Versions Compared


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 ( on Tentative RC Release Date : 14th July, 2017 )

Release work Jira Tickets: 

serverASF JIRA

Checklist Tasks 

serverASF JIRA
jqlQueryparent = EAGLE-972


Open or In-Progress issues for Apache Eagle v0.5 release

serverASF JIRA
jqlQueryproject = EAGLE AND fixVersion = v0.5.0 AND (status != Resolved AND status != Closed)



  • [EAGLE-261] - create jekyll-infra for eagle landing page
  • [EAGLE-262] - create jekyll-infra for eagle version-based page
  • [EAGLE-277] - Spark History jobs Feeder
  • [EAGLE-278] - MR history jobs Feeder
  • [EAGLE-385] - Monitoring Application Framework Core
  • [EAGLE-386] - Refactor Application Framework Interfaces and StreamEventMapper
  • [EAGLE-387] - Implement Application Lifecycle Status Conversion
  • [EAGLE-388] - Alerting on any customized kafka data source (topic)
  • [EAGLE-389] - Integrate application streams as Alerting data source (managed kafka topic) & stream
  • [EAGLE-390] - Integrate application streams as Insight Dashboard data source
  • [EAGLE-391] - Integrate Application start/stop/status interface with TopologyMgmtResourceImpl
  • [EAGLE-397] - Implement KafkaStreamSink with type safe StreamSinkContext
  • [EAGLE-398] - Refine example application for developer to easily know how to create a new app
  • [EAGLE-399] - Implement consistent RESTResponse Wrapper for operation (CREAT/MODIFY/DELETE) request
  • [EAGLE-402] - EAGLE-402 Refactor Application Framework to be better managed or deployed standalone
  • [EAGLE-403] - Enrich Metadata API of Application Management
  • [EAGLE-441] - Combine environment configuration into application configuration for execution
  • [EAGLE-442] - Support to extend metastore DAO modules in SPI
  • [EAGLE-472] - Fix HBase unit test
  • [EAGLE-570] - Refactor: Make sure engine publisher only have general feature.
  • [EAGLE-573] - NPE when apply change of 569
  • [EAGLE-582] - register simple Basic Authentication to server application
  • [EAGLE-583] - implement ldap authentication logic, taking Basic Authentication credentials
  • [EAGLE-639] - Generate sortSpec only on externalWindow
  • [EAGLE-717] - Upgrade maven-surefire-plugin for supporting forkMode ( = always ) correctly
  • [EAGLE-727] - Fix TestGroupAggregateTimeSeriesClient and TestGroupAggregateClient
  • [EAGLE-730] - Add UnitTest for HBaseStorage
  • [EAGLE-732] - Exclude coverage instrumentation of generated class
  • [EAGLE-745] - web ui should check success(true or false) when delete site
  • [EAGLE-754] - Refactor - move ignored test class to corresponding module
  • [EAGLE-775] - add unit test for eagle-service-base
  • [EAGLE-777] - add unit test for alert-metadata
  • [EAGLE-778] - add unit test for alert-metadata-service
  • [EAGLE-863] - Refactor Topology Monitoring Widgets
  • [EAGLE-864] - Make sure "HBase" nav active in sidebar when visiting hbase monitoring web through URL
  • [EAGLE-866] - Refactor HBase JMX Metric with appropriate navigation path
  • [EAGLE-867] - Show real time current server time aside global timepicker
  • [EAGLE-868] - Refactor metric chart render process to improve user experience.
  • [EAGLE-877] - Rename metric "hadoop.hbase.ipc.ipc.*" to "hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ipc.*" to support different hbase version metric
  • [EAGLE-922] - Integrate role-based Authentication in API
  • [EAGLE-923] - Integrate role-based Authentication in UI
  • [EAGLE-956] - Metric Explorer and Customized Dashboard UI Part
  • [EAGLE-957] - Metric Explorer and Customized Dashboard Metadata Part


  • [EAGLE-145] - Send mail failed for javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Illegal semicolon, not in group
  • [EAGLE-146] - SiddhiExtensionLoader Error: viewing zip file for jar:./lib/ojdbc6.jar
  • [EAGLE-249] - Support Postgres as hive metadata
  • [EAGLE-253] - query=AlertService[@hostname=~".*"] returns different results under HBASE and JDBC DB
  • [EAGLE-267] - node_modules is packaged into eagle tar package
  • [EAGLE-320] - Pull Request Reviewer CI job fails to checkout dev branch
  • [EAGLE-329] - Dependency incompatibility bug among jersey, asm and extcos under JAVA 8
  • [EAGLE-332] - Build failed to due to [EAGLE-325]
  • [EAGLE-361] - Fix test building problem caused by kafka version and remove unused files
  • [EAGLE-362] - Remove tomcat package dependencies and use standalone embedded jetty server
  • [EAGLE-363] - Read topologyName from application.conf for MR history job feeder.
  • [EAGLE-364] - Kafka Spout with kerberos
  • [EAGLE-368] - JSlint failed in common/controller.js
  • [EAGLE-375] - Clean web framework to use light-weight DropWizard with Jersey and remove spring dependency
  • [EAGLE-381] - Get resource manager version and improve app attempt id fetcher for spark job feeder
  • [EAGLE-393] - Fix UnitTest Error caused by streamDef.json and TestApplicationImpl
  • [EAGLE-394] - Fix NPE bug while metadata inconsistent; Fix unit test
  • [EAGLE-395] - Doc mismatch package name
  • [EAGLE-400] - Compile errors in develop branch
  • [EAGLE-401] - StreamRouterBolt and PublishBolt also have NPE
  • [EAGLE-405] - hadoopJmxMetricAlertExecutor ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  • [EAGLE-417] - Fix unit test failure on develop branch
  • [EAGLE-418] - Unit test case failed: org.apache.eagle.alert.cep.TestSiddhiEvaluator
  • [EAGLE-421] - JMX Metric APP use new application framework
  • [EAGLE-429] - CoordinatorTest.test_01 sometimes fail
  • [EAGLE-466] - TestSerDeserPer failed with Windows Git bash
  • [EAGLE-473] - Query error if query string contains "[]"
  • [EAGLE-475] - Fix generic email publisher and publish emails for absence alert.
  • [EAGLE-484] - StreamRouterSpec class should override equals method
  • [EAGLE-491] - AlertPublisherImpl dedup throws exception when dedup column is not configured
  • [EAGLE-492] - Fix negative total execution time and make some code optimization for spark history job.
  • [EAGLE-499] - Fix flushing entities for spark history job.
  • [EAGLE-504] - Fix warnings for getting json values in eagle-jpm-spark-history
  • [EAGLE-507] - Jenkins building failed on build #71
  • [EAGLE-508] - Fix NullPointerException when zookeeper is trying to shutdown in ZookeeperEmbedded.
  • [EAGLE-511] - Fix NullPointerException for spark history job
  • [EAGLE-517] - develop branch is actually broken with missing dependencies
  • [EAGLE-521] - Remove envContextConfig.env in SparkRunningJobAppConfig for SparkRunningJobApp.
  • [EAGLE-530] - Fix eagle-alert warnings
  • [EAGLE-535] - Fix to support to run under windows bash like Cygwin
  • [EAGLE-543] - Fix eagle default configuration and invalid dependencies
  • [EAGLE-547] - Fix duplicated view path
  • [EAGLE-552] - Resolve eagle dependency security and license issues
  • [EAGLE-553] - Fix /entities/ timeseries query bug
  • [EAGLE-554] - EagleServiceBaseClient cannot configure the basePath
  • [EAGLE-555] - Disruptor dependency conflict
  • [EAGLE-559] - Fix TestServiceAppWithZk test cause failing due to port conflict
  • [EAGLE-560] - Retry embedded zookeeper port by port +1 when conflicts
  • [EAGLE-561] - JsonMappingException in Hadoop queue feeder
  • [EAGLE-566] - add dedup fields into publishment compare consideration
  • [EAGLE-568] - Set max retry times for HDFS problems, otherwise skip instead of blocking whole topology
  • [EAGLE-569] - AlertPublishImpl: Concurrency : Inplace change metadata cause concurrent modification issue
  • [EAGLE-575] - Refactor StaticWebApplication to StaticApplication to support both web/static application
  • [EAGLE-580] - MongodbMetadata: kafka have dot in topic name cause spec store failed
  • [EAGLE-585] - AlertEngine: create metadata validation api
  • [EAGLE-586] - AlertEngine: multiple routing of alerts is broken because of event not copied
  • [EAGLE-587] - AlertEngine : simplify state-based dedup to have only deupvalue for given dedup key
  • [EAGLE-588] - AlertEngine : Not to Use commons3 stringutil.isnoneblank
  • [EAGLE-589] - PR 472 incorrect merge of pr 471
  • [EAGLE-590] - AlertEngine: the kafka_spout might be dropped by metadata update when system ack a tupe
  • [EAGLE-591] - Fix conflict streamId between different sites when installation
  • [EAGLE-596] - Caught NoSuchFieldError when creating policy with existing policyId
  • [EAGLE-597] - Add API to filter publishment by policy: /policies/{policyId}/publishments
  • [EAGLE-602] - Exception that Spec Version [xxx] of AlertBolt is newer than Stream Event Version [null]!
  • [EAGLE-608] - UI update: metadata/policies/policy
  • [EAGLE-609] - NullPointerException in DefaultDeduplicator
  • [EAGLE-610] - not pop grunt exit code
  • [EAGLE-615] - Jsoup parse hive sql return String without line break "\n"
  • [EAGLE-617] - Scrollbar is missing when install Map Reduce History Job Monitoring
  • [EAGLE-620] - AlertEngine: SpoutWrapper are sending duplicated message.
  • [EAGLE-622] - AlertEngine : unit test failed caused by datasource name and topic name change
  • [EAGLE-624] - Installation Doc is not correctly shown in Installation Dialog
  • [EAGLE-625] - Site home page error for missing partials/site/home.html
  • [EAGLE-627] - Add PolicyValidator and Validation API
  • [EAGLE-628] - Fix jdbc metadata bugs
  • [EAGLE-636] - Absence Alert Engine doesn't alert in some case
  • [EAGLE-645] - No log retention for eagle server log
  • [EAGLE-646] - AlertUnitTopology does not rebuild the scheduler state after restarting
  • [EAGLE-648] - Stream router does not work properly sometimes
  • [EAGLE-654] - Fix alert engine open metric system per tuple
  • [EAGLE-655] - Fix metadata bug
  • [EAGLE-660] - Stream delete mongo implementation is not working
  • [EAGLE-661] - Status is wrongly shown as "INITIALIZED" when updating installed app's configuration
  • [EAGLE-662] - remove jarPath/mode from entity context
  • [EAGLE-663] - Build git head COMMITID into eagle package and display in web page aside eagle version
  • [EAGLE-664] - Add directly updating status API to rigger update status immediately
  • [EAGLE-667] - Should streat storm "KILLED" as "STOPPING" in eagle
  • [EAGLE-668] - Support properties type in text area instead input field of configuration
  • [EAGLE-673] - add numOfPublishExecutors to alert engine topology
  • [EAGLE-674] - fix grouping between AlertBolt and AlertPublisher
  • [EAGLE-675] - AlertEngine: don't host long-live curator framework for schedule
  • [EAGLE-679] - Fix missing CoprocessorService and MR Running feeder task number limitation
  • [EAGLE-682] - fix /policies/{policyId}/publishments bug
  • [EAGLE-684] - AlertEngine : PolicyDefinition.Defintion should not be changed.
  • [EAGLE-687] - When creating sites in UI and metadata storaged as jdbc, the field "Description" can't be null
  • [EAGLE-693] - fix application could not detect stream change
  • [EAGLE-700] - API /policies/{policyId} throws exception if policy does not exist
  • [EAGLE-702] - fix JdbcDatabaseHandler select sql error
  • [EAGLE-705] - streams is null when call /rest/apps/ api
  • [EAGLE-713] - Publish & Router bolts spec change is not thread safe
  • [EAGLE-715] - optimize some configurations for alert
  • [EAGLE-719] - configuration bug in applications
  • [EAGLE-724] - Fix eagle-common checkstyle warnings
  • [EAGLE-731] - HBaseStorage doesn't set affected size after create and delete operation
  • [EAGLE-736] - Fix eagle-data-process checkstyle warnings
  • [EAGLE-737] - Fix eagle-embed checkstyle warnings
  • [EAGLE-738] - Fix eagle-metadata checkstyle warnings
  • [EAGLE-739] - Fix eagle-metric checkstyle warnings
  • [EAGLE-740] - Fix eagle-query checkstyle warnings
  • [EAGLE-742] - check applications when remove site
  • [EAGLE-746] - PolicyValidation is insufficient, and will cause blocking for extended handler
  • [EAGLE-750] - Improve coordinator schedule strategy to reuse alert work slot
  • [EAGLE-755] - Publishment without streamIds update encountered NPE
  • [EAGLE-757] - fix alert JdbcDatabaseHandler connection issue
  • [EAGLE-764] - MR history feeder support Health Checks
  • [EAGLE-768] - AlertEngine: Policy Validation API doesn't evaluate the data source missing
  • [EAGLE-770] - remove InterProcessMutex from JobHistoryZKStateManager
  • [EAGLE-771] - AlertEngine: Make publishment kafka endpoint as optional
  • [EAGLE-772] - simply refactor mr running job feeder
  • [EAGLE-773] - org.apache.eagle.service.generic.MetaDataResource doesn't work correctly
  • [EAGLE-785] - change hbase configuration to optional
  • [EAGLE-793] - Dropwizard related class not found exception in topology
  • [EAGLE-799] - Can not get hbase info by service api when the master becomes not available
  • [EAGLE-806] - Integrate Metric Process and Persistence with Application Framework
  • [EAGLE-814] - fix alertId is null in AlertStreamEvent bug
  • [EAGLE-816] - Fix host name bug in jmx collector scripts
  • [EAGLE-819] - Data from topology health check are inaccurate
  • [EAGLE-821] - coordinator bug in alert engine
  • [EAGLE-826] - Coordinator throws NullPointerException when generateSpoutMonitorMetadata
  • [EAGLE-827] - Coordinator schedule time out
  • [EAGLE-842] - mr running job count in zookeeper does not match the number in hbase
  • [EAGLE-844] - Potential NPE issue
  • [EAGLE-851] - Add validation for policy name
  • [EAGLE-853] - Resolve eagle time problem on alert entities
  • [EAGLE-862] - Fix service.port config to support both STRING and NUMBER
  • [EAGLE-869] - Fix MetricStreamPersist bug: no tuple pass on when batchSize > 1
  • [EAGLE-870] - NoClassDefFoundError while running storm topology for alert and MRrunning
  • [EAGLE-876] - TopologyBaseAPIEntity comparison should consider rack info
  • [EAGLE-883] - Users in RunningQueueAPIEntity is missing due to misconfiguration
  • [EAGLE-887] - Eagle application status is still RUNNING even when storm cluster is down
  • [EAGLE-891] - Add ApplicationPackageProvider Framework to support package multiple applications
  • [EAGLE-892] - MRRunningJobFetchSpout throws NPE when there is no apps found
  • [EAGLE-897] - HBase JMX Widget Url is wrongly using siteName instead of siteId
  • [EAGLE-903] - HBase Master Overview keep loading progress forever if no data available
  • [EAGLE-924] - urls to healthy and unhealthy region-servers in hbase dashboard is not accurate enough
  • [EAGLE-928] - Refine system metric schema design and fix system metric collector
  • [EAGLE-934] - update packaging to use new configs
  • [EAGLE-947] - Publishers with same policy but different schema could produce duplicate alerts
  • [EAGLE-948] - can not package by maven
  • [EAGLE-960] - Fix email template link problem
  • [EAGLE-961] - Text could go beyond job list widget
  • [EAGLE-962] - The status of job list always show Running
  • [EAGLE-963] - Job duration conflicts between job list and job detail page
  • [EAGLE-965] - Eagle JPM Yarn Overview Chart Improvement


  • [EAGLE-43] - Eagle Job Running Spout should support HTTPS
  • [EAGLE-134] - publish javadoc of eagle
  • [EAGLE-218] - convert /list to /entities
  • [EAGLE-220] - Add mvn script to handle maven dependency
  • [EAGLE-252] - Remove dependency of AlertExecutorId in metadata while partitioning policy
  • [EAGLE-256] - Replace HDP version based hadoop dependencies with community version instead.
  • [EAGLE-260] - Support to fetch audit log from http://localhost:50070/logs/hdfs-audit.log for quick preview
  • [EAGLE-265] - AlertExecutor Support to load all policies if AlertExecutorId is not defined
  • [EAGLE-302] - Add sample main app that read config for alert-executor to make onboard easier with topo-mgmt
  • [EAGLE-335] - Show alert definition so that user could see the trigger condition of alert
  • [EAGLE-349] - Add batch processing apis for metadata in the new alert engine
  • [EAGLE-360] - Kafka Java Producer with kerberos
  • [EAGLE-369] - Improve eagle alert email template to provide more useful information and user experience
  • [EAGLE-371] - remove eagle-docs from develop branch
  • [EAGLE-372] - Change AlertNotificationEntity#fields type from String to List
  • [EAGLE-373] - Move Eagle document to Eagle source code control
  • [EAGLE-411] - Improve code coverage of eagle-storage-hbase
  • [EAGLE-416] - Add check style support
  • [EAGLE-420] - HBase audit log monitoring using new app framework
  • [EAGLE-426] - Load app web classes and app topology classes using configured lib dir
  • [EAGLE-428] - Hbase monitoring's metadata browse API in new app framework
  • [EAGLE-430] - explore new packaging method for eagle using new app framework
  • [EAGLE-431] - MetadataDaoFactory should use config from eagle server
  • [EAGLE-432] - Application status monitoring
  • [EAGLE-435] - Coordiantor schedule operation must be exclusive in distributed deployment
  • [EAGLE-437] - create workable fat jar for starting application remotely
  • [EAGLE-439] - Introduce policy enable/disable support
  • [EAGLE-444] - convert eagle-gc app to use new app framework
  • [EAGLE-445] - convert eagle-hdfs-auditlog app to use new app framework
  • [EAGLE-446] - convert eagle-hive app to use new app framework
  • [EAGLE-447] - convert eagle-maprfs app to use new app framework
  • [EAGLE-448] - convert eagle-oozie app to use new app framework
  • [EAGLE-449] - clean inner process alert engine code
  • [EAGLE-450] - Alert check meta version conflict between runtime modules
  • [EAGLE-451] - oozie ingestion+alert engine preview
  • [EAGLE-452] - Add Jersey Resource Unit Test Case
  • [EAGLE-462] - Alert Dudup - same metric generate alert should be deduped
  • [EAGLE-463] - One App type may be run as multiple instances in one site
  • [EAGLE-468] - clean up eagle-application-service to be replaced by new app framework
  • [EAGLE-469] - make dataSource configuration extremely simple
  • [EAGLE-470] - data enrichment refactor in eagle security monitoring
  • [EAGLE-474] - some improvements of app framework: appId naming, jarFile field, InstallOperation etc.
  • [EAGLE-477] - eagle-data-process project clean up to contain only common processing classes
  • [EAGLE-478] - Eagle README in Eagle 0.5 version
  • [EAGLE-479] - Eagle 0.5 API full documents
  • [EAGLE-480] - Make Hadoop jmx monitoring working in Eagle 0.5
  • [EAGLE-481] - Make alert engine topology to be one application so to be managed by Eagle API
  • [EAGLE-486] - upgrade storm and kafka to a version which is consistent with HDP sandbox 2.4 and CDH 5.X
  • [EAGLE-487] - use guice module better in app framework
  • [EAGLE-490] - KafkaStreamSink should not assume fixed field user to do partition
  • [EAGLE-493] - Create alert metadata based on application stream sink configuration
  • [EAGLE-498] - overwrite equals method for PolicyDefinition should not contain field description
  • [EAGLE-503] - Refactor DynamicPolicyLoader to use MapComparator
  • [EAGLE-505] - oozie auditlog parser don`t deal with NullPointerException
  • [EAGLE-506] - AlertEngine : Make policy definition handler extensible
  • [EAGLE-509] - make streaming application's sink type to be java bean
  • [EAGLE-516] - Implement application entity service by jdbc
  • [EAGLE-519] - No data / gap alert enhancement
  • [EAGLE-520] - Decouple Co-processor with Eagle Aggreation Query Service
  • [EAGLE-522] - Implement HOURLY_RULE for Absence Alert.
  • [EAGLE-525] - refactor oozie to new application framework
  • [EAGLE-529] - Clean up embedded tomcat dependency
  • [EAGLE-531] - Dedup alerts according to state change
  • [EAGLE-532] - Fix eagle-jpm code style warnings and enable failOnViolation
  • [EAGLE-533] - Fix storage configuration and remove AppJUnitRunner
  • [EAGLE-534] - Integrate typesafe-config with DropWizard
  • [EAGLE-536] - Suppport application dependency in framework
  • [EAGLE-540] - Use Annotation to describe application metadata in ApplicationProvider.xml
  • [EAGLE-544] - Enhance dedup to support extended deduplicator
  • [EAGLE-548] - Add eagle service host and port config in jpm web app
  • [EAGLE-551] - fix some bugs and improvement of mr history feeder
  • [EAGLE-556] - Install/Update Alert Topology Metadata when start alert engine
  • [EAGLE-558] - Use dynamical loaded jarPath as default value in ApplicationEntity
  • [EAGLE-571] - AlertEngine: Topology should support loopback topic created after policy deployed
  • [EAGLE-572] - AlertEngine: Metadata API doesn't do validation of metadata
  • [EAGLE-576] - Dedup enhancements
  • [EAGLE-578] - Make dedup state value case insensitive
  • [EAGLE-592] - Add a hdfs audit log parser which consumes message in Json format
  • [EAGLE-593] - Eagle Topology assembly multi-version Hadoop support & bug fix
  • [EAGLE-598] - Create "ui" building profile and enable Eagle Web UI Building by default
  • [EAGLE-599] - Some improvements when submit JPM applications
  • [EAGLE-600] - Make sure AlertUnitTopologyApp compatible with both appId and
  • [EAGLE-604] - Support view/editing application configuration after installed
  • [EAGLE-606] - Add multiple hadoop version assembly application (topology) package
  • [EAGLE-612] - Use LOCAL when app provider is from class file and use Cluster when from jar file
  • [EAGLE-619] - UI Home display site states
  • [EAGLE-623] - [Maven] Move dependencies in profile "dev" to "eagle-topology-assembly"
  • [EAGLE-631] - Policy UI refactory
  • [EAGLE-633] - MR history feeder read some configurations from eagle server
  • [EAGLE-634] - clean up configuration for MR running feeder
  • [EAGLE-635] - Refactor policy parser and validator for richer plan details and better performance
  • [EAGLE-638] - clean up configuration for Eagle JPM aggregation feeder
  • [EAGLE-642] - move application runtime configure to ApplicationEntity context
  • [EAGLE-647] - Support Policy Execution Interpreter and Planner to compile siddhi query to distributed execution plan
  • [EAGLE-653] - remove zk root from configure
  • [EAGLE-656] - Integrate metric system with application framework
  • [EAGLE-659] - MR history feeder and Alert Engine integration
  • [EAGLE-665] - Refactor kafka stream sink and hdfs audit topology using shuffle grouping
  • [EAGLE-666] - Define fast compact data structure for kafka between application and alert engine
  • [EAGLE-669] - Investigate eagle app metric system referring to
  • [EAGLE-676] - Package hadoop jmx metric collector into eagle pacakge
  • [EAGLE-677] - Hadoop JMX Collector Support HA switching
  • [EAGLE-678] - Support to configure links for site
  • [EAGLE-680] - Can't generate Html coverage report
  • [EAGLE-683] - AlertEngine : Improve metadata store performance
  • [EAGLE-686] - UI add site select on top nav bar
  • [EAGLE-692] - Modify HBaseAuditLogAppProvider.xml to integrate necessary and correct properties
  • [EAGLE-699] - UI imporvement
  • [EAGLE-701] - AlertEngine: bolt should check ZK for latest spec when start
  • [EAGLE-703] - Application UI add confirm dialog
  • [EAGLE-706] - Policy UI adv mode support sql highlight
  • [EAGLE-707] - Mark "Task Statistic" page title as "Task Statistic (Beta)" instead of "(beta) Task Statistic"
  • [EAGLE-714] - Application improvement
  • [EAGLE-716] - [API] Validate before saving policy
  • [EAGLE-720] - Policy edit ui auto generate description
  • [EAGLE-729] - add hbase kerberose principle and keytab to provider
  • [EAGLE-734] - Integrate maven-buildNumber-plugin and
  • [EAGLE-741] - Make publishment settings both policy & stream awareness
  • [EAGLE-747] - Add unit test for eagle-storage-base module
  • [EAGLE-758] - Add tuple log for spout & alert bolt
  • [EAGLE-762] - Add AlertEmailPublisherTest test cases
  • [EAGLE-766] - Set default host&port of JPM_WEB_APP as null
  • [EAGLE-769] - InjectMembers in ServerApplication when initialization
  • [EAGLE-779] - add a managed task to regularly schedule registered healthchecks
  • [EAGLE-780] - Update spark running config to integrate with the application framework
  • [EAGLE-784] - application health check support notification
  • [EAGLE-787] - add healthy check for hadoop-queue/topology-health/spark-history apps
  • [EAGLE-791] - Refactor eagle module names to be more meaningful
  • [EAGLE-792] - Resolve google-fonts external connection blocking problem in AdminLTE
  • [EAGLE-794] - Enable publish bolt parallelism
  • [EAGLE-796] - MRJobEntityCreationHandler flush need retry N times
  • [EAGLE-798] - Add a new alert publisher to store alerts into hbase
  • [EAGLE-803] - Just save latest N schedule_state in eagle database.
  • [EAGLE-807] - Refactor JMX Metric Collector Script
  • [EAGLE-808] - Hide SMTP server configuration from end user and read from server config instead of metadata config
  • [EAGLE-809] - Hide Kafka sink configuration used by alert engine
  • [EAGLE-811] - Refactor jdbcMetadataDaoImpl of alert engine metadata
  • [EAGLE-817] - add KillOptions when stop a topology
  • [EAGLE-818] - CEP Based Aggregate Framework
  • [EAGLE-829] - Refactor PublishmentType model to align with PolicyDefinition
  • [EAGLE-830] - Enhance policy UI
  • [EAGLE-831] - UI alert support time range select
  • [EAGLE-832] - Support to define granularity for MetricDefinition to avoid metric duplicate
  • [EAGLE-833] - Add MetricSchemaGenerator and MetricSchemaService
  • [EAGLE-835] - add task failure category
  • [EAGLE-838] - Resolve defunct process in hadoop jmx script by kill -9
  • [EAGLE-839] - add job diagnostics
  • [EAGLE-840] - Task Failing Nodes List and bad node detection
  • [EAGLE-841] - CorrelationSpout reads zk connection from datasource override engine configured
  • [EAGLE-843] - Refactor application shared service registry framework
  • [EAGLE-848] - eagle should log proper error instead of dying
  • [EAGLE-849] - System metric collector python script
  • [EAGLE-850] - fetch node usage from name node/resource manager jmx
  • [EAGLE-873] - Add job name column to let user search their jobs using that field
  • [EAGLE-874] - Improve hadoop jmx collector scripts
  • [EAGLE-875] - Fix hadoop.hbase.ipc.ipc.* metric to hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ipc.*
  • [EAGLE-882] - Stream leaf RunningQueueAPIEntity into Kafka for queue monitoring
  • [EAGLE-895] - Improve alert engine metadata to organize by siteId
  • [EAGLE-904] - Refactor un-meaningful health alert message
  • [EAGLE-912] - make application health check message more readable
  • [EAGLE-920] - mr failed job trouble shooting
  • [EAGLE-927] - add jmx resource info to Hadoop JMX Monitor
  • [EAGLE-932] - Support group in stream definition
  • [EAGLE-933] - Isolate policy execution assignment scheduling by site
  • [EAGLE-942] - Fetch running apps info with Yarn client

New Feature

  • [EAGLE-26] - Generic solution for Eagle topology merge
  • [EAGLE-126] - enable basic support for eagle RDBMS storage
  • [EAGLE-233] - Integrate [maven-release-plugin] for eagle release
  • [EAGLE-234] - Clean maven build warning in eagle
  • [EAGLE-243] - Set up Eagle IT (Integration Test) Suite
  • [EAGLE-250] - Metadata on mongodb
  • [EAGLE-283] - Convert fid,uid in MapR's audit log to FIle/folder name, user name
  • [EAGLE-325] - Initialize next-gen alert engine code on branch-0.5
  • [EAGLE-350] - Running queue metrics monitoring
  • [EAGLE-351] - Running queue metrics monitoring
  • [EAGLE-382] - Monitoring Application Framework
  • [EAGLE-408] - Eagle-JPM job name normalize
  • [EAGLE-422] - eagle support for mr & spark running job monitoring
  • [EAGLE-433] - DropWizard Service Security Integration with Basic Auth & LDAP
  • [EAGLE-436] - Decouple Application Class-based Configuration
  • [EAGLE-453] - Use META-INF/providers/${appProviderClassName}.xml as default metadata path
  • [EAGLE-464] - StateCheck: multiple stage of definition in single policy
  • [EAGLE-537] - provide tools to collect hbase jmx metrics
  • [EAGLE-541] - Application policy template framework
  • [EAGLE-542] - Support @Bucket annotation in query engine
  • [EAGLE-549] - Add required field for application configuration
  • [EAGLE-557] - Setup Eagle v0.5 Documentation Site Layout
  • [EAGLE-581] - Generate a build number when building the project.
  • [EAGLE-601] - Add updating policy status API: PUT /metadata/policies/{policyId}/status/{status}
  • [EAGLE-603] - Enable/Disable Policy in UI
  • [EAGLE-611] - Add User-Oriented Policy API
  • [EAGLE-613] - Support modify ApplicationEntity through POST /rest/apps/{UUID}/
  • [EAGLE-626] - Add Eagle HBase Metric Store Publisher
  • [EAGLE-630] - Add Publishments to Policy API
  • [EAGLE-643] - Implement oozieAuditLogAppProvider
  • [EAGLE-650] - Hadoop JMX Metric Monitoring Application
  • [EAGLE-651] - HBase JMX Metric Monitoring Application
  • [EAGLE-657] - EagleServiceMetricSink
  • [EAGLE-658] - Add reserved "global" siteId as shared namespace
  • [EAGLE-681] - Add new publisher AlertEagleStorePlugin
  • [EAGLE-688] - UI support Alert display
  • [EAGLE-690] - Integrate topology health check with alert engine
  • [EAGLE-698] - Help eagle to collect system and Hadoop JMX information
  • [EAGLE-789] - Add a new publisher to write alerts into a local file
  • [EAGLE-815] - Support alert template to generate human readable alert
  • [EAGLE-845] - HBase JMX Monitoring Dashboard
  • [EAGLE-846] - HDFS Audit log traffic monitoring
  • [EAGLE-890] - Add Job Scheduling Framework and HadoopHealthCheckApp
  • [EAGLE-908] - Hdfs JMX Monitoring Dashboard
  • [EAGLE-918] - Improve eagle auth framework to support @PermitAll/DenyAll/RolesAllowed/Auth
  • [EAGLE-921] - Integrate role-based Authentication in API and UI
  • [EAGLE-925] - Eagle Docker Image for v0.5
  • [EAGLE-950] - Add REST Stream Proxy for easy integration with Eagle Alert and Dashboard
  • [EAGLE-953] - Host-level Overview Heatmap Diagram for Topology Monitoring
  • [EAGLE-955] - Metric Explorer and Customized Dashboard
  • [EAGLE-958] - ElasticSearch Alert Publisher


  • [EAGLE-324] - Initialize code for 0.5.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT
  • [EAGLE-377] - tomcat jar dependencies need to be cleaned up
  • [EAGLE-384] - Alert Engine BugFix and Improvements
  • [EAGLE-410] - stream tumbling window aggregate library
  • [EAGLE-495] - Convert spark history job using application framework
  • [EAGLE-502] - Always retry to parse spark history job when failure happens.
  • [EAGLE-574] - UI refactor for support 0.5 api
  • [EAGLE-577] - UI policy management
  • [EAGLE-670] - AlertEngine: Make Kafka Publisher configurable to async, for throughput tuning
  • [EAGLE-671] - AlertEngine: incorrect metric system use : too many metric object create and registered
  • [EAGLE-672] - AlertEngine: MongoStateStore should be removed
  • [EAGLE-708] - document the Apache Eagle deployment from scratch
  • [EAGLE-709] - Document job performance monitoring application
  • [EAGLE-710] - Document service health check application
  • [EAGLE-711] - Document JMX monitoring application
  • [EAGLE-712] - Document HDFS audit log monitoring application (DAM)
  • [EAGLE-813] - UI alert api update
  • [EAGLE-855] - UI support metric preview



Sep, 2017 )

Source Code Download: ( with public keys and sha hash available in same dir).

Release Vote Result:  7  "+1" binding votes received: 

Edward Zhang
Hao Chen 
Zhao Qingwen
Jayesh Senjaliya
Jinhu Wu
SenthilKumar K
Tang Jijun


There has been lot of efforts and change put into this version, which, in summary, includes following:

1) refactored dynamic alert engine with dynamic data source.
2) policy/alert manager for policy on-boarding & alert insights on UI.
2) refactored application development framework with its lifecycle management.
3) lots of new monitoring applications and its dashboards for insight:
    * Hadoop JMX, System metrics, HDFS JMX, HDFS RPC monitoring app
    * HBase Monitoring app
    * Job Performance Monitoring app
    * Running Hadoop Queue monitoring app
    * hdfs, hbase and yarn Service health check monitoring app
    * Host heatmaps UI insight app
4) LDAP and admin functionality support
5) lots of improvements, bug fixes and more...


New Feature

  • [EAGLE-26] - Generic solution for Eagle topology merge
  • [EAGLE-126] - enable basic support for eagle RDBMS storage
  • [EAGLE-233] - Integrate [maven-release-plugin] for eagle release
  • [EAGLE-234] - Clean maven build warning in eagle
  • [EAGLE-243] - Set up Eagle IT (Integration Test) Suite
  • [EAGLE-250] - Metadata on mongodb
  • [EAGLE-283] - Convert fid,uid in MapR's audit log to FIle/folder name, user name
  • [EAGLE-325] - Initialize next-gen alert engine code on branch-0.5
  • [EAGLE-350] - Running queue metrics monitoring
  • [EAGLE-351] - Running queue metrics monitoring
  • [EAGLE-382] - Monitoring Application Framework
  • [EAGLE-408] - Eagle-JPM job name normalize
  • [EAGLE-422] - eagle support for mr & spark running job monitoring
  • [EAGLE-433] - DropWizard Service Security Integration with Basic Auth & LDAP
  • [EAGLE-436] - Decouple Application Class-based Configuration
  • [EAGLE-453] - Use META-INF/providers/${appProviderClassName}.xml as default metadata path
  • [EAGLE-464] - StateCheck: multiple stage of definition in single policy
  • [EAGLE-537] - provide tools to collect hbase jmx metrics
  • [EAGLE-541] - Application policy template framework
  • [EAGLE-542] - Support @Bucket annotation in query engine
  • [EAGLE-549] - Add required field for application configuration
  • [EAGLE-557] - Setup Eagle v0.5 Documentation Site Layout
  • [EAGLE-581] - Generate a build number when building the project.
  • [EAGLE-601] - Add updating policy status API: PUT /metadata/policies/{policyId}/status/{status}
  • [EAGLE-603] - Enable/Disable Policy in UI
  • [EAGLE-611] - Add User-Oriented Policy API
  • [EAGLE-613] - Support modify ApplicationEntity through POST /rest/apps/{UUID}/
  • [EAGLE-626] - Add Eagle HBase Metric Store Publisher
  • [EAGLE-630] - Add Publishments to Policy API
  • [EAGLE-643] - Implement oozieAuditLogAppProvider
  • [EAGLE-650] - Hadoop JMX Metric Monitoring Application
  • [EAGLE-651] - HBase JMX Metric Monitoring Application
  • [EAGLE-657] - EagleServiceMetricSink
  • [EAGLE-658] - Add reserved "global" siteId as shared namespace
  • [EAGLE-681] - Add new publisher AlertEagleStorePlugin
  • [EAGLE-688] - UI support Alert display
  • [EAGLE-690] - Integrate topology health check with alert engine
  • [EAGLE-698] - Help eagle to collect system and Hadoop JMX information
  • [EAGLE-789] - Add a new publisher to write alerts into a local file
  • [EAGLE-815] - Support alert template to generate human readable alert
  • [EAGLE-845] - HBase JMX Monitoring Dashboard
  • [EAGLE-846] - HDFS Audit log traffic monitoring
  • [EAGLE-890] - Add Job Scheduling Framework and HadoopHealthCheckApp
  • [EAGLE-908] - Hdfs JMX Monitoring Dashboard
  • [EAGLE-918] - Improve eagle auth framework to support @PermitAll/DenyAll/RolesAllowed/Auth
  • [EAGLE-921] - Integrate role-based Authentication in API and UI
  • [EAGLE-925] - Eagle Docker Image for v0.5
  • [EAGLE-950] - Add REST Stream Proxy for easy integration with Eagle Alert and Dashboard
  • [EAGLE-953] - Host-level Overview Heatmap Diagram for Topology Monitoring
  • [EAGLE-955] - Metric Explorer and Customized Dashboard
  • [EAGLE-958] - ElasticSearch Alert Publisher


  • [EAGLE-43] - Eagle Job Running Spout should support HTTPS
  • [EAGLE-134] - publish javadoc of eagle
  • [EAGLE-218] - convert /list to /entities
  • [EAGLE-220] - Add mvn script to handle maven dependency
  • [EAGLE-252] - Remove dependency of AlertExecutorId in metadata while partitioning policy
  • [EAGLE-256] - Replace HDP version based hadoop dependencies with community version instead.
  • [EAGLE-260] - Support to fetch audit log from http://localhost:50070/logs/hdfs-audit.log for quick preview
  • [EAGLE-265] - AlertExecutor Support to load all policies if AlertExecutorId is not defined
  • [EAGLE-302] - Add sample main app that read config for alert-executor to make onboard easier with topo-mgmt
  • [EAGLE-335] - Show alert definition so that user could see the trigger condition of alert
  • [EAGLE-349] - Add batch processing apis for metadata in the new alert engine
  • [EAGLE-360] - Kafka Java Producer with kerberos
  • [EAGLE-369] - Improve eagle alert email template to provide more useful information and user experience
  • [EAGLE-371] - remove eagle-docs from develop branch
  • [EAGLE-372] - Change AlertNotificationEntity#fields type from String to List
  • [EAGLE-373] - Move Eagle document to Eagle source code control
  • [EAGLE-411] - Improve code coverage of eagle-storage-hbase
  • [EAGLE-416] - Add check style support
  • [EAGLE-420] - HBase audit log monitoring using new app framework
  • [EAGLE-426] - Load app web classes and app topology classes using configured lib dir
  • [EAGLE-428] - Hbase monitoring's metadata browse API in new app framework
  • [EAGLE-430] - explore new packaging method for eagle using new app framework
  • [EAGLE-431] - MetadataDaoFactory should use config from eagle server
  • [EAGLE-432] - Application status monitoring
  • [EAGLE-435] - Coordiantor schedule operation must be exclusive in distributed deployment
  • [EAGLE-437] - create workable fat jar for starting application remotely
  • [EAGLE-439] - Introduce policy enable/disable support
  • [EAGLE-444] - convert eagle-gc app to use new app framework
  • [EAGLE-445] - convert eagle-hdfs-auditlog app to use new app framework
  • [EAGLE-446] - convert eagle-hive app to use new app framework
  • [EAGLE-447] - convert eagle-maprfs app to use new app framework
  • [EAGLE-448] - convert eagle-oozie app to use new app framework
  • [EAGLE-449] - clean inner process alert engine code
  • [EAGLE-450] - Alert check meta version conflict between runtime modules
  • [EAGLE-451] - oozie ingestion+alert engine preview
  • [EAGLE-452] - Add Jersey Resource Unit Test Case
  • [EAGLE-462] - Alert Dudup - same metric generate alert should be deduped
  • [EAGLE-463] - One App type may be run as multiple instances in one site
  • [EAGLE-468] - clean up eagle-application-service to be replaced by new app framework
  • [EAGLE-469] - make dataSource configuration extremely simple
  • [EAGLE-470] - data enrichment refactor in eagle security monitoring
  • [EAGLE-474] - some improvements of app framework: appId naming, jarFile field, InstallOperation etc.
  • [EAGLE-477] - eagle-data-process project clean up to contain only common processing classes
  • [EAGLE-478] - Eagle README in Eagle 0.5 version
  • [EAGLE-479] - Eagle 0.5 API full documents
  • [EAGLE-480] - Make Hadoop jmx monitoring working in Eagle 0.5
  • [EAGLE-481] - Make alert engine topology to be one application so to be managed by Eagle API
  • [EAGLE-486] - upgrade storm and kafka to a version which is consistent with HDP sandbox 2.4 and CDH 5.X
  • [EAGLE-487] - use guice module better in app framework
  • [EAGLE-490] - KafkaStreamSink should not assume fixed field user to do partition
  • [EAGLE-493] - Create alert metadata based on application stream sink configuration
  • [EAGLE-498] - overwrite equals method for PolicyDefinition should not contain field description
  • [EAGLE-503] - Refactor DynamicPolicyLoader to use MapComparator
  • [EAGLE-505] - oozie auditlog parser don`t deal with NullPointerException
  • [EAGLE-506] - AlertEngine : Make policy definition handler extensible
  • [EAGLE-509] - make streaming application's sink type to be java bean
  • [EAGLE-516] - Implement application entity service by jdbc
  • [EAGLE-519] - No data / gap alert enhancement
  • [EAGLE-520] - Decouple Co-processor with Eagle Aggreation Query Service
  • [EAGLE-522] - Implement HOURLY_RULE for Absence Alert.
  • [EAGLE-525] - refactor oozie to new application framework
  • [EAGLE-529] - Clean up embedded tomcat dependency
  • [EAGLE-531] - Dedup alerts according to state change
  • [EAGLE-532] - Fix eagle-jpm code style warnings and enable failOnViolation
  • [EAGLE-533] - Fix storage configuration and remove AppJUnitRunner
  • [EAGLE-534] - Integrate typesafe-config with DropWizard
  • [EAGLE-536] - Suppport application dependency in framework
  • [EAGLE-540] - Use Annotation to describe application metadata in ApplicationProvider.xml
  • [EAGLE-544] - Enhance dedup to support extended deduplicator
  • [EAGLE-548] - Add eagle service host and port config in jpm web app
  • [EAGLE-551] - fix some bugs and improvement of mr history feeder
  • [EAGLE-556] - Install/Update Alert Topology Metadata when start alert engine
  • [EAGLE-558] - Use dynamical loaded jarPath as default value in ApplicationEntity
  • [EAGLE-571] - AlertEngine: Topology should support loopback topic created after policy deployed
  • [EAGLE-572] - AlertEngine: Metadata API doesn't do validation of metadata
  • [EAGLE-576] - Dedup enhancements
  • [EAGLE-578] - Make dedup state value case insensitive
  • [EAGLE-592] - Add a hdfs audit log parser which consumes message in Json format
  • [EAGLE-593] - Eagle Topology assembly multi-version Hadoop support & bug fix
  • [EAGLE-598] - Create "ui" building profile and enable Eagle Web UI Building by default
  • [EAGLE-599] - Some improvements when submit JPM applications
  • [EAGLE-600] - Make sure AlertUnitTopologyApp compatible with both appId and
  • [EAGLE-604] - Support view/editing application configuration after installed
  • [EAGLE-606] - Add multiple hadoop version assembly application (topology) package
  • [EAGLE-612] - Use LOCAL when app provider is from class file and use Cluster when from jar file
  • [EAGLE-619] - UI Home display site states
  • [EAGLE-623] - [Maven] Move dependencies in profile "dev" to "eagle-topology-assembly"
  • [EAGLE-631] - Policy UI refactory
  • [EAGLE-633] - MR history feeder read some configurations from eagle server
  • [EAGLE-634] - clean up configuration for MR running feeder
  • [EAGLE-635] - Refactor policy parser and validator for richer plan details and better performance
  • [EAGLE-638] - clean up configuration for Eagle JPM aggregation feeder
  • [EAGLE-642] - move application runtime configure to ApplicationEntity context
  • [EAGLE-647] - Support Policy Execution Interpreter and Planner to compile siddhi query to distributed execution plan
  • [EAGLE-653] - remove zk root from configure
  • [EAGLE-656] - Integrate metric system with application framework
  • [EAGLE-659] - MR history feeder and Alert Engine integration
  • [EAGLE-665] - Refactor kafka stream sink and hdfs audit topology using shuffle grouping
  • [EAGLE-666] - Define fast compact data structure for kafka between application and alert engine
  • [EAGLE-669] - Investigate eagle app metric system referring to
  • [EAGLE-676] - Package hadoop jmx metric collector into eagle pacakge
  • [EAGLE-677] - Hadoop JMX Collector Support HA switching
  • [EAGLE-678] - Support to configure links for site
  • [EAGLE-680] - Can't generate Html coverage report
  • [EAGLE-683] - AlertEngine : Improve metadata store performance
  • [EAGLE-686] - UI add site select on top nav bar
  • [EAGLE-692] - Modify HBaseAuditLogAppProvider.xml to integrate necessary and correct properties
  • [EAGLE-699] - UI imporvement
  • [EAGLE-701] - AlertEngine: bolt should check ZK for latest spec when start
  • [EAGLE-703] - Application UI add confirm dialog
  • [EAGLE-706] - Policy UI adv mode support sql highlight
  • [EAGLE-707] - Mark "Task Statistic" page title as "Task Statistic (Beta)" instead of "(beta) Task Statistic"
  • [EAGLE-714] - Application improvement
  • [EAGLE-716] - [API] Validate before saving policy
  • [EAGLE-720] - Policy edit ui auto generate description
  • [EAGLE-729] - add hbase kerberose principle and keytab to provider
  • [EAGLE-734] - Integrate maven-buildNumber-plugin and
  • [EAGLE-741] - Make publishment settings both policy & stream awareness
  • [EAGLE-747] - Add unit test for eagle-storage-base module
  • [EAGLE-758] - Add tuple log for spout & alert bolt
  • [EAGLE-762] - Add AlertEmailPublisherTest test cases
  • [EAGLE-766] - Set default host&port of JPM_WEB_APP as null
  • [EAGLE-769] - InjectMembers in ServerApplication when initialization
  • [EAGLE-779] - add a managed task to regularly schedule registered healthchecks
  • [EAGLE-780] - Update spark running config to integrate with the application framework
  • [EAGLE-784] - application health check support notification
  • [EAGLE-787] - add healthy check for hadoop-queue/topology-health/spark-history apps
  • [EAGLE-791] - Refactor eagle module names to be more meaningful
  • [EAGLE-792] - Resolve google-fonts external connection blocking problem in AdminLTE
  • [EAGLE-794] - Enable publish bolt parallelism
  • [EAGLE-796] - MRJobEntityCreationHandler flush need retry N times
  • [EAGLE-798] - Add a new alert publisher to store alerts into hbase
  • [EAGLE-803] - Just save latest N schedule_state in eagle database.
  • [EAGLE-807] - Refactor JMX Metric Collector Script
  • [EAGLE-808] - Hide SMTP server configuration from end user and read from server config instead of metadata config
  • [EAGLE-809] - Hide Kafka sink configuration used by alert engine
  • [EAGLE-811] - Refactor jdbcMetadataDaoImpl of alert engine metadata
  • [EAGLE-817] - add KillOptions when stop a topology
  • [EAGLE-818] - CEP Based Aggregate Framework
  • [EAGLE-829] - Refactor PublishmentType model to align with PolicyDefinition
  • [EAGLE-830] - Enhance policy UI
  • [EAGLE-831] - UI alert support time range select
  • [EAGLE-832] - Support to define granularity for MetricDefinition to avoid metric duplicate
  • [EAGLE-833] - Add MetricSchemaGenerator and MetricSchemaService
  • [EAGLE-835] - add task failure category
  • [EAGLE-838] - Resolve defunct process in hadoop jmx script by kill -9
  • [EAGLE-839] - add job diagnostics
  • [EAGLE-840] - Task Failing Nodes List and bad node detection
  • [EAGLE-841] - CorrelationSpout reads zk connection from datasource override engine configured
  • [EAGLE-843] - Refactor application shared service registry framework
  • [EAGLE-848] - eagle should log proper error instead of dying
  • [EAGLE-849] - System metric collector python script
  • [EAGLE-850] - fetch node usage from name node/resource manager jmx
  • [EAGLE-873] - Add job name column to let user search their jobs using that field
  • [EAGLE-874] - Improve hadoop jmx collector scripts
  • [EAGLE-875] - Fix hadoop.hbase.ipc.ipc.* metric to hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ipc.*
  • [EAGLE-882] - Stream leaf RunningQueueAPIEntity into Kafka for queue monitoring
  • [EAGLE-895] - Improve alert engine metadata to organize by siteId
  • [EAGLE-904] - Refactor un-meaningful health alert message
  • [EAGLE-912] - make application health check message more readable
  • [EAGLE-920] - mr failed job trouble shooting
  • [EAGLE-927] - add jmx resource info to Hadoop JMX Monitor
  • [EAGLE-932] - Support group in stream definition
  • [EAGLE-933] - Isolate policy execution assignment scheduling by site
  • [EAGLE-942] - Fetch running apps info with Yarn client


  • [EAGLE-145] - Send mail failed for javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Illegal semicolon, not in group
  • [EAGLE-146] - SiddhiExtensionLoader Error: viewing zip file for jar:./lib/ojdbc6.jar
  • [EAGLE-249] - Support Postgres as hive metadata
  • [EAGLE-253] - query=AlertService[@hostname=~".*"] returns different results under HBASE and JDBC DB
  • [EAGLE-267] - node_modules is packaged into eagle tar package
  • [EAGLE-320] - Pull Request Reviewer CI job fails to checkout dev branch
  • [EAGLE-329] - Dependency incompatibility bug among jersey, asm and extcos under JAVA 8
  • [EAGLE-332] - Build failed to due to [EAGLE-325]
  • [EAGLE-361] - Fix test building problem caused by kafka version and remove unused files
  • [EAGLE-362] - Remove tomcat package dependencies and use standalone embedded jetty server
  • [EAGLE-363] - Read topologyName from application.conf for MR history job feeder.
  • [EAGLE-364] - Kafka Spout with kerberos
  • [EAGLE-368] - JSlint failed in common/controller.js
  • [EAGLE-375] - Clean web framework to use light-weight DropWizard with Jersey and remove spring dependency
  • [EAGLE-381] - Get resource manager version and improve app attempt id fetcher for spark job feeder
  • [EAGLE-393] - Fix UnitTest Error caused by streamDef.json and TestApplicationImpl
  • [EAGLE-394] - Fix NPE bug while metadata inconsistent; Fix unit test
  • [EAGLE-395] - Doc mismatch package name
  • [EAGLE-400] - Compile errors in develop branch
  • [EAGLE-401] - StreamRouterBolt and PublishBolt also have NPE
  • [EAGLE-405] - hadoopJmxMetricAlertExecutor ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  • [EAGLE-417] - Fix unit test failure on develop branch
  • [EAGLE-418] - Unit test case failed: org.apache.eagle.alert.cep.TestSiddhiEvaluator
  • [EAGLE-421] - JMX Metric APP use new application framework
  • [EAGLE-429] - CoordinatorTest.test_01 sometimes fail
  • [EAGLE-466] - TestSerDeserPer failed with Windows Git bash
  • [EAGLE-473] - Query error if query string contains "[]"
  • [EAGLE-475] - Fix generic email publisher and publish emails for absence alert.
  • [EAGLE-484] - StreamRouterSpec class should override equals method
  • [EAGLE-491] - AlertPublisherImpl dedup throws exception when dedup column is not configured
  • [EAGLE-492] - Fix negative total execution time and make some code optimization for spark history job.
  • [EAGLE-499] - Fix flushing entities for spark history job.
  • [EAGLE-504] - Fix warnings for getting json values in eagle-jpm-spark-history
  • [EAGLE-507] - Jenkins building failed on build #71
  • [EAGLE-508] - Fix NullPointerException when zookeeper is trying to shutdown in ZookeeperEmbedded.
  • [EAGLE-511] - Fix NullPointerException for spark history job
  • [EAGLE-517] - develop branch is actually broken with missing dependencies
  • [EAGLE-521] - Remove envContextConfig.env in SparkRunningJobAppConfig for SparkRunningJobApp.
  • [EAGLE-530] - Fix eagle-alert warnings
  • [EAGLE-535] - Fix to support to run under windows bash like Cygwin
  • [EAGLE-543] - Fix eagle default configuration and invalid dependencies
  • [EAGLE-547] - Fix duplicated view path
  • [EAGLE-552] - Resolve eagle dependency security and license issues
  • [EAGLE-553] - Fix /entities/ timeseries query bug
  • [EAGLE-554] - EagleServiceBaseClient cannot configure the basePath
  • [EAGLE-555] - Disruptor dependency conflict
  • [EAGLE-559] - Fix TestServiceAppWithZk test cause failing due to port conflict
  • [EAGLE-560] - Retry embedded zookeeper port by port +1 when conflicts
  • [EAGLE-561] - JsonMappingException in Hadoop queue feeder
  • [EAGLE-566] - add dedup fields into publishment compare consideration
  • [EAGLE-568] - Set max retry times for HDFS problems, otherwise skip instead of blocking whole topology
  • [EAGLE-569] - AlertPublishImpl: Concurrency : Inplace change metadata cause concurrent modification issue
  • [EAGLE-575] - Refactor StaticWebApplication to StaticApplication to support both web/static application
  • [EAGLE-580] - MongodbMetadata: kafka have dot in topic name cause spec store failed
  • [EAGLE-585] - AlertEngine: create metadata validation api
  • [EAGLE-586] - AlertEngine: multiple routing of alerts is broken because of event not copied
  • [EAGLE-587] - AlertEngine : simplify state-based dedup to have only deupvalue for given dedup key
  • [EAGLE-588] - AlertEngine : Not to Use commons3 stringutil.isnoneblank
  • [EAGLE-589] - PR 472 incorrect merge of pr 471
  • [EAGLE-590] - AlertEngine: the kafka_spout might be dropped by metadata update when system ack a tupe
  • [EAGLE-591] - Fix conflict streamId between different sites when installation
  • [EAGLE-596] - Caught NoSuchFieldError when creating policy with existing policyId
  • [EAGLE-597] - Add API to filter publishment by policy: /policies/{policyId}/publishments
  • [EAGLE-602] - Exception that Spec Version [xxx] of AlertBolt is newer than Stream Event Version [null]!
  • [EAGLE-608] - UI update: metadata/policies/policy
  • [EAGLE-609] - NullPointerException in DefaultDeduplicator
  • [EAGLE-610] - not pop grunt exit code
  • [EAGLE-615] - Jsoup parse hive sql return String without line break "\n"
  • [EAGLE-617] - Scrollbar is missing when install Map Reduce History Job Monitoring
  • [EAGLE-620] - AlertEngine: SpoutWrapper are sending duplicated message.
  • [EAGLE-622] - AlertEngine : unit test failed caused by datasource name and topic name change
  • [EAGLE-624] - Installation Doc is not correctly shown in Installation Dialog
  • [EAGLE-625] - Site home page error for missing partials/site/home.html
  • [EAGLE-627] - Add PolicyValidator and Validation API
  • [EAGLE-628] - Fix jdbc metadata bugs
  • [EAGLE-636] - Absence Alert Engine doesn't alert in some case
  • [EAGLE-645] - No log retention for eagle server log
  • [EAGLE-646] - AlertUnitTopology does not rebuild the scheduler state after restarting
  • [EAGLE-648] - Stream router does not work properly sometimes
  • [EAGLE-654] - Fix alert engine open metric system per tuple
  • [EAGLE-655] - Fix metadata bug
  • [EAGLE-660] - Stream delete mongo implementation is not working
  • [EAGLE-661] - Status is wrongly shown as "INITIALIZED" when updating installed app's configuration
  • [EAGLE-662] - remove jarPath/mode from entity context
  • [EAGLE-663] - Build git head COMMITID into eagle package and display in web page aside eagle version
  • [EAGLE-664] - Add directly updating status API to rigger update status immediately
  • [EAGLE-667] - Should streat storm "KILLED" as "STOPPING" in eagle
  • [EAGLE-668] - Support properties type in text area instead input field of configuration
  • [EAGLE-673] - add numOfPublishExecutors to alert engine topology
  • [EAGLE-674] - fix grouping between AlertBolt and AlertPublisher
  • [EAGLE-675] - AlertEngine: don't host long-live curator framework for schedule
  • [EAGLE-679] - Fix missing CoprocessorService and MR Running feeder task number limitation
  • [EAGLE-682] - fix /policies/{policyId}/publishments bug
  • [EAGLE-684] - AlertEngine : PolicyDefinition.Defintion should not be changed.
  • [EAGLE-687] - When creating sites in UI and metadata storaged as jdbc, the field "Description" can't be null
  • [EAGLE-693] - fix application could not detect stream change
  • [EAGLE-700] - API /policies/{policyId} throws exception if policy does not exist
  • [EAGLE-702] - fix JdbcDatabaseHandler select sql error
  • [EAGLE-705] - streams is null when call /rest/apps/ api
  • [EAGLE-713] - Publish & Router bolts spec change is not thread safe
  • [EAGLE-715] - optimize some configurations for alert
  • [EAGLE-719] - configuration bug in applications
  • [EAGLE-724] - Fix eagle-common checkstyle warnings
  • [EAGLE-731] - HBaseStorage doesn't set affected size after create and delete operation
  • [EAGLE-736] - Fix eagle-data-process checkstyle warnings
  • [EAGLE-737] - Fix eagle-embed checkstyle warnings
  • [EAGLE-738] - Fix eagle-metadata checkstyle warnings
  • [EAGLE-739] - Fix eagle-metric checkstyle warnings
  • [EAGLE-740] - Fix eagle-query checkstyle warnings
  • [EAGLE-742] - check applications when remove site
  • [EAGLE-746] - PolicyValidation is insufficient, and will cause blocking for extended handler
  • [EAGLE-750] - Improve coordinator schedule strategy to reuse alert work slot
  • [EAGLE-755] - Publishment without streamIds update encountered NPE
  • [EAGLE-757] - fix alert JdbcDatabaseHandler connection issue
  • [EAGLE-764] - MR history feeder support Health Checks
  • [EAGLE-768] - AlertEngine: Policy Validation API doesn't evaluate the data source missing
  • [EAGLE-770] - remove InterProcessMutex from JobHistoryZKStateManager
  • [EAGLE-771] - AlertEngine: Make publishment kafka endpoint as optional
  • [EAGLE-772] - simply refactor mr running job feeder
  • [EAGLE-773] - org.apache.eagle.service.generic.MetaDataResource doesn't work correctly
  • [EAGLE-785] - change hbase configuration to optional
  • [EAGLE-793] - Dropwizard related class not found exception in topology
  • [EAGLE-799] - Can not get hbase info by service api when the master becomes not available
  • [EAGLE-806] - Integrate Metric Process and Persistence with Application Framework
  • [EAGLE-814] - fix alertId is null in AlertStreamEvent bug
  • [EAGLE-816] - Fix host name bug in jmx collector scripts
  • [EAGLE-819] - Data from topology health check are inaccurate
  • [EAGLE-821] - coordinator bug in alert engine
  • [EAGLE-826] - Coordinator throws NullPointerException when generateSpoutMonitorMetadata
  • [EAGLE-827] - Coordinator schedule time out
  • [EAGLE-842] - mr running job count in zookeeper does not match the number in hbase
  • [EAGLE-844] - Potential NPE issue
  • [EAGLE-851] - Add validation for policy name
  • [EAGLE-853] - Resolve eagle time problem on alert entities
  • [EAGLE-862] - Fix service.port config to support both STRING and NUMBER
  • [EAGLE-869] - Fix MetricStreamPersist bug: no tuple pass on when batchSize > 1
  • [EAGLE-870] - NoClassDefFoundError while running storm topology for alert and MRrunning
  • [EAGLE-876] - TopologyBaseAPIEntity comparison should consider rack info
  • [EAGLE-883] - Users in RunningQueueAPIEntity is missing due to misconfiguration
  • [EAGLE-887] - Eagle application status is still RUNNING even when storm cluster is down
  • [EAGLE-891] - Add ApplicationPackageProvider Framework to support package multiple applications
  • [EAGLE-892] - MRRunningJobFetchSpout throws NPE when there is no apps found
  • [EAGLE-897] - HBase JMX Widget Url is wrongly using siteName instead of siteId
  • [EAGLE-903] - HBase Master Overview keep loading progress forever if no data available
  • [EAGLE-924] - urls to healthy and unhealthy region-servers in hbase dashboard is not accurate enough
  • [EAGLE-928] - Refine system metric schema design and fix system metric collector
  • [EAGLE-934] - update packaging to use new configs
  • [EAGLE-947] - Publishers with same policy but different schema could produce duplicate alerts
  • [EAGLE-948] - can not package by maven
  • [EAGLE-960] - Fix email template link problem
  • [EAGLE-961] - Text could go beyond job list widget
  • [EAGLE-962] - The status of job list always show Running
  • [EAGLE-963] - Job duration conflicts between job list and job detail page
  • [EAGLE-965] - Eagle JPM Yarn Overview Chart Improvement


  • [EAGLE-324] - Initialize code for 0.5.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT
  • [EAGLE-377] - tomcat jar dependencies need to be cleaned up
  • [EAGLE-384] - Alert Engine BugFix and Improvements
  • [EAGLE-410] - stream tumbling window aggregate library
  • [EAGLE-495] - Convert spark history job using application framework
  • [EAGLE-502] - Always retry to parse spark history job when failure happens.
  • [EAGLE-574] - UI refactor for support 0.5 api
  • [EAGLE-577] - UI policy management
  • [EAGLE-670] - AlertEngine: Make Kafka Publisher configurable to async, for throughput tuning
  • [EAGLE-671] - AlertEngine: incorrect metric system use : too many metric object create and registered
  • [EAGLE-672] - AlertEngine: MongoStateStore should be removed
  • [EAGLE-708] - document the Apache Eagle deployment from scratch
  • [EAGLE-709] - Document job performance monitoring application
  • [EAGLE-710] - Document service health check application
  • [EAGLE-711] - Document JMX monitoring application
  • [EAGLE-712] - Document HDFS audit log monitoring application (DAM)
  • [EAGLE-813] - UI alert api update
  • [EAGLE-855] - UI support metric preview


  • [EAGLE-261] - create jekyll-infra for eagle landing page
  • [EAGLE-262] - create jekyll-infra for eagle version-based page
  • [EAGLE-277] - Spark History jobs Feeder
  • [EAGLE-278] - MR history jobs Feeder
  • [EAGLE-385] - Monitoring Application Framework Core
  • [EAGLE-386] - Refactor Application Framework Interfaces and StreamEventMapper
  • [EAGLE-387] - Implement Application Lifecycle Status Conversion
  • [EAGLE-388] - Alerting on any customized kafka data source (topic)
  • [EAGLE-389] - Integrate application streams as Alerting data source (managed kafka topic) & stream
  • [EAGLE-390] - Integrate application streams as Insight Dashboard data source
  • [EAGLE-391] - Integrate Application start/stop/status interface with TopologyMgmtResourceImpl
  • [EAGLE-397] - Implement KafkaStreamSink with type safe StreamSinkContext
  • [EAGLE-398] - Refine example application for developer to easily know how to create a new app
  • [EAGLE-399] - Implement consistent RESTResponse Wrapper for operation (CREAT/MODIFY/DELETE) request
  • [EAGLE-402] - EAGLE-402 Refactor Application Framework to be better managed or deployed standalone
  • [EAGLE-403] - Enrich Metadata API of Application Management
  • [EAGLE-441] - Combine environment configuration into application configuration for execution
  • [EAGLE-442] - Support to extend metastore DAO modules in SPI
  • [EAGLE-472] - Fix HBase unit test
  • [EAGLE-570] - Refactor: Make sure engine publisher only have general feature.
  • [EAGLE-573] - NPE when apply change of 569
  • [EAGLE-582] - register simple Basic Authentication to server application
  • [EAGLE-583] - implement ldap authentication logic, taking Basic Authentication credentials
  • [EAGLE-639] - Generate sortSpec only on externalWindow
  • [EAGLE-717] - Upgrade maven-surefire-plugin for supporting forkMode ( = always ) correctly
  • [EAGLE-727] - Fix TestGroupAggregateTimeSeriesClient and TestGroupAggregateClient
  • [EAGLE-730] - Add UnitTest for HBaseStorage
  • [EAGLE-732] - Exclude coverage instrumentation of generated class
  • [EAGLE-745] - web ui should check success(true or false) when delete site
  • [EAGLE-754] - Refactor - move ignored test class to corresponding module
  • [EAGLE-775] - add unit test for eagle-service-base
  • [EAGLE-777] - add unit test for alert-metadata
  • [EAGLE-778] - add unit test for alert-metadata-service
  • [EAGLE-863] - Refactor Topology Monitoring Widgets
  • [EAGLE-864] - Make sure "HBase" nav active in sidebar when visiting hbase monitoring web through URL
  • [EAGLE-866] - Refactor HBase JMX Metric with appropriate navigation path
  • [EAGLE-867] - Show real time current server time aside global timepicker
  • [EAGLE-868] - Refactor metric chart render process to improve user experience.
  • [EAGLE-877] - Rename metric "hadoop.hbase.ipc.ipc.*" to "hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ipc.*" to support different hbase version metric
  • [EAGLE-922] - Integrate role-based Authentication in API
  • [EAGLE-923] - Integrate role-based Authentication in UI
  • [EAGLE-956] - Metric Explorer and Customized Dashboard UI Part
  • [EAGLE-957] - Metric Explorer and Customized Dashboard Metadata Part


  • [EAGLE-483] - Test email alert publisher
  • [EAGLE-753] - Improve code coverage of eagle-service-base
  • [EAGLE-776] - add unit test for eagle-alert-parent


Release work Jira Tickets: 

serverASF JIRA

Checklist Tasks 

serverASF JIRA
jqlQueryparent = EAGLE-972


Open or In-Progress issues for Apache Eagle v0.5 release

serverASF JIRA
jqlQueryproject = EAGLE AND fixVersion = v0.5.0 AND (status != Resolved AND status != Closed)


