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The following is a proposal for the design of a clustering solution to increase the scalability of the Qpid AMQP broker by allowing multiple broker processes to collaborate to provide services to application clients connected to any one of these processes. By spreading the connections across different processes more clients can be supported.

Terms & Definitions

A cluster consists of any number of brokers in a fixed order. Each broker in the cluster has a unique name. All brokers in the cluster know the set of brokers in their cluster and agree on the ordering of those brokers. The first broker in the cluster is the leader; all brokers agree on the current leader. The mechanisms for achieving and maintaining this structure will be described below.


A broker will need to distinguish between sessions with an application client and sessions where the 'client' of the socket in a session is actually another broker.

Outline of Approach for Clustering

Stated simply, the cluster will:


To incorporate clustering while reusing the same communication channel for intra-cluster communications and extension to the protocol is proposed. It is not necessary for clients to know about this extension so it has no impact on the compliance of the broker and can be treated as a proprietary extension for Qpid. The extension consists of a new class of messages, Cluster, which has the following methods:


Sent by a new member to the leader of the cluster to initiate the joining process. On receiving a join the leader will try to establish its own connection back to the new member. It will then send a membership announcement and various messages to ensure the new member has the required state built up.


Sent by the leader of the cluster whenever there is a change in the membership of the cluster either through a new broker joining or through a broker leaving or failing. All brokers should store the membership information sent. If they are waiting for responses from a member that is no longer part of the cluster they can handle the fact that that broker has failed. If it contains a member to whom they have not connected they can connect (or reconnect).


Sent to the leader by a broker that is leaving the cluster in an orderly fashion. The leader responds by sending a new membership announcement.


Sent by brokers in the cluster to the leader of the cluster to inform the leader that they suspect another member has failed. The leader will attempt to verify the falure and then issue a new Cluster.Membership message excluding the suspected broker if it has failed leaving it in if it seems to be responding.


Sent to complete a batch of message replayed to a new member to allow it to build up the correct state.


Sent between brokers in a cluster to give or request a heart beat and to exchange information about loading. A ping has a flag that indicates whether it expects a response or not. On receiving a ping a broker updates its local view of the load on that server and if required sends its own ping in response.

In addition to this new class, the handling of the following is also altered. The handling of each message may depend on whether it is received from an application client or from another broker.


A broker needs to detect whether the open request is from an application client or another broker in the cluster. It will use the capabilities field to do this; brokers acting as clients on other brokers require the 'cluster-peer' capability.

If a broker receives a Connection.Open from an application client (i.e. if the cluster-peer capability is not required) it may issue a Connection.Redirect if it feels its loading is greater than the loading of other members in the cluster.


On receiving this message a broker propagates it to all other brokers in the cluster, possibly waiting for responses before responding with an Exchange.Declare-Ok.


On receiving this message a broker propagates it to all other brokers in the cluster, possibly waiting for responses before responding with a Queue.Declare-Ok.


Again, this is replicated to all other brokers, possibly waiting for responses before sending back a Queue.Bind-Ok to the client.


On receiving this message a broker propagates it to all other brokers in the cluster, optionally waiting for responses before responding to the client.


If the consume request is for a private queue, no alteration to the processing is required. However, if it is for a shared queue then the broker must additionally replicate the message to all other brokers.


If the cancel request is for a subscription to a private queue, no alteration to the processing is required. However, if it is for a shared queue then the broker must additionally replicate the message to all other brokers.


The handling of Basic.Publish only differs from the non-clustered case where (a) it ends up in a shared queue or (b) it ends up in a 'proxy' for a private queue that is hosted within another member of the cluster.


Where the messages is delivered to a proxied private queue, that message is merely relayed on to the relevant broker. However, It is important that where more than one proxied queue to the same target broker are bound to the same exchange, the message only be relayed once. The broker handling the Basic.Publish must therefore track the relaying of the message to its peers.

Failure Analysis

As mentioned above, the primary objective of this phase of the clustering design is to enable the scaling of a system by adding extra broker processes that cooperate to serve a larger number of clients than could be handle by one broker.
