Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In theory, determining that a test isn't flaky would mean running the test an infinite number of times to confirm that it always succeeds; however, since we are limited in the number of test trials we can run, we need to choose a number that will balance both our confidence in the flakiness of the test and the resource consumption of the detection process. On CI, the tool will operate with a time bank, which will be distributed among tests, in order to ensure that it does not increase the duration of PR checks.


This project is currently aimed towards unit tests written in python, since these currently comprise the majority of out tests on CI. While this tool could theoretically be used to test integration tests, the time required to run these tests would make such coverage impractical. It also will not cover things such as test-order dependency or flakiness that is only reproducible in a specific environment. The main goal of this project is to try to provide a baseline coverage that can catch most flakiness with low effort and high in


The flaky test bot is composed of three components: Diff Collator, Test Selector, and Flakiness Checker. The motivation behind the separation of these components was twofold: . These stages each serve as a part of the flaky test detector, but have been decoupled from each other. Each stage exposes human-understandable input and output to facilitate debugging and extensibility. For example, the the flakiness checker may be useful as a standalone tool for developers working on flaky test fixes or implementing new test cases.

Image Added

Diff Collator

The purpose of the diff collator is to retrieve a list of changes that have been made to the code and sanitize it before passing it to the next stage. This is done by taking the output of git diff and parsing it to obtain file names, top-level functions, and line numbers for each code change. For the purposes of the flaky test detector, only file and function names are needed for the dependency analyzer.


  • Targets- By default the diff collator uses master and HEAD as the targets for git diff, but these can be specified using the --commits (-c) option, which directly compares two commits, or the --branches (-b) option, which compares the second commit to the common ancestor.
  • Verbosity- 3 verbosity levels can be specified by repeating the --verbosity (-v) option (e.g. -vv corresponds to verbosity level 2). Verbosity 1 outputs just file names, 2 outputs files with functions, and 3 outputs files, functions and line numbers. Defaults to 2.
  • Filters- Filter files that are included in the diff. --path (-p) can be used to specify a directory to be diffed, and --filter (-f) can be used to diff files that match a particular python regular expression. See for details.

Sample output:

python tools/flaky_test_bot/ -vvv --filter .*dependency_analyzer\.py




Dependency Analyzer

The test selector dependency analyzer must be able to handle several different cases when it comes to codes changes:


Doing this within a single file simply means parsing the file for calls to function dependencies and returning the top-level callers. Across files, this is accomplished by storing cross-file dependencies in a config file, which is written in json; when a dependency in the config file is selected, its dependents are automatically selected as well. This avoids having to parse through every test file, but it also means that the config file must be updated when cross-file dependencies are changed.

Cross-file dependencies

As mentioned above, cross-file dependencies are handled using a config file. below is an example of such a file.

    "tests/python/gpu/": [
    "tests/python/gpu/": [
    "tests/python/mkl/": [
    "tests/python/quantization_gpu/": [

Each file with other file dependencies is listed along with a list of its dependencies. In this example, depends on three files:,, and Currently this is done manually since the structure of our tests rarely changes; however, an automated solution may be worth implementing.


The dependency analyzer takes as input a list of function names and associated files in the format: <file>:<function-name> and return a list, with the same format, or top-level functions with associated files that are dependent on those in the input.

Flakiness Checker

The flakiness checker tool is a script that checks a test for flakiness by running it a large number of times. Its primary purpose is to serve as a component of the automated flaky test detection system. However, it can also be used manually by developers for flaky test fixes or when modifying test files. Before submitting a new test case or a modification to an existing test, run the flakiness checker script to test for flakiness.


Below is a table indicating the number of runs needed to achieve a given confidence level with a given chance that a test passes. As a default, on CI we are using a value of 10,000 to check tests. This number will give us a relatively high confidence that we are catching flakiness even if it only occurs

 success rate \ confidence

















python [optional_arguments] <test-specifier>

where <test-specifier> is a string that specifies specifying which test to run. This can come in two formats:


-s SEED, --seed SEED use SEED as the test seed, rather than a random seed


The integration plan for this project can be found here: Flaky Test Bot Integration Plan. This tool will be run as a Jenkins job that will be triggered on pull requests. The Jenkins job executes the diff collator and dependency analyzer in one step to detect modified or added test cases. If any tests are selected, then MXNet is compiled and the flakiness checker is run to check the tests for flakiness.