Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.





  • Organize all alert metadata (policy/stream/alerts) and data with siteId.
  • Support both application-provided and customized streams.
  • Support to onboard customized alerting use case without programing.


  •  EIP-12.1 [UI] Add site group/filter for policy definition


  • and remove inputstreams column
  •  EIP-12.2


  • [UI] Reorganize alert metadata like policy/stream, etc. by siteId.


  •  EIP-12.3 [UI&Backend] Support customized stream.
    • API: POST /rest/metadata/streams/create 

      Code Block
        "streamSource": {
          "properties": {
            "spout.kafkaBrokerZkQuorum": "localhost:2181",
      	  "spout.kafkaBrokerZkBasePath": "/brokers"
          "schemeCls": "org.apache.eagle.alert.engine.scheme.JsonScheme",
          "codec": {
          	"timestampColumn": "timestamp"
        "streamDefinition": {
          "streamId": "DATA_STREAM_SANDBOX",
          "description": "A sample data stream",
          "validate": false,
          "timeseries": true,
          "siteId": "sandbox",
          "columns": [
              "name": "timestamp",
              "type": "LONG",
              "defaultValue": null,
              "required": true
              "name": "value",
              "type": "DOUBLE",
              "defaultValue": null,
              "required": false
    • UI:
      • Add "Create Stream" Button
      • Add "Stream Editor" Form with following fields
        • SiteId
        • StreamId
        • Description
        • Timeseries
        • Columns
          • Name
          • Type
          • DefaultValue
          • Required or not
          • Description
        • Source
          • Type: Kafka
          • Topic: "kafka_topic_name"
          • Schema: JSON
          • Timestamp Column
          • Timestamp Format
          • Zookeeper Quoram
          • Zookeeper Base Path
  • EIP-12.4 [UI] Improve Support customized stream.EIP-12.4 Improve stream filter by siteId in policy editor page and auto fill siteId in metadata
    • Select current siteId -> streams by siteId -> define policy with siteId
  • EIP-12.5 [BUG] Fix alert API call with startTime and endTime instead of alertId only.
  • EIP-12.6 [UI] Add simple alerts statistics dashboard upon alert list in Stacked Trend Chart
  • EIP-12.3 [Backend] Make sure alert engine instance dedicated per site