Versions Compared


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If you are running a version of ElasticSearch that is different from what came with Apache Metron 0.4.2 and older, the below information is outdated.  As of METRON-939, ElasticSearch and Kibana have been upgraded and the below guide may no longer be accurate.

Sizing your hardware

Elasticsearch prefers to run on a large number of small servers, as opposed to multiple instances on big servers.  See this great post for more details.

If you are going to run multiple instance on a single server, be sure to provided dedicated disks to every instance.


On installation


1. Make sure to update your ES templates to properly index the fields of


what you're sending in, especially if your logs have any custom fields.


  Note that `bro_index.template` only currently handles DNS and




 logs.  In the future I may be able to contribute back a template that


handles all of the


standard Bro


 logs, but I just haven't gotten a chance to


push that out yet.  
 - File(s):


2. (optional) Alter or disable the cron jobs to purge ES indices (and HDFS


sensor data) every 30 days as necessary.
 - File(s):


3.  Assuming that ES will get behind from time to time, you may want to


increase the indexing kafka topic size.  You should also consider


increasing the partitioning kafka topics in general to distribute the load


better and increase parallelism.
 - File(s):


4.  Adjust the batch size of your indexes to line up



recommendations of 5MB-15MB per batch.  Note that this is done via the indexing topology's


indexingBolt, but it uses the enrichment topology's zookeeper config


(batchSize).  See the below JIRA to split this out.  
 - File(s):


 - Relevant JIRA:  METRON-470



Post-installation but before data ingest


1.  (optional) Consider multiple ES nodes per physical server.  Lots of


guides online about this, but tread carefully.  My default would be to not


pursue this unless you have large(ish) machines running as dedicated search


nodes.  As far as I'm aware, Metron


 has no built-in way to provision this,


and there may be some downstream .
2.  Tune


 `/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml` - all configs below are


optional and should be individually evaluated for your scenario.
 - Set ` none` to prioritize indexing above


 - Set `discovery.zen.fd.ping_timeout: 300s` to timeout after 300s instead


of the default of 30s.  Busy clusters sometimes take time > 30s to respond.
 - Set `bootstrap.mlockall: true` to prevent Elasticsearch memory from


being swapped.
 - Set `indices.fielddata.cache.size: 5%` to evict caches for infrequently


used indexes more frequently.  You may want to play around with setting


this number between 5% and 20%.
 - Set `indices.breaker.fielddata.limit: 50%` which prevents the size of


fielddata from surpassing 50% of the heap - important to prevent large


queries from knocking over a cluster.  Note that



 than your `indices.fielddata.cache.size` setting.
 - Set ` none` to prevent merges, which is


helpful on systems bound by disk IO, as merge


operations can be a killer


You could also look at setting ` merge` and


then configuring `` to throttle the


merge activity.
3.  Tune


 the elasticsearch service parameters.
 - Set your ES_HEAP_SIZE properly - long story short


 you want to make sure that this value is set to the highest value that uses


compressed Oops,


 with a maximum of 1/2 your total system RAM


.  This can


be done by editing `/etc/init.d/elasticsearch`.  In the below example, you


would want to set it to `32766` because it is <= .5 * 129013, and still


uses compressed Oops.  
# free -m | grep Mem: | awk '{print $2}' 
# java -Xmx32766m -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal 2> /dev/null | grep UseCompressedOops

bool UseCompressedOops := true {lp64_product}
# java -Xmx32767m -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal 2> /dev/null | grep UseCompressedOops
bool UseCompressedOops = false {lp64_product}

 - Other params to look into include `MAX_OPEN_FILES`, `MAX_LOCKED_MEMORY`,


and `MAX_MAP_COUNT`, among others.
4.  Tune


 your system (information from here


 - Set `vm.swappiness=1` to turn off swapping.
 - Set `net.core.somaxconn=65535` to increase the number of connections per


 - Set `vm.max_map_count=262144` to increase the number of memory map areas


a process may have.
 - Set `fs.file-max=518144` to increase the number of file-handles that the


Linux kernel will allocate.
 - Set `elasticsearch - nofile 65535` to increase the max number of open


file descriptors, assuming the user for elasticsearch is "elasticsearch".
 - Set `elasticsearch


    -    memlock         unlimited` to increase the


max locked-in-memory address space, assuming the user for elasticsearch is


 - Ensure `session


    required` exists to set limits on


the system resources that can be obtained in a user-session.


Final notes


The tweaks above are meant to be persistent but not necessarily modify the


current state of a system.  That said, I'd recommend a reboot then verify


to make sure it is all configured correctly, as opposed to injecting the


If your ES ingest is slow, look upstream at tuning storm and kafka.  Probably not relevant to this thread, so leaving my notes for that out.  Happy to discuss further if it would be helpful to anyone else.  


TODO - However, most of the Elasticsearch tuning applies because they both use Lucene underneath

