Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The table below describes what number ranges are reserved for what parts of the code, and also points to the enum file for those number ranges if one exists.

Number RangeComponentEnum File
1000-1999DDL code (core/sql/sqlcomp/* modules)sqlcomp/CmpDDLCatErrorCodes.h 
2000-2999SQL compiler mainline (core/sql/arkcmp/* modules + the core/sql/sqlcomp/* modules that aren't DDL modules)  arkcmp/CmpErrors.h
3000-3999Parser (core/sql/parser/*) 

4000-4999Binder (core/sql/optimizer/Bind*)
5000-5999Normalizer (core/sql/optimizer/Norm*) 

6000-6999Optimizer (core/sql/optimizer/ <everything else> )optimizer/opt_error.h 
7000-7999Generator (core/sql/generator/*)
8000-8999Executor and Expressions code (core/sql/executor/* and core/sql/exp/*) exp/ExpErrorEnums.h 
9200-9299Update Statistics utility (core/sql/ustat/*) ustat/hs_const.h 
10000-10049 execution time Sort code (core/sql/sort/*) sort/SortError.h 
11100-11399 UDR server and language manager code (core/sql/udrserv/*)udrserv/udrdefs.h





When adding new error diagnostics, pay attention to the management of ComDiagsArea objects. In the Executor, in particular, these objects are created on demand only. See also SQL Diagnostics Architecture and Design.

Checking the Consistency of the SQL Message Text and the Trafodion Messages Guide

Unfortunately, in the early days of the Trafodion project, we were not very good at keeping the Messages Guide up-to-date. Some work has been done to bring them back into sync (see for example 

serverASF JIRA
). If you feel a calling to improve the Messages Guide, there is a script that can help you. In core/sqf/sql/scripts, the Python script compares the Messages Guide text to that in the code. It flags which messages don't match. It also gives details that are useful for researching the message to bring it back into sync. For example, it will tell you if the message is in the Guide but not in the messages file or vice versa. For messages that are in the messages file, it will tell you what enum file the message is defined in (if any) and tell you what modules reference that message (either by number or by enum). It will also tell you if there are regression tests that have examples of the message.

Content by Label
cqllabel in ("sql","errors") and type = "page" and space = "TRAFODION"
labelsSQL Errors

Page properties

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