Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

Conflict Resolvers


A dependency version conflict occurs when building a Maven project whose dependency graph pulls in two different versions of the same dependency. Maven must decide which version of the conflicting dependency to use before proceeding with the build. The behaviour thus far has always been to select the version in the dependency graph that is 'nearest' to the project being built, where the distance is defined to be the number of transitive steps between two nodes in the graph. This aim of this proposal is to allow alternative conflict resolution techniques to be used when building projects with Maven.


The existing but unused ConflictResolver interface will become the basis for the conflict resolver API. The following method will be added to handle conflict resolutions:

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 * Determines which of the specified versions of an artifact to use when there are conflicting declarations.
 * @param node1 the first artifact declaration
 * @param node2 the second artifact declaration
 * @return the artifact declaration to use: node1; node2; or null if this conflict cannot be resolved
ResolutionNode resolveConflict( ResolutionNode node1, ResolutionNode node2 );

The following ConflictResolver implementations will be provided:




Resolves conflicting artifacts by always selecting the
nearest declaration. Nearest is defined as the declaration that has
the least transitive steps away from the project being built.


Resolves conflicting artifacts by always selecting the
farthest declaration. Farthest is defined as the declaration that has
the most transitive steps away from the project being built.


Resolves conflicting artifacts by always selecting the
newest declaration. Newest is defined as the declaration whose version
is greater according to ArtifactVersion.compareTo.


Resolves conflicting artifacts by always selecting the
oldest declaration. Oldest is defined as the declaration whose version
is less according to ArtifactVersion.compareTo.

ArtifactCollector will have an additional method added to accept a list of ConflictResolvers:

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ArtifactResolutionResult collect( Set artifacts, Artifact originatingArtifact, Map managedVersions,
                                  ArtifactRepository localRepository, List remoteRepositories,
                                  ArtifactMetadataSource source, ArtifactFilter filter, List listeners,
                                  List conflictResolvers )
    throws ArtifactResolutionException

Correspondingly, DefaultArtifactCollector will be updated to process the chain of ConflictResolvers to resolve dependency version conflicts. The chain will be processed until one ConflictResolver can resolve the conflict. In the event that no ConflictResolvers can resolve the conflict, an ArtifactResolutionException will be thrown to fail the build.

ArtifactResolver will also have a corresponding new method in order to delegate to the new ArtifactCollector method:

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ArtifactResolutionResult resolveTransitively( Set artifacts,
                                              Artifact originatingArtifact,
                                              Map managedVersions,
                                              ArtifactRepository localRepository,
                                              List remoteRepositories,
                                              ArtifactMetadataSource source,
                                              ArtifactFilter filter,
                                              List listeners,
                                              List conflictResolvers )
    throws ArtifactResolutionException, ArtifactNotFoundException;

To ensure that the conflict resolution strategy is consistent throughout the build, all usages of ArtifactCollector and ArtifactResolver within Maven will be updated to use these new overloaded versions. The list of ConflictResolvers to use will be obtained from the MavenProject being built. In order to preserve the 2.0.x POM schema, a POM property will initially be used to configure the ConflictResolver chain. The POM property will be named mavenConflictResolvers and its value will be defined as a comma-separated list of conflict resolver names. For example:

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For 2.1.x, it is likely that the POM schema will be modified to introduce a more appropriate syntax for configuring conflict resolvers. For example:

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For backwards compatibility, if a project does not declare any conflict resolvers then the 'nearest' conflict resolver will be used by default.