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In this case, the listener should not use implicit SSL (the default value):

No Format
config.listeners.default.<nio-listener name="default" implicit-ssl="false">

Implicit Security

If you want to use implicit SSL connection, that is, SSL is always enabled on the control socket. The first thing you need to do is to tell the listener to use implicit SSL mode:

No Format
config.listeners.default.<nio-listener name="default" implicit-ssl="true">

If you set the listener to use implicit security, enabling implicit security for the data connection should be considered.

Data connection security

Implicit secure socket listener does not ensure encrypted data transfer. To use SSL/TLS in data connection, client either has to send "PROT P" command . You also need to set the SSL configuration parameters as described below. Encrypted data transfer is supported for FTP passive (PASV) mode only.

Using the default SSL implementation

This describes how to use the default SSL implementation as shipped with FtpServer. Note that if needed, a custom implementation can be written by implementing the org.apache.ftpserver.ssl.Ssl interface.

Control socket security

config.listeners.<listener name>.ssl.class

Must be set to org.apache.ftpserver.ssl.DefaultSsl

Key store configuration


config.listeners.<listener name>.ssl.keystore-file

Key store file location. The default path is ./res/.keystore

config.listeners.<listener name>.ssl.keystore-password

Key store password. Required, no default value provided.

config.listeners.<listener name>.ssl.keystore-type

Key store type. The default value is JKS.

config.listeners.<listener name>.ssl.keystore-algorithm

Key store algorithm. The default value is SunX509.

config.listeners.<listener name>.ssl.key-password

Key password. Required, no default value provided.

Trust store configuration


config.listeners.<listener name>.ssl.truststore-file

Trust store file location. The default path is to use the key store, setting this value allows using a separate key store

config.listeners.<listener name>.ssl.truststore-password

Trust store password. No default value provided. Only used if truststore-file is set.

config.listeners.<listener name>.ssl.truststore-type

Trust store type. The default value is JKS. Only used if truststore-file is set.

config.listeners.<listener name>.ssl.truststore-algorithm

Trust store algorithm. The default value is SunX509. Only used if truststore-file is set.

TLS/SSL protocol configuration


config.listeners.<listener name>.ssl.enabled-cipher-suites

A comma seperated list of cipher suites to enable for this connection. The exact cipher suites that can be used depends on the Java version used, here are the names for Sun's JSSE provider.

config.listeners.<listener name>.ssl.ssl-protocol

SSL protocol. Supported values are TLS and SSL}, the default value is TLS.

config.listeners.<listener name>.ssl.client-authentication

Client authentication. The default value is false. Set to true to require client authentication, or want to require client authentication.

Data socket security

Data socket configuration supports the same options at the control socket, as described above. However, they are placed in the data-connection parent, for example:


or implicit security must be enabled for the data connection.

No Format

<data-connection implicit-ssl="true">

If no explicit configuration for SSL keystores and truststores is provided for the data connection, it will be inherited from the listener. This is the normal configuration.

Different FTP clients behave different with regards to implicit security on the data connection, some assume an SSL enabled socket, while some will always send a "PROT P" command. The following table shows the characteristics of some clients, please report others.

FTP client



Sends "PROT P" command automatically in implicit security mode


Assumes an SSL enabled data connection, does not send "PROT P"

Detailed configuration

Full documentation on all provided configuration is available on the Listeners page