Versions Compared


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As bookkeeper is a subproject of zookeeper, we use Apache Bookkeeper uses the Apache cms CMS system also used by zookeeper to generate our website and documentation.

To get CMS and the zookeeper bookkeeper source, run the following:

Code Block

$ svn co zookeeperbookkeeper-site
$ svn co cms

Generate the documentation with:

Code Block

$ cms/build/ --source-base zookeeperbookkeeper-site/ --target-base output

There are three locations for bookkeeper documentation within the zookeeper-site tree.

Making modifications

Modifications to the site doesn't require a JIRA, though modifications to the source tree (i.e. docs/trunk) does. When you make a modification to the bookkeeper site, they will not be automatically built. First you need trigger a build. To do this, commit a change to Removed. This triggers a svn trigger which triggers the cms system.

The cms system will put the modifications in staging; http://zookeeper.staging.apache.orgImage Removed.

See Removed for details on how to publish the staged site.

You can view the generates site by running the python SimpleHTTPServer and navigating to http://localhost:8000/.

Code Block
/tmp/output$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...

Making modifications

Modifications to the site doesn't require a JIRA, though if it is a large modification you should create one. When you make a modification to the bookkeeper site and submit it through subversion, they will be automatically built.

The cms system will put the modifications in staging;

You'll need the CMS bookmarklet to publish the site. See the CMS documentation for details.

Generating documentation for release

When making a release, you need to generate the version's documentation and then copy it into bookkeeper-site/content/docs. To do this:

  1. Check out the git release tag for the release.

    Code Block
    bookkeeper$ git checkout release-4.3.0
  2. Copy the documentation directory to bookkeeper-site/content/docs.

    Code Block
    bookkeeper$ cp -r doc/ ../bookkeeper-site/content/docs/r4.3.0

    Add to subversion.

  3. Generate the javadoc for the release and copy it to the site.

    Code Block
    bookkeeper$ mvn javadoc:aggregate
    bookkeeper$ cp -r target/site/apidocs ../bookkeeper-site/content/docs/r4.3.0
  4. Add the new release docs directory to subversion.
  5. Modify bookkeeper-site/content/docs/r4.3.0/index.textile to point to the javadoc and release notes. See bookkeeper-site/content/docs/r4.0.0/index.textile for an example of how to do this.
  6. Modify bookkeeper-site/templates/skeleton.html and and a link for the release documentation.

    Code Block
                 <li class="dropdown">
                   <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-expanded="false">Documentation<span class="caret"></span></a>
                   <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
                     <li><a href="/docs/trunk">Trunk</a></li>
    +                <li><a href="/docs/r4.3.0">Release 4.3.0</a></li>
                     <li><a href="/docs/r4.2.3">Release 4.2.3</a></li>
  7. Add the release to bookkeeper-site/content/releases.textile.
  8. Go through the staging/publish sequence from above. Obviously the version numbers will change for each release.
