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Cache configuration changes

Adding ability to set a marshaller to cache configuration:


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public class CacheConfiguration {
    // ...
    public void setMarshaller(Marshaller marshaller) {...}
    public Marshaller getMarshaller() {...}
    // ...


Public API: New Interface

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 * Abstracted binary representation of objects.
public abstractinterface class CacheObjectManager extends GridCacheManagerAdapter IgniteObject {
     * ChecksGets whetherportable thisobject functionality is globally supportedtype ID.
     * @return {@code true} if enabledType ID.
    public abstractint boolean isFieldsIndexingEnabledtypeId();

     * @paramGets objfully Keydeserialized value.
instance     * @param userObj If {@code true} then given object is object provided by user and should be copiedof portable object.
     * before@return storedFully indeserialized cache.
instance of    * @return Cache key portable object.
    @Nullable public abstract<T> KeyCacheObjectT toCacheKeyObjectdeserialize(Object) obj, boolean userObj)throws IgniteException;

     * @paramGets objfield Objectvalue.
     * @param userObj If {@code true} then given object is object provided by user and should be copied
     * before@param storedfieldName inField cachename.
     * @return CacheField objectvalue.
    @Nullable public abstract<T> CacheObjectT toCacheObjectfield(@Nullable Object obj, boolean userObjString fieldName);

     * @paramChecks whether typefield Objectis type.set.
     * @param bytesfieldName ObjectField bytesname.
     * @return Cache object{@code true} if field is set.
    public abstractboolean CacheObject toCacheObjecthasField(byte type, byte[] bytesString fieldName);

     * @param valPtr Value pointer Gets the source input stream that was used to create this IgniteObject.
 @param  tmp Ifpublic {@code true} can return temporary instance which is valid while entry lock is held.SeekableDataInput source();



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public interface IgniteObjectMarshaller extends Marshaller {    
     * @param @returninput CacheSeekable objectinput.
     * @throws@return IgniteCheckedExceptionCache If failedobject.
    @Nullable public abstractIgniteObject CacheObject toCacheObjecttoIgniteObject(long valPtr, boolean tmp) throws IgniteCheckedExceptionSeekableDataInput input);

     * @param typeNameinput TypeSeekable nameinput.
     * @return TypeCache IDobject.
    @Nullable public abstractIgniteObject int typeId(String typeNametoIgniteObject(byte[] data);

     * @param objtypeName Object to get type ID forType name.
     * @return Type ID.
    public abstract int typeId(Object obj);


String typeName);}
Code Block
public interface SeekableDataInput extends DataInput {
    public long position();
    public void seek(long pos) throws IOException;
    public void ensureOnHeap();