Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: another staging repositories link


Code Block
export RELEASE_VERSION=x.y.z #e.g. 0.8.4
export RC_VERSION=rc0 #define rc version if you haven't defined yet
# push the new tag 
git push origin release-$RELEASE_VERSION-rc0
Deploy the jars to Staging


Code Block
export RELEASE_VERSION=x.y.z #e.g. 0.8.4
mvn clean
git clean -f -x -d
cd ..
cp -R tez-git-$RELEASE_VERSION apache-tez-$RELEASE_VERSION-src #where tez-git-$RELEASE_VERSION is the tez code directory
COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar --exclude=.git -zcvf apache-tez-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tar.gz
# handle TEZ-4533 temporarily
rm ./tez-runtime-library/src/test/resources/TestIFile_concatenated_compressed.bin
sed -i "" 's/public void testConcatenatedZlibPadding/@org.junit.Ignore public void testConcatenatedZlibPadding/g' ./tez-runtime-library/src/test/java/org/apache/tez/runtime/library/common/sort/impl/

cd .. # assuming that you're standing in a tez git folder, 
cp -R tez-git-$RELEASE_VERSION apache-tez-$RELEASE_VERSION-src
Sign the Release
 #where tez-git-$RELEASE_VERSION is the tez code directory
COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar --exclude=.git -zcvf apache-tez-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tar.gz apache-tez-$RELEASE_VERSION-src
Sign the Release
Code Block
gpg2  --
Code Block
gpg2  --armor --output apache-tez-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig apache-tez-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tar.gz


Code Block
shasum -a 512 apache-tez-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tar.gz > apache-tez-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tar.gz.sha512


Code Block
openssl md5  apache-tez-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tar.gz > apache-tez-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tar.gz.md5
openssl dgst -sha512 apache-tez-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tar.gz > apache-tez-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tar.gz.sha512
Create Binary Tarball as a helper for Users

Create a final binary tarball using the minimal and full tarballs: 

Create Binary Tarball as a helper for Users

Create a final binary tarball using the minimal and full tarballs: 

  • Create a top-level directory called apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin
  • Untar the contents of the minimal tarball into this directory.
  • Copy the full tarball into the directory under apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin/share/ and name the file tez.tar.gz 
  • Copy the minimal tarball into the directory under apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin/share/ and name the file tez-minimal.tar.gz 
  • Copy the LICENSE* files and NOTICE file from the full tarball and replace the files under apacheCreate a top-level directory called apache-tez-{x.y.z}-binUntar the contents of the / which came from the minimal tarball into this directory. Copy the full tarball into the directory under apache
  • If the version is higher than 0.8.x, use the mvn javadoc command to generate the xml-based config documentation and copy the files under apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin/share/ and name the file tez.tar.gz 
  • Copy the minimal tarball into the directory under apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin/share/ and name the file tez-minimal.tar.gz 
  • Copy the LICENSE* files and NOTICE file from the full tarball and replace the files under apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin/ which came from the minimal tarball. 
  • If the version is higher than 0.8.x, use the mvn javadoc command to generate the xml-based config documentation and copy the files under apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin/conf/ with a .template suffix.
  • Tar the top-level directory and do the necessary signing as well as the checksum creation as done for the src tarball. 
  • conf/ with a .template suffix.
  • Tar the top-level directory and do the necessary signing as well as the checksum creation as done for the src tarball. 
Code Block
#Define the following environment variables
export TEZ_SRC_DIR=/home/user/tez #e.g. tez-src or the absolute path
export RELEASE_VERSION=x.y.z #e.g. 0.8.4
cd ${TEZ_SRC_DIR};
mvn clean install -DskipTests
mvn site
cd ..

Code Block
#Define the following environment variables
export TEZ_SRC_DIR=/home/user/tez #e.g. tez-src or the absolute path
export RELEASE_VERSION=x.y.z #e.g. 0.8.4
cd ${TEZ_SRC_DIR};
mvn clean install -DskipTests
mvn site
cd ..

mkdir apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin
tar -C apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin -zxvf ${TEZ_SRC_DIR}/tez-dist/target/tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-minimal.tar.gz
mkdir tmp-tez-full
tar -C tmp-tez-full -zxvf ${TEZ_SRC_DIR}/tez-dist/target/tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.gz
cp tmp-tez-full/LICENSE* apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/
cp tmp-tez-full/NOTICE* apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/
rmtar -rf tmp-tez-full

mkdir C apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/conf
# copy over tez templates into conf dir.
cp -zxvf ${TEZ_SRC_DIR}/tez-apidist/target/site/apidocs/configs/tez-default-template.xml apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/conf/
mkdir tmp-tez-full
tar -C tmp-tez-full -zxvf ${TEZ_SRC_DIR}/tez-runtime-librarydist/target/site/apidocs/configs/tez-runtime-default-template.xmltez-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.gz
cp tmp-tez-full/LICENSE* apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/conf/

# TODO: If TEZ-3322 is not fixed, modify the config files under cp tmp-tez-full/NOTICE* apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/conf/ and add the Apache header, see example below
rm -rf tmp-tez-full

mkdir apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/shareconf
# copy over tez templates into conf dir.
cp ${TEZ_SRC_DIR}/tez-distapi/target/tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.gz apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/share/tez.tar.gz
COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar --exclude=.git -zcvfsite/apidocs/configs/tez-default-template.xml apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz/conf/
cp ${TEZ_SRC_DIR}/tez-runtime-library/target/site/apidocs/configs/tez-runtime-default-template.xml apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/conf/

# SignTODO: releaseIf andTEZ-3322 create checksums using commands similar to those called out earlier foris not fixed, modify the sourceconfig tarball
gpg2  --armor --outputfiles under apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig/conf/ and add the Apache header, see example below

mkdir apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz
openssl md5 apache-/share
cp ${TEZ_SRC_DIR}/tez-dist/target/tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz > apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/share/tez.tar.gz.md5
openssl dgst -sha512
COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar --exclude=.git -zcvf apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz > apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.sha512

# RemoveSign unnecessaryrelease textand fromcreate checksum files
# (thechecksums using commands belowsimilar areto supposedthose tocalled workout withearlier GNU sed)
sed -i"" s/"^.*= "// apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.md5
sed -i"" s/"^.*= "// for the source tarball
gpg2  --armor --output apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.sha512
sed -i"" s/"^.*= "//asc --detach-sig apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-srcbin.tar.gz.md5
sedshasum -i"" s/"^.*= "//a 512 apache-tez-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tar.gz > apache-tez-${RELEASE$RELEASE_VERSION}-src.tar.gz.sha512

#Verify integrity of checksum files


Code Block
svn co tez_svn # assuming that you want to store svn files in a folder named "svn" for clarity's sake

# copy contents to "tez_svn" directory, which is the svn working dir
export RC_VERSION=rc0 #define rc version if you haven't defined yet
mkdir tez_svn/apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-${RC_VERSION}
cp apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gzhaven't defined yet
mkdir tez_svn/apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-${RC_VERSION}/
cp apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.asc tez_svn/apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-${RC_VERSION}/
cp apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.md5asc tez_svn/apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-${RC_VERSION}/
cp apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.sha512 tez_svn/apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-${RC_VERSION}/
cp apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-src.tar.gz tez_svn/apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-${RC_VERSION}/
cp apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-src.tar.gz.asc tez_svn/apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-${RC_VERSION}/
cp apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-src.tar.gz.md5 tez_svn/apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-${RC_VERSION}/
cp apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-src.tar.gz.sha512 tez_svn/apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-${RC_VERSION}/

# check contents of "tez_svn" for actual release, you should see something like:
ls tez_svn/apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-${RC_VERSION}/

apache-tez-x.y.z-bin.tar.gz         apache-tez-x.y.z-src.tar.gz       
apache-tez-x.y.z-bin.tar.gz.asc     apache-tez-x.y.z-bin.tar.gz.sha512  apache-tez-x.y.z-src.tar.gz.asc     apache-tez-x.y.z-src.tar.gz.sha512

svn add tez_svn/apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-${RC_VERSION}/
# if this is the first time you commit to svn, you might want to define an editor for commit messages, like: export SVN_EDITOR=vi
svn ci tez_svn/apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-${RC_VERSION}/ #specify your ASF username with --username=$USER_NAME if it's not the same as your current user


Log on to and look at the Staging Repositories. "Release" the tez repository previously sent out in the vote thread, so that it is available for general consumption.
