  • read.


  • This


  • allows


  • a


  • caller


  • to


  • update


  • the


  • UI


  • incrementally


  • rather


  • than


  • waiting


  • until


  • the


  • entire


  • stream


  • is


  • read,


  • making


  • an


  • application


  • seem


  • considerably


  • more


  • responsive.




  • Add


  • support


  • for


  • named


  • styles


  • While


  • Pivot


  • has


  • always


  • provided


  • support


  • for


  • modifying


  • the


  • appearance


  • and


  • behavior


  • of


  • components


  • via


  • CSS-like


  • styles,


  • it


  • did


  • not


  • include


  • support


  • for


  • "named


  • styles"


  • (aka


  • "style


  • classes").


  • Pivot


  • 2.0


  • adds


  • this


  • capability,


  • including


  • support


  • for


  • both


  • typed


  • and


  • untyped


  • style


  • selectors.



  • Add


  • platform


  • support


  • for


  • SVG


  • images


  • Pivot


  • 1.5


  • and


  • earlier


  • included


  • a


  • set


  • of


  • classes


  • for


  • declaratively


  • constructing


  • drawings


  • using


  • a


  • "shape


  • DOM"


  • or


  • "scene


  • graph",


  • which


  • mirrored


  • the


  • equivalent


  • drawing


  • primitives


  • in


  • the


  • java.awt.geom


  • package


  • .


  • While


  • these


  • classes


  • provided


  • a


  • convenient


  • way


  • to


  • implement


  • retained


  • mode


  • drawing,


  • they


  • were


  • of


  • little


  • practical


  • use,


  • since


  • such


  • drawings


  • had


  • to


  • be


  • constructed


  • by


  • hand


  • -


  • no


  • support


  • was


  • provided


  • for


  • reading


  • standard


  • image


  • formats


  • such


  • as


  • SVG


  • or


  • Adobe


  • Illustrator


  • documents.


  • In


  • Pivot


  • 2.0,


  • the


  • "shape


  • DOM"


  • classes


  • have


  • been


  • eliminated


  • and


  • replaced


  • with


  • a


  • new


  • SVG-based


  • Drawing


  • class.


  • This


  • allows


  • developers


  • to


  • freely


  • interchange


  • bitmap-based


  • images


  • (such


  • as


  • JPEG,


  • PNG,


  • or


  • GIF)


  • and


  • scalable


  • vector


  • images


  • in


  • a


  • Pivot


  • application.


  • SVG


  • support


  • in


  • Pivot


  • 2.0


  • is


  • provided


  • by


  • the




  • project.


  • Re-implement


  • TextArea


  • The


  • TextArea


  • component


  • was


  • completely


  • overhauled


  • in


  • Pivot


  • 2.0.


  • It


  • now


  • supports


  • common


  • text


  • editing


  • features


  • including


  • word


  • navigation


  • and


  • undo/redo,


  • and


  • cut/paste


  • behavior


  • has


  • been


  • improved.


  • Word


  • navigation


  • and


  • undo/redo


  • has


  • also


  • been


  • added


  • to


  • TextInput


  • (PIVOT-372


  • and


  • PIVOT-639).



  • Add


  • rich


  • text


  • support


  • to


  • TextPane


  • (formerly


  • TextArea)


  • The


  • previous


  • TextArea


  • component


  • has


  • been


  • renamed


  • to


  • TextPane


  • and


  • has


  • recieved


  • improvements


  • that


  • allow


  • it


  • to


  • be


  • used


  • to


  • present


  • and


  • author


  • rich


  • text.


  • It


  • can


  • also


  • now


  • host


  • sub-components


  • and


  • can


  • be


  • used


  • as


  • a


  • generic


  • text-based


  • layout


  • container.


  • However,


  • it


  • has


  • not


  • been


  • fully


  • tested


  • and


  • is


  • considered


  • experimental


  • in


  • Pivot


  • 2.0.



  • Add


  • a


  • "repeatable"


  • property


  • to


  • ListButton


  • A


  • "repeatable"


  • flag


  • has


  • been


  • added


  • to


  • ListButton


  • to


  • support


  • "split


  • button"-type


  • behavior.


  • When


  • enabled,


  • a


  • mouse


  • click


  • on


  • the


  • trigger


  • area


  • of


  • the


  • button


  • will


  • show


  • the


  • drop


  • down,


  • but


  • a


  • click


  • on


  • the


  • content


  • area


  • will


  • not


  • and


  • will


  • instead


  • simply


  • "press"


  • the


  • button.



  • Simplify


  • editor


  • APIs


  • The


  • editor


  • APIs


  • for


  • ListView


  • ,


  • TableView


  • ,


  • and


  • TreeView


  • were


  • significantly


  • simplified


  • for


  • Pivot


  • 2.0


  • ,


  • making


  • it


  • much


  • easier


  • to


  • implement


  • custom


  • editors


  • in


  • a


  • Pivot


  • application.



  • Make


  • ListView


  • selectedItem,


  • etc.


  • notifying


  • properties


  • In


  • previous


  • versions,


  • changes


  • to


  • ListView


  • 's


  • "selectedItem"


  • property,


  • TableView


  • 's


  • "selectedRow"


  • property,


  • and


  • TreeView


  • 's


  • "selectedNode"


  • property


  • did


  • not


  • fire


  • events.


  • This


  • was


  • by


  • design,


  • since


  • the


  • getters


  • for


  • these


  • properties


  • are


  • simply


  • convenience


  • methods.


  • However,


  • the


  • lack


  • of


  • event


  • notification


  • made


  • it


  • impossible


  • to


  • use


  • the


  • new


  • dynamic


  • data


  • binding


  • feature


  • to


  • bind


  • to


  • these


  • properties.


  • As


  • a


  • result,


  • events


  • are


  • now


  • fired


  • when


  • these


  • values


  • change.



  • Fire


  • selection


  • change


  • events


  • when


  • selection


  • changes


  • indirectly


  • In


  • previous


  • versions,


  • selection


  • change


  • events


  • in


  • data-driven


  • components


  • such


  • as


  • ListView


  • were


  • not


  • fired


  • when


  • a


  • component's


  • selection


  • state


  • changed


  • indirectly


  • (i.e.


  • as


  • a


  • result


  • of


  • a


  • model


  • change,


  • rather


  • than


  • a


  • direct


  • call


  • to


  • a


  • selection


  • setter


  • method).


  • It


  • was


  • the


  • caller's


  • responsibility


  • to


  • listen


  • for


  • both


  • model


  • and


  • selection


  • change


  • events.


  • In


  • Pivot


  • 2.0,


  • selection


  • change


  • events


  • are


  • fired


  • both


  • when


  • the


  • selection


  • changes


  • directly


  • as


  • well


  • as


  • when


  • it


  • is


  • changed


  • indirectly.



  • Add


  • a


  • "closeable"


  • property


  • to


  • TabPane


  • The


  • TabPane


  • component


  • now


  • supports


  • user-closeable


  • tabs.



  • Fire


  • tooltipTriggered()


  • event


  • from


  • Component


  • In


  • prior


  • Pivot


  • versions,


  • it


  • was


  • difficult


  • to


  • create


  • tooltips


  • containing


  • custom


  • content.


  • The


  • Component


  • class


  • now


  • fires


  • a


  • tooltipTriggered()


  • event


  • that


  • applications


  • can


  • hook


  • into


  • to


  • show


  • a


  • custom


  • tooltip.


  • The


  • tooltip


  • delay


  • is


  • now


  • also


  • configurable


  • (PIVOT-563).



  • Multiple


  • host


  • windows


  • Though


  • Pivot


  • provides


  • a


  • rich


  • set


  • of


  • window


  • types,


  • they


  • are


  • all


  • internal


  • to


  • the


  • host


  • frame


  • (or


  • applet).


  • A


  • common


  • request


  • from


  • developers


  • was


  • for


  • improved


  • support


  • for


  • multiple


  • native


  • frames.


  • Such


  • support


  • has


  • been


  • added


  • to


  • Pivot


  • 2.0:


  • applications


  • launched


  • via


  • DesktopApplicationContext


  • can


  • now


  • easily


  • create


  • multiple


  • top-level


  • host


  • frames,


  • providing


  • a


  • much


  • more


  • seamless


  • desktop


  • experience.



  • Provide


  • additional


  • Color


  • schemes


  • Though


  • Pivot


  • has


  • always


  • provided


  • the


  • ability


  • to


  • create


  • custom


  • color


  • schemes,


  • previous


  • versions


  • have


  • included


  • only


  • a


  • single


  • default


  • scheme.


  • Pivot


  • 2.0


  • includes


  • a


  • collection


  • of


  • color


  • schemes


  • which


  • are


  • optimized


  • for


  • a


  • variety


  • of


  • popular


  • desktop


  • environments.



  • Create


  • an


  • Eclipse


  • launcher


  • for


  • org.apache.pivot.wtk.Application


  • and


  • ScriptApplication


  • Pivot


  • now


  • includes


  • an


  • Eclipse


  • plugin


  • to


  • help


  • simplify


  • the


  • task


  • of


  • creating


  • launch


  • configurations


  • for


  • Pivot


  • applications.


  • When


  • the


  • plugin


  • is


  • installed,


  • any


  • class


  • that


  • implements


  • the


  • Application


  • interface


  • can


  • be


  • automatically


  • launched


  • via


  • a


  • right-click


  • context


  • menu.


  • Additionally,


  • any


  • BXML


  • file


  • that


  • has


  • a


  • root


  • element


  • that


  • is


  • a


  • subclass


  • of


  • Window


  • can


  • also


  • be


  • launched


  • via


  • right-click


  • using


  • the


  • ScriptApplication


  • launcher


  • class


  • included


  • in


  • the


  • platform.


Complete release notes are available here.