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The example code for this tutorial, preparable_interface, is available for checkout from at


Often the data used to populate a form control is dynamically generated, perhaps from a database. When the user submits the form, the Struts 2 validation interceptor attempts to validate the user's form input. If validation fails the Struts 2 framework returns the value "input" but the "input" action is not re-executed. Rather the view associated with the "input" result is rendered to the user. Usually this view is the page that displayed the original form.


If you examine class EditAction in the example application (see above) you'll see that it implements the Preparable Interface. In the prepare method is this code:

Code Block
java prepare Methodjava

   carModelsAvailable = carModelsService.getCarModels() ;
   setPersonBean( editService.getPerson() );
