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Table of Contents

Major Releases

This roadmap covers the following Java components:

  • Qpid Broker for Java Broker
  • Legacy 0-8..0-10 Java Client

It does not cover the newer Qpid JMS client.

It lists major work items features only.






(Scheduled for delivery Q3 2015

Java Broker

  1. Refactored IO layer and utilize Direct memory for message payload/headers bringing the to ring fence resources such as threads/memory etc (to support use cases where many applications share a single Broker)
  2. Fully integrate logging into management

AMQP 0-8..0-10 Java Client

  • End of end encryption support


Release v6.1

Schedule for delivery: Q4 2015

Java Broker

  1. Separate Web Management Console.
    • Ability to deploy the Web Management Console independently of the Broker and have the ability to manage many Brokers.  Use case is for a managed service scenario where an operator is interested in managing many Brokers.
    • Ability to delegate authentication to OAUTH2
    • Web Management Console will probably be deployed to web container such as Tomcat.
  2. Real time charting within the Web Management Console
    • Ability to draw real time charts of important statistics such as queue depths from within the UI


  1. System test remediation work.  Current system test suite is poorly structured, time consuming to run and requires exclusive use of the machine
    • Allow many instances of the system test suite to be run concurrently (i.e. stop assuming certain ports will be available)
    • Better test classification mechanism perhaps utilising the facilities of Junit4.

Release v6.2

Schedule for delivery: Q1 2016

Java Broker


release Q4 2017)

  1. Targets Java 1.8
  2. Mature the existing AMQP 1.0 layer (QPID-7531)
  3. JMS v2.0 support
    1. Shared Subscriptions (QPID-7569/QPID-7540/QPID-3953)
    2. Delivery Delay (QPID-7568)
    3. Maximum Delivery Count/Dead-lettering (QPID-7603)
    4. Consumer Priority for AMQP 1.0 (Broker support already in place, but Qpid JMS Client lacks the ability to allow properties to be set on link established). (deferred for future release)
    5. Arrival Time Filtering for AMQP 1.0 (QPID-7604) (deferred for future release)
    6. Producer Flow Control (QPID-7529)
    7. Client ID validation (QPID-7605)
    8. System test suite refactored to operate against both Qpid JMS Client and Legacy Client.
      1. There will need to be provision for some tests to be JMS 2.0 only.  How will this be handled (separate module?)
  4. Mature the message conversation layer between protocols (QPID-7434)
    1. Fidelity with application headers (need rules around handling of long names, names containing illegal characters or values outside the domain permitted)
    2. Fidelity application payloads including structured payloads (lists/maps etc)
    3. Reply-to conversion supporting request/response across protocol (QPID-7602)
  5. VH-centric REST API and VH-centric web management console (the former included, the latter deferred for future release) 
  6. Simple REST API compatibility layer (deferred)
  7. 'Queue runner' removal - not user facing -  simplifies threading model behind message delivery to queues within the Broker.
  8. Model change to remove the requirement for multi-parents (QPID-6028) - not user facing - simplifies the object model underpinning the Broker.


Release v7.1

(Scheduled for release Q3/4 2017)

Qpid Broker for Java

  • Replacement for the BDB JE based store with a store offering similar performance characteristics.
  • ACL provider replacement


Minor Releases

Release v6.0.7

Not yet planned

Release v6.1.2

Not yet planned.

