Versions Compared


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Comment: Remove Oracle JDK 7 from Travis description

We can choose any services for CI, but now we decided to use Jenkins, Travis CI and AppVeyor.

CITarget OSTarget LanguageDescription
Jenkins CIWindowsJava 8Deprecated
Travis CIUbuntu

Oracle Java 8

Test all new pull requests
Test all branch commits

AppVeyor CIWindows.NET
VS 2013, 2015, 2017

Test all pull requests
Test all commits


1. Build services provided by ASF 


  • First, you have to get an access to Jenkins ( To get an access to Jenkins, Ask your PMC chair
  • If you get an access, open and login with your account
  • Jenkins > New Item : Enter item name and check Maven project. 
  • To trigger Github pull request builds, Follow the steps in this link:

  • Set JDK version to 1.7
  • Check "Restrict where this project can be run" and add "ubuntu" into the "Label Expression" filed. The builder will be executed on ubuntu machines. Therefore, to build in windows machine, we have to create another new item and add "windows1||windows2" into the "Label Expression". 
  • In Build, write "clean install" into "Goals and options" 
  • In Post Steps, check "Run regardless of build result"
  • If you want to update relevant JIRA issues whenever Jenkins builds the related patch, then add "Update JIRA relevant issues" in Post-build Action. To trigger this post build action, we have to insert JIRA issue number into our commit message. Here is an example commit message: "[REEF-11] Jenkins integration test".  
  • If you have any problem using Jenkins, please file a ticket to INFRA ( ) or send an email to

  • Here is an example setting:





2. Travis CI provides free service for Open Source projects.


Request Apache INFRA team to enable



CI was enabled for apache/reef GitHub repository by Apache INFRA team :

Make `.travis.yml` file at the top folder of projects. JDK7 and JDK8 are tested simultaneously.

Code Block

For instructions on setting up your own instance of Travis CI see Java build instructions.

3. AppVeyor

AppVeyor provides free service for Open Source projects.

For instructions on setting up your own instance of AppVeyor see C# build instructions.


sudo: false language: java git: depth: 150 jdk: - oraclejdk7 - oraclejdk8 env: PATH=$PATH:$HOME/local/bin cache: directories: - $HOME/.m2 - $HOME/local notifications: email: - install: ./dev/ script: mvn clean install -q -ff -Dsurefire.useFile=false -DLOG_LEVEL=WARN