Versions Compared


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Eagle application framework is designed for end-to-end lifecycle of applications including

  • Development: application development and framework development
  • Testing:
  • Installation: package management with SPI/Providers.xml
  • Management: manage applications through REST API

Quick Start

  • Fork and clone eagle source code repository using GIT



  • Run Eagle Server : execute “org.apache.eagle.server.ServerDebug” under eagle-server in IDE or with maven command line.



  • Access current available applications through API
  • Create Site through API

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST  http://localhost:9090/rest/sites --data '



     "siteName":"Test Site",

     "description":"This is a sample site for test",





          "additional_attr":"Some information about the face cluster site"




  • Install Application through API

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:9090/rest/apps/install --data '{






  • Start Application  (uuid means installed application uuid)

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" –X POST http://localhost:9090/rest/apps/start --data '




  • Stop Application (uuid means installed application uuid)

curl -XPOST http://localhost:9090/rest/apps/stop '


 "uuid": "9acf6792-60e8-46ea-93a6-160fb6ef0b3f"


  • Uninstall Application (uuid means installed application uuid)

curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9090/rest/apps/uninstall '


 "uuid": "9acf6792-60e8-46ea-93a6-160fb6ef0b3f"


Create a new Application

How to develop applications

Each application should be developed under independent modules (including backend code and front-end code)


Here is a typical code structure of a new application as following:



├── pom.xml

├── src

│   ├── main

│   │   ├── java

│   │   │   └── org

│   │   │       └── apache

│   │   │           └── eagle

│   │   │               └── app

│   │   │                   └── example

│   │   │                       ├──

│   │   │                       ├──

│   │   ├── resources

│   │   │   └── META-INF

│   │   │       ├── providers

│   │   │       │   └──

│   │   │       └── services

│   │   │           └──

│   │   └── webapp

│   │       ├── app

│   │       │   └── apps

│   │       │       └── example

│   │       │           └── index.html

│   │       └── package.json

│   └── test

│       ├── java

│       │   └── org

│       │       └── apache

│       │           └── eagle

│       │               └── app

│       │                   ├── example

│       │                   │   ├──

│       │                   │   └──

│       └── resources

│           └── application.conf

A typical eagle application is mainly consisted of:


  • Application: define core execution process logic inheriting from, which is also implemented ApplicationTool to support Application to run as standalone process like a Storm topology  through command line.
  • ApplicationProvider: the interface to package application with descriptor metadata, also used as application SPI to dynamically load new application types.
    • META-INF/providers/${APP_PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME}.xml:  support to easily describe application’s descriptor with declarative XML like:



   <name>Example Monitoring Application</name>






           <value>Hello, example application!</value>

           <description>Just an sample configuration property</description>






           <description>Sample output stream #1</description>





















           <description>Sample output stream #2</description>






















    • META-INF/services/ support to dynamically scan and load extensible application provider using java service provider.
  • webapp/app/apps/${APP_TYPE}: if the application has web portal, then it could add more web code under this directory and make sure building as following in pom.xml



















How to test applications

  • Extend and initialize injector context
  • Access shared service with @Inject
  • Test application lifecycle with related web resource.


@Inject private SiteResource siteResource;

@Inject private ApplicationResource applicationResource;


// Create local site

SiteEntity siteEntity = new SiteEntity();


siteEntity.setSiteName("Test Site");

siteEntity.setDescription("Test Site for ExampleApplicationProviderTest");




ApplicationOperations.InstallOperation installOperation = new ApplicationOperations.InstallOperation("test_site", "EXAMPLE_APPLICATION", ApplicationEntity.Mode.LOCAL);


// Install application

ApplicationEntity applicationEntity = applicationResource.installApplication(installOperation).getData();

// Start application

applicationResource.startApplication(new ApplicationOperations.StartOperation(applicationEntity.getUuid()));

// Stop application

applicationResource.stopApplication(new ApplicationOperations.StopOperation(applicationEntity.getUuid()));

// Uninstall application

applicationResource.uninstallApplication(new ApplicationOperations.UninstallOperation(applicationEntity.getUuid()));

try {

   applicationResource.getApplicationEntityByUUID(applicationEntity.getUuid());"Application instance (UUID: " + applicationEntity.getUuid() + ") should have been uninstalled");

} catch (Exception ex) {

   // Expected exception



How to manage applications

ApplicationProviderSPILoader: default behavior, automatically loading from class path using SPI

    • By default, eagle will load application providers from current class loader
    • If application.provider.dir defined, it will load from external jars’ class loader 

Application Management API

  • DELETE  /rest/sites (org.apache.eagle.metadata.resource.SiteResource)
  • DELETE  /rest/sites/{siteId} (org.apache.eagle.metadata.resource.SiteResource)
  • GET     /rest/sites (org.apache.eagle.metadata.resource.SiteResource)
  • GET     /rest/sites/{siteId} (org.apache.eagle.metadata.resource.SiteResource)
  • POST    /rest/sites (org.apache.eagle.metadata.resource.SiteResource)
  • PUT     /rest/sites (org.apache.eagle.metadata.resource.SiteResource)
  • PUT     /rest/sites/{siteId} (org.apache.eagle.metadata.resource.SiteResource)
  • DELETE  /rest/apps/uninstall (
  • GET     /rest/apps (
  • GET     /rest/apps/providers (
  • GET     /rest/apps/providers/{type} (
  • GET     /rest/apps/{appUuid} (
  • POST    /rest/apps/install (
  • POST    /rest/apps/start (
  • POST    /rest/apps/stop (
  • PUT     /rest/apps/providers/reload (


TODO: Add API description documentations