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titleAdding New FAQs

Each FAQ should be cross-referenced from a relevant page in one of the guides. (If a relevant page in the guide is missing, then we probably need to create one!) Each question should be a new page. Answers should be concise and focused. If an answer seems long, or seems like it could relate to more than one section, then the question might be addressing more than one concern.

FAQs can also be "mini-HOWTOs". As long as the question and answer are focused on a single concern, length is not an issue.






Accessing Resources

Per-Page Settings




How do I get the latest version of Webwork and XWork from CVS?
cvs -d login
(Use an empty password, just hit enter..)
cvs -d checkout webwork
cvs -d checkout xwork

Note: WebWork from the CVS does not compile with the latest 1.5 J2sdk. Use the stable J2sdk 1.4.2.

How do I build the latest versions XWork and Webwork?
Just go into the XWork or WebWork directories and run 'ant' (you must have ant installed and have the jars of junit and clover inside $ANT_HOME/lib)

Once you have built the xwork.jar copy it into the webwork/lib/core folder, and delete the old one.

How do I use messages from within the validator?


    <field name="name">
        <field-validator type="requiredstring">
            <message key="">A default message in case the key is not found</message>

How do I set a global resource bundle?

Java class (thanks Drew McAuliffe):


public class WebworkGlobalMessagesListener implements ServletContextListener {
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(WebworkGlobalMessagesListener.class);
    private static final String DEFAULT_RESOURCE = "global-messages";

     * Uses the LocalizedTextUtil to load messages from the global
     message bundle.
     * @see
    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) {"Loading global messages from " + DEFAULT_RESOURCE);
        LocalizedTextUtil.addDefaultResourceBundle(DEFAULT_RESOURCE);"Global messages loaded.");

     * @see javax.servlet.ServletContextListener#contextDestroyed(javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent)
    public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent arg0) {

        // do nothing


(under listeners section)



How do I change the error message for invalid inputted fields?
You need to create a message for that field, for example if you have a user.dob field you would use this in your messages file (see above for example on setting a global messages file):
invalid.fieldvalue.user.dob=Please enter Date of Birth in the correct format.

How do I get access to the Session?
ActionContext.getContext().getSession() (returns Map, works internally using a ThreadLocal)

How can I see all parameters passed into the Action?
ActionContext.getParameters() (returns Map, works internally using a ThreadLocal)

How can I get the HttpServletRequest?
ServletActionContext.getRequest() (works internally using a ThreadLocal)



What i need to do to put values in a combobox. If I am using webwork2?
If i have :

Code Block

#tag(Select "label='xxx '" "name='xxx'" "list=?")
#tag(combobox "label='Prioridade'" "name='inavis.avisTpPrioridade'" "list=?")

the values in this combobox, what i need to do?

Code Block

html tag i use to do:

  <otpion value="" selected>XXX</option>

so...i need to do this using Webwork tags from can i do this??

How do I add I18N to a UI tag, like ww:textfield?

Code Block

<ww:textfield label="'i18n.label'" name="'label1'" value="''">

This will get the localized text message for the key "i18n.label" and put it in the label.

Code Block

<ww:textfield label="getText('i18n.label')" name="'label1'" value="''">

Alternatively, you could modify controlheader.vm and copy it to /template/xhtml. There you could make it so that it automatically does a call to $stack.findValue("getText($parameters.label)"), making the first example actually work for i18n.

Can I add I18N outside the Action's context? i.e. adding i18n to some JSP using the ww taglib?
Yes, use the <ww:i18n> tag to push a resource bundle on to the stack. Now calls with <ww:text/> or <ww:property value="getText(...)"/> will read from that resource bundle.

Can I break up my large XWork.xml file into smaller pieces?
Sure, that's what the <include> element is for. Most xwork.xml files
already have one:

Code Block

    <include file="webwork-default.xml"/>
    <include file="config-browser.xml"/>
    <package name="default" extends="webwork-default">
    <include file="other.xml"/>

This tells it to load the webwork-default.xml from the webwork jar file
to get all of those interceptor and result definitions.


Type Conversion

Value Stack






Issues in Specific Environments


Portlet Support(JSR168)




To suggest a change or a correction to any part of the documentation, log in and leave a comment on the appropriate page. We are always looking for help with the documentation!

Next: Cookbook
