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Here are some tools that we have already developed using the Penny framework. Many of them are somewhat rudimentary and could be improved (volunteers accepted!). Don't see the tool you were hoping to find? Build your own – it's easy! – see PennyCreateYourOwnTool.

''' name ''' '''

description '''

''' how to run ''' '''

limitations '''

crash investigator

Determine which record(s) might be causing your pig script to crash.

java -cp penny.jar:pig.jar <pig_script> (pig_script = your pig script, e.g. foo.pig)

Narrows it down to a small set of records, but can't pinpoint the exact record due to pipeline and partition parallelism.

row-level integrity alerts

Throw an alert if a particular field of a particular intermediate data record contains a NULL. (Should be easy to generalize to arbitrary predicates by supplying a code fragment that returns a boolean pass/no-pass decision – anyone want to volunteer?)

java -cp penny.jar:pig.jar org.apache.pig.penny.apps.ri.Main <pig_script> <alias> <field#> (alias = pig script alias you want to monitor, field# = field # to check for NULLs)


table-level integrity alerts

Throw an alert if a particular intermediate table (i.e. the set of records passing between steps i and j) is too small. (Any volunteers to generalize this to general checks? Again, shouldn't be very hard.)

java -cp penny.jar:pig.jar org.apache.pig.penny.apps.ti.Main <pig_script> <alias> <minimum size>


data samples

Print a few records from each intermediate data set, as the pig script is running – allows you to get a feel for the transformations being performed, and do some basic sanity checks.

java -cp penny.jar:pig.jar org.apache.pig.penny.apps.ds.Main <pig_script>


data histograms

Print a histogram of a particular field of a particular intermediate data set.

java -cp penny.jar:pig.jar org.apache.pig.penny.apps.dh.Main <pig_script> <alias> <field#> <min_val> <max_val> <bucket_size>


forward tracing

Trace a particular record as it flows through the pig script and gets transformed by the various steps.

java -cp penny.jar:pig.jar org.apache.pig.penny.apps.ft.Main <pig_script> <alias> <field#> <value> (alias = alias from which start forward tracing; field# = field to inspect to decide when to trace a record; value = value that triggers tracing – e.g. if I set alias=foo, field#=2, value=bar it will trace all records emitted by script alias "foo" that have "bar" in field #2

Script must use positional notation for group-by keys (i.e. instead of "group X by url" you have to write "group X by $2". Currently does not support scripts that use JOIN or ORDER – waiting on parsing support from Pig for those.

backward tracing

Trace a particular record backward through the pig script, to find out where it came from (i.e. trace its "lineage" or "provenance").

java -cp penny.jar:pig.jar query_analysis.pig <alias> <record> (alias = alias of record to trace; record = record to trace, in quotes, e.g. "(texas,berets)")

Script must use positional notation for group-by keys (i.e. instead of "group X by url" you have to write "group X by $2". Currently does not support scripts that use JOIN or ORDER – waiting on parsing support from Pig for those. Will not perform well on large data sets. Can be improved by implementing an initial "weak inversion" analysis phase – T.B.D.

golden logic testing

Compare a "golden" piece of logic (one that you're pretty sure is correct) against the logic performed by Pig, to see if there might be a bug.

java -cp penny.jar:pig.jar <pig_script> <alias> <sample_rate> <golden_logic_class> (sample_rate = what fraction of records to check; golden_logic_class = your golden logic class, which must implement the interface)

Script must use positional notation for group-by keys (i.e. instead of "group X by url" you have to write "group X by $2". Currently does not support scripts that use JOIN or ORDER – waiting on parsing support from Pig for those.

latency alerts

Throw an alert if a given record takes much longer to process than the average record.

java -cp penny.jar:pig.jar <pig_script>


latency profiling

Trace records as they flow through the pig steps, and see how long it takes the record to reach each step.

java -cp penny.jar:pig.jar org.apache.pig.penny.apps.lp.Main <pig_script>

Script must use positional notation for group-by keys (i.e. instead of "group X by url" you have to write "group X by $2". Currently does not support scripts that use JOIN or ORDER – waiting on parsing support from Pig for those.

overhead profiling

Determine how much time is spent on each step in your pig script.

java -cp penny.jar:pig.jar org.apache.pig.penny.apps.op.Main <pig_script>

Currently only works on pig scripts that have a linear chain structure (no joins or splits).

trial runs

Run your pig script on a small sample of the input data. Use this the first time you run a new pig scripts to catch certain bugs quickly.

java -cp penny.jar:pig.jar <pig_script>


As your script runs, tasks will communicate back to Penny. For this to work, you will need to open port 33335 to your cluster on the machine where you ran Penny.