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Apache SIS(TM) is a spatial framework that enables better representation of representation of coordinates for searching, data clustering, archiving, or any other relevant other relevant spatial needs.

Downloading SIS

The project home page is Removed Removed


Building SIS



This module has been removed from Apache SIS. This wiki page is kept as a source of material that we may use when web application development will restart.

This page describe the steps for running the 'webapp' module, which still in early draft. This page does not describe other modules like coordinate by referencing, metadata, NetCDF or Shapefile storage.

Downloading & Building SIS

The latest released source code can be obtained by visiting the downloads page. You can download the 'Download apache-sis-src.tar.gz zip' archive and run the following command commands to unpack it to a local folder, for example as follows:

Code Block

tar xzvf apache-sis-src.tar.gz -C mkdir /usr/local/src
mkdir /usr/local/src/sis-site

You can also check out the source latest code from the SIS Subversion repository as follows:


. See http://




SIS is based on Java 5 6 and uses the Maven 2 <> build system. To build SIS, use the following command in the top source directory: Apache Maven (version 3) build system. Once you have obtained the source files, to build SIS, run the following command from within the top source directory (e.g. /usr/local/src/sis):

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    mvn clean install


Eclipse or NetBeans Integration


Running The SIS Web Application

The build consists of a number of components, including a web-based application
file (WAR) that you can use to try out SIS features. You can run it on top of Apache Tomcat like this:. Below are some instructions on how to set up the web application on various different servers.

Running on Jetty

Jetty is now supported as of 11th February 2012. After building SIS, navigate to the sis-webapp directory. To run the built-in Jetty server, run the following command:

Code Block
mvn jetty:run

Running on Tomcat

There are several different versions of Apache Tomcat available, each with different requirements for installing web applications. For more details, please refer to the documentation for the specific version of Tomcat that you're running. Below is a set of instructions for a very simple installation on Tomcat 7. In the following examples, please replace $TOMCAT_HOME with the location of your Tomcat 7 installation.

Shut down Tomcat if it's already running:

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Copy the SIS web application from the SIS build directory to the Tomcat web applications directory. The SIS web application can be found in the 'sis-webapp/target' directory within your SIS source directory. The web applications directory for Tomcat 7 is by default '$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps'. For example, the following command will copy the SIS web application directory to the Tomcat webapps directory and rename it to 'sis'.

Code Block
cp -R /usr/local/src/sis-site/sis-webapp/target/sis-webapp



Create the following directories to store data returned from SIS queries. These can be created anywhere you like. The example below creates them within the SIS webapp directory:

Code Block
mkdir $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/sis/qtree
mkdir $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/sis/geodata

Edit the '$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/sis/WEB-INF/web.xml' file and add references to your data directories as follows:

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Modify the parameter for 'sis-location-config.xml, to /usr/local/sis/qtree,
orgfilePath' to point to the location of your 'sis-location-config.xml' file. By default, this is located in the 'WEB-INF/classes' directory of the SIS web application:

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You can use the 'geodata)
cp -R /path/to/apache-sis-X.Y-src/sis-webapp/src/main/resources/sis-location-config.xml ./
edit ' file to configure the RSS feeds that SIS will process. Feeds can be added by inserting their URLs into the 'sis-location-config.xml (add or delete GeoRSS URLs)
ln -s /usr/local/sis/sis.xml /usr/local/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/sis.xml
/usr/local/tomcat/' file between <url> ... </url> tags, as in the following example:

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After making the above changes to the SIS web application configuration files, restart Tomcat with the following command:

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Running on Jetty

Jetty is now supported too (as of 02/11/2012). Simply build the project at the root level

mvn clean install

Then browse to the sis-webapp directory. To run the built-in Jetty server, type the command:

mvn jetty:run



A demonstration is included with the SIS webapp. The 'demo.jsp' file can be found in the sis-webapp top level folder. It can be accessed via a web browser by navigating to http:////demo.jsp, where <host> is the address of your chosen server and <webapp> is the name of the top level SIS webapp directory, for example Visit http://localhost:8080/sis/demo.jsp and checkout the demo!
Try some queries:

Bounding Box:
0, 50, 50, 100


On loading the page, you should see the Apache SIS logo, a simple form and a map. Use the form to enter some queries and return results from RSS feeds to SIS on the map. Below are two example queries to try:

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Bounding Box:

Lower Left: Latitude: 0, Longitude: 50
Upper Right: Latitude: 50, Longitude: 100

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Point Radius:

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 80
Radius: 400km


Mailing Lists

Discussion about SIS takes place on the following mailing lists:

  • - about using SIS
  • - about developing SIS


  • - notifications on all code changes for SIS

The mailing lists are open to anyone and publicly archived.

You can subscribe the mailing lists by sending a message to sis-<LIST> (for example  To unsubscribe, send a message to sis<LIST>  For more instructions, send a message to sis<LIST>

Issue Tracker

If you encounter errors in SIS or want to suggest an improvement or a or a new feature, please visit the SIS issue tracker at https://issues. There you can also find the latest the latest information on known issues and recent bug fixes and enhancements.