Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Current state: Under discussionAccepted

Discussion thread: here

Voting thread: here


  1. Client discovery: Provide an API to programmatically access the feature metadata. Here, the “metadata” refers to the feature version levels (i.e. the cluster-wide finalized maximum and minimum versions of broker features). We would like to serve this metadata to clients in an eventually consistent and scalable way.

  2. Feature gating: Provide an API to safely, durably and dynamically finalize the upgrades to cluster-wide feature version levels. The API (and it’s related tooling) can be used by the cluster operator (i.e. typically a human) to finalize feature maximum version level upgrades/downgrades.

  3. IBP deprecation: As a good side-effect of the above, we would like to provide a path to eventually deprecate the need for the cumbersome configuration, and the broker “double roll” mechanism. A very tangible benefit of the solution is that we should be able to do broker upgrades Rolling upgrades using single restart: Rolling broker upgrades involving IBP bumps should be eventually possible with just a single rolling restart (instead of 2).


  1. Client Discovery:

    • By scalable, we mean the solution should horizontally scale to the metadata read and write workload as the cluster grows with more features, brokers and clients. It is expected that metadata discovery is read heavy, while write traffic is very low (feature version levels are finalized typically during releases or other configuration pushes, which, can happen few times a day per cluster).

    • The metadata served to the client will contain an epoch value. These epoch values are integers and will increase monotonically whenever the metadata changes. At any given time, the latest epoch for the metadata returned to the client is valid, and the cluster functions in accordance with the same. Note: here, the metadata epoch # applies for the entire metadata contents, and is not particularly related to the individual feature version – these are 2 separate things. Please read this section for more information.

    • We want to be careful and specific about what we mean by consistent here. The metadata we serve to the client during discovery, will be eventually consistent. It turns out that scaling to strongly consistent metadata reads is not easy (in the current Kafka setup). And the cost of a solution that’s eventually consistent, can be made minimal, in the following way. Due to eventual consistency, there can be cases where an older lower epoch of the metadata is briefly returned during discovery, after a more recent higher epoch was returned at a previous point in time. We expect clients to always employ the rule that the latest received higher epoch of metadata always trumps an older smaller epoch. Those clients that are external to Kafka should strongly consider discovering the latest metadata once during startup from the brokers, and if required refresh the metadata periodically (to get the latest metadata).

  2. Feature gating:

    • It's only allowed to modify max feature version level, using the newly provided API. The min feature version level can not be modified with the new API (see note on deprecation in Non-goals section).
    • By safe, we mean: when processing a request to finalize a set of feature version levels, the system will dynamically verify that all brokers in the cluster support the intended version. If not, the request will be rejected. Also, when a broker starts up, it will verify that it is compatible with the configured feature versions. If it is not, it will either refuse to start up or eventually die as soon as it discovers a feature incompatibility.

    • By durable, we mean that the finalized features should be persisted durably and remembered across broker restarts. Generally the system should tolerate faults, as much as it does for storage of other critical metadata (such as topic configuration).

    • By dynamic, we mean that the finalized features can be mutated in a cheap/easy way without compromising the uptime of broker/controller processes, or the health of the cluster.


Code Block
   "version":5,  // existing key whose value has been bumped by 1
   "features": {  // new key
      "group_coordinator": {  // string -> name of the feature
          "min_version": 1,   // int64int16 -> represents the min supported version (>=1) of this feature
          "max_version": 3  // int64int16 -> represents the max supported version of this feature (>=1 and >= min_version)
      "transaction_coordinator": { 
          "min_version": 1,
          "max_version": 4


Code Block
   "version": 0, // int64int32 -> Represents the version of the schema for the data stored in the ZK node
   "status": 1, // int32 -> Represents the status of the node   
   "features": {
       	"group_coordinator": {   // string -> name of the feature
			"min_version_level": 0, // int64int16 -> Represents the cluster-wide finalized minimum version level (>=1) of this feature
           	"max_version_level": 3 // int64int16 -> Represents the cluster-wide finalized maximum version level (>=1 and >= min_version_level) of this feature
        "consumer_offsets_topic_schema": { 
      	    "min_version_level": 0,
           	"max_version_level": 4


  • The value for the version key is an int64 that int32 that contains the version of the schema of the data stored in the ZK node.

  • The value for

    the features

    the status key is an int32 that contains the status of the ZK node (see explanation below).

  • The value for the features key is a dictionary that contains a mapping from feature a dictionary that contains a mapping from feature names to their metadata (such as finalized version levels).
    It's a map{string → map{string → <string | number>}}

                   |-->  <metadata_key>
                                        |-->  <metadata_value>

    • Top-level key <feature_name> is a non-empty string that’s a feature name.

      • <metadata_key> refers to the second nested level key that’s a non-empty string that refers to some feature metadata.

      • <metadata_value> is either a string or a number – it's the value for the <metadata_key>.

      • Note: this nested dictionary would contain the following keys:

        • 'min_version_level' whose value is an int64 representing int16 representing the minimum finalized cluster-wide version level for the feature.

        • 'max_version_level' whose value is an int64 representing int16 representing the maximum finalized cluster-wide version level for the feature.
        • the following rule always holds true: min_version_level >= 1 and max_version_level >= 1 and min_version_level <= max_version_level.


Feature ZK node





Imagine a case where the '/features' ZK node is non-existent. In such a case, when the controller comes up, there are 2 bootstrapping situations:

  1. When the controller comes up and there is no '/features' znode AND the IBP is less than migration_ibp_version (see migration section), then controller will not create a '/features' ZK node.
  2. When the controller comes up and there is no '/features' znode AND the IBP is greater than or equal to migration_ibp_version (see migration section), then the controller would create the ZK node for the first time (this is a blocking write that needs to succeed for the controller to continue its startup sequence). The data used to create the node, will be a map of {feature_name → {min_feature_version, max_feature_version}}. This is obtained by the controller service from the broker's supported features. This approach brings convenience to users migrating to use a Broker containing the new versioning system (from this KIP). The controller finalizes the default min/max feature version levels automatically.

Changes to Kafka Controller

We introduce 1 new Admin API that’s served only by the Kafka Controller, and identified by the new API key: ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES. This API enables transactional application of a set of cluster-wide feature updates to the ZK '/features' node:

  • The API requires AclOperation.ALTER on ResourceType.CLUSTER.
  • The API request contains a list of FeatureUpdate that need to be applied, as explained below (see Validations section for more details):

    • Each item specifies the finalized feature to be added or updated or deleted, along with the new max feature version level value.

    • Downgrade or deletion of feature version level, is not a regular operation/intent. This is only attempted in the controller if item sets an allowDowngrade flag, to convey user intent to attempt max version level downgrade/deletion. Note that despite this allowDowngrade flag being set, certain downgrades may be rejected by the controller if it is deemed impossible.
  • The API response contains an error code and an error message.
  • The API is transactional, meaning that if a single FeatureUpdate in the request can't be done, none of feature updates are done.
  • Changes to cluster-wide finalized minimum feature version level, can not be carried out using this API. This can be only done as explained later under Feature version deprecation section.

To help explain things better, below are the request and response definitions for the new API to update features (also see section showing related pseudocode for the Admin API):

UpdateFeaturesRequest schema

node  schema contains a field: status that takes two values as explained below.

  • Enabled (1): This status means the feature versioning system is enabled, and, the finalized features stored in the '/features' ZK node are active. This status is written by the controller to the ZK node only when the broker IBP config is greater than or equal to migration_ibp_version (see migration section).
  • Disabled (0): This status means the feature versioning system is disabled, and, the finalized features stored in the '/features' ZK node is not relevant. This status is written by the controller to the ZK node only when the broker IBP config is less than migration_ibp_version (see migration section).

The purpose behind the status field is that it helps differentiates between the following cases:

  1. New cluster bootstrap:
    For a new Kafka cluster (i.e. it is deployed first time), we would like to start the cluster with all the possible supported features finalized immediately. The new cluster will almost never be started with an old IBP config that’s less than migration_ibp_version. In such a case, the controller will start up and notice that the '/features' is absent in the new cluster. To handle the requirement, the controller will create a '/features' ZK node (with enabled status) containing the entire list of supported features as its finalized features.
  2. Cluster upgrade:
    Imagine there is an existing Kafka cluster with IBP config less than migration_ibp_version, but the Broker binary has been upgraded to a state where it supports the feature versioning system. This means the user is upgrading from an earlier version of the Broker binary. In this case, we want to start with no finalized features and allow the user to enable them whenever they are ready i.e. in the future whenever the user sets IBP config to be greater than or equal to migration_ibp_version. The reason is that enabling all the possible features immediately after an upgrade could be harmful to the cluster. In such a case:
    • Before the Broker upgrade (i.e. IBP config set to less than migration_ibp_version), the controller will start up and check if the '/features' ZK node is absent. If true, then it will react by creating a '/features' ZK node with disabled status and empty features.
    • After the Broker upgrade (i.e. IBP config set to greater than or equal to migration_ibp_version), when the controller starts up it will check if the '/features' ZK node exists and whether it is disabled. In such a case, it won’t upgrade all features immediately. Instead it will just switch the '/features' ZK node status to enabled status. This lets the user finalize the features later.
  3. Cluster downgrade:
    Imagine that a Kafka cluster exists already and the IBP config is greater than or equal to migration_ibp_version. Then, the user decided to downgrade the cluster by setting IBP config to a value less than migration_ibp_version. This means the user is also disabling the feature versioning system. In this case, when the controller starts up with the lower IBP config, it will switch the '/features' ZK node status to disabled with empty features.

Changes to Kafka Controller

We introduce 1 new Admin API that’s served only by the Kafka Controller, and identified by the new API key: ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES. This API enables application of a set of cluster-wide feature updates to the ZK '/features' node:

  • The API requires AclOperation.ALTER on ResourceType.CLUSTER.
  • The API request contains a list of FeatureUpdate that need to be applied, as explained below (see Validations section for more details):

    • Each item specifies the finalized feature to be added or updated or deleted, along with the new max feature version level value.

    • Downgrade or deletion of feature version level, is not a regular operation/intent. This is only attempted in the controller if the item sets an allowDowngrade flag, to convey user intent to attempt max version level downgrade/deletion. Note that despite this allowDowngrade flag being set, certain downgrades may be rejected by the controller if it is deemed impossible.
  • The API response contains the result corresponding to each FeatureUpdate in the request. Each result is described by an error code and an error message.
  • The API is not transactional, meaning that the request can be carried out partially i.e. some of the FeatureUpdate in the request can succeed, while the others don't.
  • Changes to cluster-wide finalized minimum feature version level, can not be carried out using this API. This can be only done as explained later under Feature version deprecation section.

To help explain things better, below are the request and response definitions for the new API to update features (also see section showing related pseudocode for the Admin API):

UpdateFeaturesRequest schema

Code Block
  "apiKey": 52,
  "type": "request",
  "name": "UpdateFeaturesRequest",
  "validVersions": "0",
  "flexibleVersions": "0+",
Code Block
  "apiKey": 48,
  "type": "request",
  "name": "UpdateFeaturesRequest",
  "validVersions": "0",
  "flexibleVersions": "0+",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "timeoutMs", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "default": "60000",
	  "about": "How long to wait in milliseconds before timing out the request." },
    { "name": "FeatureUpdate", "type": "[]FeatureUpdateKey", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The list of updates to features.", "fields": [
    {  {"name":  "AllowDowngradetimeoutMs", "type":  "boolint32", "versions":  "0+",
 "default": "60000",
      "about": "WhenHow setlong to true,wait thein featuremilliseconds versionbefore leveltiming isout allowed to be downgraded/deletedthe request." },
     { {"name":  "FeatureFeatureUpdates", "type":  "[]FeatureKeyFeatureUpdateKey", "versions":  "0+",
        "about":  "The featurelist of updates to befinalized updatedfeatures.",
        "fields":  [
          {"name": "NameFeature", "type":  "string", "versions":  "0+",
 "mapKey": true,
          "about": "The name of the finalized feature to be updated."},
          {"name":  "MaxVersionLevel", "type":  "int64int16", "versions":  "0+",
            "about": "The new cluster-wide finalized maximum version level for the finalized feature. A value >= 1 is valid/regular. A value < 1, is special, and can be used to request the deletion of the finalized feature."},
    {"name": "AllowDowngrade", "type": "bool", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "When set to true, the finalized feature version level is allowed to be downgraded/deleted. The downgraded request will fail if the new maximum version level is a value that's not lower than the existing maximum finalized version level."}

UpdateFeaturesResponse schema


  • If the request was processed by a broker that's not the controller, then NOT_CONTROLLER error code is returned.
  • If we didn't have sufficient permission to perform the update, then CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED error code is returned.

Individual FeatureUpdate errors:

  • If the FeatureUpdate is invalid (ex: the provided maxVersionLevel is incorrect), then the result contains the INVALID_REQUEST error code.
  • If the FeatureUpdate can not be applied (ex: due to version incompatibilities) request contained at least one FeatureUpdate that cannot be applied, then FEATURE_UPDATESUPDATE_FAILED (a new error code) is returned.

Code Block
  "apiKey": 4852,
  "type": "response",
  "name": "UpdateFeaturesResponse",
  "validVersions": "0",
  "flexibleVersions": "0+",
  "fields": [
	    { "name": "ErrorCodeThrottleTimeMs", "type": "int16int32", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The error code duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or `0`zero if there was no errorthe request did not violate any quota." },
    { "name": "ErrorMessageErrorCode", "type": "stringint16", "versions": "0+", "nullableVersions": "0+"
      "about": "The top-level error messagecode, or `null``0` if there was no top-level error." },

Feature advertisements from each broker in the cluster are reactively picked up by the controller via ZK watches. Today these watches are already set up by the controller on every broker’s ephemeral ZK node (at '/brokers/ids/<id>'). The contents of the broker nodes are cached in memory in the Controller.

Underneath hood, the implementation of the ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES API does the following:

  1. For correctness reasons, the controller shall allow processing of only one inflight ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES API call at any given time.

  2. Prior to mutating '/features' in ZK, the implementation verifies that all broker advertisements (as seen by it thus far) contained no incompatibilities with the provided List<FeatureUpdate> (see Validations section below).

    1. Note that feature version deletions (using a version level < 1) can be used in circumstances where a finalized feature needs to be garbage collected. This type mutates '/features' in ZK without any guarding checks on feature versions.

  3. Once validations in #2 are successful, the List<FeatureUpdate> are applied to contents of '/features' ZK node. Upon successful write, ZK should automatically increment the version of the node by 1.

  4. Finally, an UpdateFeatureResponse is returned to the user.


For some <feature_name>, imagine that:

  • X is the existing finalized feature max version level specified in '/features' ZK node.
  • Y is the new finalized feature max version level, specified as part of some FeatureUpdate, in the ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES API request.

Then, the API implementation allows a change from X to Y in the ZK node, only if one of the following cases is satisfied for the same <feature_name>:


    { "name": "ErrorMessage", "type": "string", "versions": "0+", "nullableVersions": "0+",
      "about": "The top-level error message, or `null` if there was no top-level error." },
    { "name": "Results", "type": "[]UpdatableFeatureResult", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "Results for each feature update.", "fields": [
      {"name": "Feature", "type": "string", "versions": "0+", "mapKey": true,
        "about": "The name of the finalized feature."},
      { "name": "ErrorCode", "type": "int16", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The feature update error code or `0` if the feature update succeeded." },
      { "name": "ErrorMessage", "type": "string", "versions": "0+", "nullableVersions": "0+",
        "about": "The feature update error, or `null` if the feature update succeeded." }

Feature advertisements from each broker in the cluster are reactively picked up by the controller via ZK watches. Today these watches are already set up by the controller on every broker’s ephemeral ZK node (at '/brokers/ids/<id>'). The contents of the broker nodes are cached in memory in the Controller.

Underneath hood, the implementation of the ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES API does the following:

  1. For correctness reasons, the controller shall allow processing of only one inflight ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES API call at any given time.

  2. Prior to mutating '/features' in ZK, the implementation verifies that all broker advertisements (as seen by it thus far) contained no incompatibilities with the provided List<FeatureUpdate> (see Validations section below).

    1. Note that feature version deletions (using a version level < 1) can be used in circumstances where a finalized feature needs to be garbage collected. This type mutates '/features' in ZK without any guarding checks on feature versions.

  3. Once validations in #2 are successful, the List<FeatureUpdate> are applied to contents of '/features' ZK node. Upon successful write, ZK should automatically increment the version of the node by 1.

  4. Finally, an UpdateFeatureResponse is returned to the user.


For some <feature_name>, imagine that:

  • X is the existing finalized feature max version level specified in '/features' ZK node.
  • Y is the new finalized feature max version level, specified as part of some FeatureUpdate, in the ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES API request.

Then, the API implementation allows a change from X to Y in the ZK node, only if one of the following cases is satisfied for the same <feature_name>:

  • Upgrade case: Y > X and Y falls in the  [min_version, max_version] range advertised by each live broker in the cluster.


  • Downgrade case: Y < X, and Y falls in the  [min_version, max_version] range advertised by each live broker, and allowDowngrade flag is set in the request.


  • Deletion case: Y < 1 is special and indicates deletion of a finalized feature from the '/features' ZK node. It is allowed only if allowDowngrade flag is also set in the request.

Note the following important points:

  1. The usual regular usage of the API is a feature upgrade. This is by specifying a higher new max feature version level value (i.e. Y > X).

  2. By default, the API disallows max feature version level downgrades (Y < X) and finalized feature deletions (Y < 1). Such changes are allowed to be attempted only if the allowDowngrade flag is additionally set in the request. Note that despite the allowDowngrade flag being set, certain downgrades may be rejected by the controller, if the action is deemed impossible.

  3. If any broker does not contain a feature present in the FeatureUpdate, this is considered an incompatibility → such a case will fail the API request.

  4. Some/all of the above logic will also be used by the broker (not just the controller) for it’s protections (see this section of this KIP).


The ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES API response contains a top-level result as well as result per individual FeatureUpdate.

  • If the top-level error code indicates success, then it is guaranteed that there were no top-level failures. However, some individual FeatureUpdate may have still failed, so it is necessary to check the individual results.
  • If the top-level error code indicates failure, then it is guaranteed that the request has failed:
    • A server-side error means the '/features' ZK node is guaranteed to be left unmodified i.e. no FeatureUpdate was applied.
    • A network error, or if the client dies during the request, or if the server dies when processing the request, it means the user should assume that the application of List<FeatureUpdate> may have either succeeded or failed.
  • For each individual FeatureUpdate result indicating a success in the error code, the following is guaranteed:
    • The corresponding FeatureUpdate provided in the request was valid, and the update was applied to the '/features' ZK node by the controller (along with a bump to the ZK node version).
    • Brokers in the cluster have gradually started receiving notifications (via ZK watches) on the changes to '/features' ZK node. They react by reading the latest contents of the node from ZK, and re-establishing the ZK watch. This mechanism also enables brokers to shutdown when incompatibilities are detected (see Broker protections section).
  • For each individual FeatureUpdate result indicating a failure in the error code, it is guaranteed that the corresponding FeatureUpdate was not applied to the '/features' ZK node by the controller.

Feature version deprecation

Deprecating a feature version is an incompatible change, which requires a major release of Kafka (see Non-goals section). This requirement translates to increasing the cluster-wide finalized minimum version level of one or more features in the ZK '/features' node. It is important to note that the minimum version level can not be mutated via the Controller API. This is because, the minimum version level is usually increased only to indicate the intent to stop support for a certain feature version. We would usually deprecate features during broker releases, after prior announcements. Therefore, this is not a dynamic operation, and such a mutation is not supported through the ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES controller API.

Instead, it is best if the version deprecation is activated through the controller. This is the proposed approach to achieve the same:
Feature advertisements from each broker in the cluster are reactively picked up by the controller via ZK watches. Today these watches are already set up by the controller on every broker’s ephemeral ZK node (at '/brokers/ids/<id>'). The contents of the broker nodes are cached in memory in the Controller. Using these contents, the controller should be able to track the highest supported feature minimum version exported by any broker in the cluster. Then, whenever a Kafka release advances the supported feature minimum version (to deprecate feature version), the controller picks up this change and persists the highest supported minimum version to ZK as the finalized minimum version level for the feature. This change by the controller will deprecate the finalized feature versions, unto 1 below the highest supported minimum version.

It is important that an admin should make sure that no clients are using a deprecated feature version (e.g. using the client version metric) before deploying a release that deprecates it.

Client discovery of finalized feature versions

The latest list of cluster-wide finalized feature version levels will be served via the existing ApiKeys.API_VERSIONS API. This is used for client discovery, as well as for debuggability of the system. We will introduce a tagged optional field in the schema of the ApiVersionsResponse to accommodate the information. Couple implementation details:

  • Whenever ZK notifies the broker about a change to '/features' node, the broker will read the latest list of finalized features from ZK and caches it in memory (also see Broker protections section in this doc).

  • We will modify the implementation of the ApiKeys.API_VERSIONS API to populate the information about finalized features in the response. This will contain the cluster-wide finalized versions from the broker’s internal ZK cache of '/features' node contents (as explained above), as well as the broker-level supported versions (an additional piece of information that's useful for debugging).

  • The finalized feature versions populated in the response will be eventually consistent, since it is refreshed in the brokers via ZK watches.

Below is new ApiVersionsResponse schema showing the two new tagged optional fields for feature versions.

Note that the field FinalizedFeaturesEpoch contains the latest version of the '/features' node in ZK. On the client side, the epoch can be used to ignore older features metadata returned in ApiVersionsResponse, after newer features metadata was returned once (eventual consistency).

ApiVersionsResponse schema (updated)

Code Block
  "apiKey": 18,
  "type": "response", "name": "ApiVersionsResponse",
  "validVersions": "0-3",

Note the following important points:

  1. The usual regular usage of the API is a feature upgrade. This is by specifying a higher new max feature version level value (i.e. Y > X).

  2. By default, the API disallows max feature version level downgrades (Y < X) and finalized feature deletions (Y < 1). Such changes are allowed to be attempted only if the allowDowngrade flag is additionally set in the request. Note that despite the allowDowngrade flag being set, certain downgrades may be rejected by the controller, if the action is deemed impossible.

  3. If any broker does not contain a feature present in the FeatureUpdate, this is considered an incompatibility → such a case will fail the API request.

  4. Some/all of the above logic will also be used by the broker (not just the controller) for it’s protections (see this section of this KIP).


When a call to the ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES API returns a success return code to the client, the following is guaranteed:

  1. Each FeatureUpdate provided in the request was valid, and all updates were persisted to the '/features' ZK node by the controller (along with a bump to the ZK node version).

  2. Brokers in the cluster have gradually started receiving notifications (via ZK watches) on the changes to '/features' ZK node. They react by reading the latest contents of the node from ZK, and re-establishing the ZK watch. This mechanism also enables brokers to shutdown when incompatibilities are detected (see Broker protections section).

When a call to the ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES API has failed, the following is guaranteed to the client:

  1. A server-side error means the '/features' ZK node is guaranteed to be left unmodified i.e. no FeatureUpdate was applied.

  2. A network error, or if the client dies during the request, or if the server dies when processing the request, it means the user should assume that the application of List<FeatureUpdate> may have either succeeded or failed.

Feature version deprecation

Deprecating a feature version is an incompatible change, which requires a major release of Kafka.  Sometimes there can be a need for this (see Non-goals section). This requirement translates to increasing the cluster-wide finalized minimum version level of one or more features in the ZK '/features' node. It is important to note that the minimum version level can not be mutated via the Controller API. This is because, the minimum version level is usually increased only to indicate the intent to stop support for a certain feature version. We would usually deprecate features during broker releases, after prior announcements. Therefore, this is not a dynamic operation, and such a mutation is not supported through the ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES controller API.

Instead it is sufficient if such changes are done directly by the controller i.e. during a certain Kafka release we would change the controller code to mutate the '/features' ZK node increasing the minimum version level of one or more finalized features (this will be a planned change, as determined by Kafka developers). Then, as this Broker release gets rolled out to a cluster, the feature versions will become permanently deprecated.

Client discovery of finalized feature versions

The latest list of cluster-wide finalized feature version levels will be served via the existing ApiKeys.API_VERSIONS API. This is used for client discovery, as well as for debuggability of the system. We will introduce a tagged optional field in the schema of the ApiVersionsResponse to accommodate the information. Couple implementation details:

  • Whenever ZK notifies the broker about a change to '/features' node, the broker will read the latest list of finalized features from ZK and caches it in memory (also see Broker protections section in this doc).

  • We will modify the implementation of the ApiKeys.API_VERSIONS API to populate the information about finalized features in the response. This will contain the cluster-wide finalized versions from the broker’s internal ZK cache of '/features' node contents (as explained above), as well as the broker-level supported versions (an additional piece of information that's useful for debugging).

  • The finalized feature versions populated in the response will be eventually consistent, since it is refreshed in the brokers via ZK watches.

Below is new ApiVersionsResponse schema showing the two new tagged optional fields for feature versions.

Note that the field FinalizedFeaturesEpoch contains the latest version of the '/features' node in ZK. On the client side, the epoch can be used to ignore older features metadata returned in ApiVersionsResponse, after newer features metadata was returned once (eventual consistency).

ApiVersionsResponse schema (updated)

Code Block
  "apiKey": 18,
  "type": "response", "name": "ApiVersionsResponse",
  "validVersions": "0-3",
  "flexibleVersions": "3+",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "ErrorCode", "type": "int16", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The top-level error code." },
    { "name": "ApiKeys", "type": "[]ApiVersionsResponseKey", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The APIs supported by the broker.", "fields": [
      { "name": "ApiKey", "type": "int16", "versions": "0+", "mapKey": true,
        "about": "The API index." },
      { "name": "MinVersion", "type": "int16", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The minimum supported version, inclusive." },
      { "name": "MaxVersion", "type": "int16", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The maximum supported version, inclusive." }]
    { "name": "ThrottleTimeMs", "type": "int32", "versions": "1+", "ignorable": true,
      "about": "The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota." },
    { "name":  "SupportedFeatures", "type": "[]FeatureKey",
      "versions":  "3+", "tag": 10000, "taggedVersions": "3+",
      "about": "Features supported by the broker.",
      "fields":  [
        { "name": "Name", "type": "string", "versions": "3+",
          "about": "The name of the feature." },
        { "name": "MinVersion", "type": "int64int16", "versions": "3+",
          "about": "The minimum supported version for the feature." },
        { "name": "MaxVersion", "type": "int64int16", "versions": "3+",
          "about": "The maximum supported version for the feature." }
    {"name": "FinalizedFeaturesEpoch", "type": "int64", "versions": "3+",
      "tag": 10001, "taggedVersions": "3+", "default": "-1", "ignorable": true,
      "about": "The monotonically increasing epoch for the features information."},
    { "name":  "FinalizedFeatures", "type": "[]FinalizedFeatureKey",
      "versions":  "3+", "tag": 10002, "taggedVersions": "3+",
      "about": "List of cluster-wide finalized features.",
      "fields":  [
        {"name": "Name", "type": "string", "versions":  "3+",
          "about": "The name of the feature."},
        {"name":  "MaxVersionLevel", "type": "int64int16", "versions":  "3+",
          "about": "The cluster-wide finalized max version level for the feature."},
        {"name":  "MinVersionLevel", "type": "int64int16", "versions":  "3+",
          "about": "The cluster-wide finalized min version level for the feature."}


  • T1: Imagine at time T1 the following event E1 occurs: A broker B starts up, passes feature validation, and registers it’s presence in ZK in its BrokerIdZnode, along with advertising it’s supported features. Assume that this is broker B is just about to become incompatible in it's feature set (due to event E2 below), in comparison to cluster-wide finalized feature versions.
  • T1: At the same time T1, the following event E2 occurs that's concurrent with E1: a feature version level upgrade is finalized in the controller which causes broker B to become incompatible in it's feature set.
  • T2: At a future time T2 the following event E3 occurs: The incompatible broker B receives the a ZK notification about a change to '/features' node. The broker validates the new contents of '/features' node against it’s supported features, finds an incompatibility and shuts down immediately.

Question: In The question is, what if the controller finalizes features via E2 while processing of broker registration via E1 is still in-flight/queued on the controller?  Would this cause a harm to the cluster? Basically, in between T1 and T2, the broker B containing incompatible features could lingers in linger in the cluster. This window is very small (milli seconds), and typically rare – it can only happen in a rare case where an incompatible broker comes up in the cluster around the time that a feature version upgrade is finalized.
The question is, what if the controller finalizes features via E2 while processing of E1 is still in-flight/queued on the controller?  Would this cause a harm to the cluster?

Solution: We intend to handle the race condition by careful ordering of events in the controller. In the controller, the thread that handles the ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES request (E2) will be the ControllerEventThreadThis is also the same thread that updates the controller's cache of Broker info whenever a new broker joins the cluster (E1). In this setup, if an ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES request (E2) is processed ahead of a notification from ZK about an incompatible broker joining the cluster (E1), then the controller can certainly detect the incompatibility when it processes E1 after E2 (since it knows the latest finalized features). The controller would handle the incompatible broker, by blocking skipping the remaining of the new broker startup sequence by refusing to send an UpdateMetadataRequest to bootstrap the handling of new broker registration. Then Then, it is only a matter of time (milli seconds) before the new broker receives a ZK notification (E3) about a change to '/features' node, then it automatically shuts itself down due to the incompatibility.


Code Block
// ---- START: Proposed Admin API definitions ----
 * ReturnDescribes the following:
 * 1. List of cluster-wide finalized feature versions.
 * 2. List of supported feature versions specific to the broker.
 * You may anticipate supported and finalized features. You may anticipate 
 * certain exceptions when calling get() on the
 * futuresfuture obtained from the returned
 * DescribeFeaturesResult.
DescribeFeaturesResult describeFeatures();

 * Update the feature versions supported cluster-wide. You may* @param options   options for the describeFeatures API, 
 * anticipate
 certain* exceptions@return when calling get() on the futures
 * obtained from the returneda UpdateFeaturesResult.result Forobject example,containing:
 * if a feature update was in progress already, the controller
 * could return a suitable error.
 * @param updates1. List of setcluster-wide offinalized feature updates, keyed by the
 *                    2. nameList of thesupported feature
 *versions @returnspecific          the result of the updateFeatures requestto the broker.
UpdateFeaturesResultDescribeFeaturesResult updateFeaturesdescribeFeatures(Set<FeatureUpdate>DescribeFeaturesOptions updatesoptions);

// ---- END: Proposed Admin API definitions ----

// Represents a cluster-wide finalized feature, with a feature version levels.
class FinalizedFeature {
	// The name of the feature.
	String name();

    // The cluster-wide finalized value of the feature min version level (value >= 1).
    long minVersionLevel();

    // The cluster-wide finalized value**
 * Update the feature versions supported cluster-wide. You may
 * anticipate certain exceptions when calling get() on the futures
 * obtained from the returned UpdateFeaturesResult.
 * @param updates   map of feature updates, keyed by the
 *                  name of the feature
 * max@param versionoptions level (value >=1options andfor valuethe >= minVersionLevel).updateFeatures API
 * @return  long maxVersionLevel();

// Represents a feature that is supported bythe aresults broker,of withthe a specific
// feature version range [minVersion, maxVersion].
class SupportedFeature {
	// The name of the feature.
	String name(FeatureUpdate provided in the request
UpdateFeaturesResult updateFeatures(Map<String, FeatureUpdate> featureUpdates, UpdateFeaturesOptions options);

	// The minimum version (value >= 1) of the supported feature.
	long minVersion();

	// The maximum version (value >=1 and value >= minVersion) of the supported feature.
	long maxVersion();

// Represents an update to a Feature, which can be sent to the controller
// for processing.
class FeatureUpdate {
	// The name of the feature to be updated.
	String name();

    // The cluster-wide finalized NEW value of the feature max version level.
    // - When >= 1, it's the new value to-be-updated for the finalized feature.
	// - When < 1, it indicates the deletion of a finalized feature.
    long maxVersionLevel();
 * Options for {@link AdminClient#describeFeatures(DescribeFeaturesOptions)}.
 * The API of this class is evolving.
public class DescribeFeaturesOptions extends AbstractOptions<DescribeFeaturesOptions> {
  // Currently empty, but can be populated in the future as needed.

 * Options for {@link AdminClient#describeFeatures(UpdateFeaturesOptions)}.
 * The API of this class is evolving.
public class UpdateFeaturesOptions extends AbstractOptions<UpdateFeaturesOptions> {
  // Currently empty, but can be populated in the future as needed.

// ---- END: Proposed Admin API definitions ----

// Represents a range of version levels supported by every broker in a cluster for some feature.
class FinalizedVersionRange {
    // The cluster-wide finalized value of the feature min version level (value >= 1).
    short minVersionLevel();

    // ReturnThe truecluster-wide only if downgrade/deletionfinalized value of athe feature shouldmax beversion allowed.
level (value >=1 and //value Note that despite this allowDowngrade flag being set, certain downgrades
    // may be rejected by the controller if it is deemed unsafe to downgrade
    // the max version level of some specific feature.
    bool allowDowngrade();

// Represents a collection of feature metadata, along with the host:port
// of the broker serving the metadata.
class FeatureMetadata {
    // The set of cluster-wide finalized features, keyed by feature name.
	Set<FinalizedFeature> finalizedFeatures();

    // The monotonically increasing epoch for the finalized features.
    long epoch();

	// The set of features supported by a broker, keyed by feature name.
    Set<SupportedFeature> supportedFeatures();

	// The hostname of the broker.
	String host();

	// The port of the broker.
	int32 port();   

class DescribeFeaturesResult {>= minVersionLevel).
    short maxVersionLevel();

// Represents a range of versions that a particular broker supports for some feature.
class SupportedVersionRange {
	// The minimum version (value >= 1) of the supported feature.
	short minVersion();

	// The maximum version (value >=1 and value >= minVersion) of the supported feature.
	short maxVersion();

 * Represents an update to a Feature, which can be sent to the controller
 * for processing.
class FeatureUpdate {
     * The cluster-wide finalized NEW value of the feature max version level.
     * - When >= 1, it's the new value to-be-updated for the finalized feature.
	 * - When < 1, it indicates the deletion of a finalized feature.
    short maxVersionLevel();
     * TheReturn datatrue returnedonly inif thedowngrade/deletion futureof containsa thefeature latestshould entire set ofbe allowed.
     * finalizedNote cluster-wide features, as well as the entire set of that despite this allowDowngrade flag being set, certain downgrades
     * featuresmay be supportedrejected by the brokercontroller servingif this read requestit is deemed unsafe to downgrade
     * the max version level of some specific feature.
    KafkaFuture<FeatureMetadata>bool allallowDowngrade();

class UpdateFeaturesResult {
 * Encapsulates details about *finalized Returnsas awell futureas which indicates success/failure.
    supported features. This is particularly useful
 * Ifhold the result futurereturned hasby succeededthe `Admin#describeFeatures(i.e. no exceptions),DescribeFeaturesOptions)` API.
class FeatureMetadata {
    then the* requestReturns wasa 100%map successful,of andfinalized nofeature topversions. levelEach or
entry in the map contains *a key being a
 individual  FeatureUpdate errors were* seen.feature Thename data
and the value being a *range of version levels returnedsupported inby theevery futurebroker containsin the latest entire set of
     * cluster.
    finalized cluster-wide features (after all updates were applied), */
	Map<String, FinalizedVersionRange> finalizedFeatures();

     * The monotonically increasing epoch asfor wellthe asfinalized thefeatures.
 entire set of features supported* byIf the controller
returned value is empty, it *.means the finalized servingfeatures this write requestare absent/unavailable.
 2. If the future has failed, the top level error (if any)
     *    or the error from the FeatureUpdate(s) that failedOptional<Long> finalizedFeaturesEpoch();

     * Returns a map of supported feature versions. Each entry in the map contains a key being a
     * feature name and the value being a range of versions supported (ifby any)a isparticular raisedbroker toin the caller
     * cluster.
    KafkaFuture<FeatureMetadata> allMap<String, SupportedVersionRange> supportedFeatures();

Basic CLI tool usage

Following are examples of regular usage of the CLI tool, which involves the following activities:


Read cluster-wide finalized feature versions from a broker or a controller via it’s ApiKeys.API_VERSIONS API.


class DescribeFeaturesResult {
     * The data returned in the future contains the latest entire set of
     * finalized cluster-wide features, as well as the entire set of 
     * features supported by the broker serving this read request.
    KafkaFuture<FeatureMetadata> featureMetadata();

class UpdateFeaturesResult {
     * Returns a future which succeeds only if all the FeatureUpdate in the request succeed.
    KafkaFuture<Void> all();

     * Returns a map with key being feature name and value being
     * the future which can be used to check the status of the FeatureUpdate
     * in the request.
     * Possible error codes:
     * - NONE: The FeatureUpdate succeeded.
     * - NOT_CONTROLLER: The FeatureUpdate failed since the request was processed by a broker that's not the controller.
     * - CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED: The FeatureUpdate failed since there wasn't sufficient permission to perform the update.
     * - INVALID_REQUEST: The FeatureUpdate failed because it is invalid.
     * - FEATURE_UPDATE_FAILED: The FeatureUpdate failed because it can not be applied (ex: due to version incompatibilities)
    Map<String, KafkaFuture<Void>> values();

Basic CLI tool usage

Following are examples of regular usage of the CLI tool, which involves the following activities:

  1. Read cluster-wide finalized feature versions from a broker or a controller via it’s ApiKeys.API_VERSIONS API.

  2. Upgrade the max version levels of all features, to their latest values, as known to the CLI tool internally. This becomes useful after completing the deployment of a new Kafka Broker release onto an existing cluster. This removes the burden to individually finalize feature upgrades. 
  3. Downgrade the max version levels of all features, to the values known to the CLI tool internally. This becomes useful during an emergency cluster downgrade, after finalizing feature levels from a previous upgrade.

Code Block

# Get cluster-wide finalized features, and features supported by a specific broker.
# - Use `--bootstrap-server` to provide a broker host:port to which queries should be issued.

     --describe \
     --bootstrap-server kafka-broker0.prn1:9071 \

Feature: consumer_offsets_topic_schema  SupportedMinVersion: 1  SupportedMaxVersion: 1  FinalizedMinVersionLevel: -     FinalizedMaxVersionLevel: -     Epoch: 1
Feature: group_coordinator  SupportedMinVersion: 1  SupportedMaxVersion: 2  FinalizedMinVersionLevel: 1     FinalizedMaxVersionLevel: 1     Epoch: 1
Feature: transaction_coordinator  SupportedMinVersion: 1  SupportedMaxVersion: 5  FinalizedMinVersionLevel: 1     FinalizedMaxVersionLevel: 4     Epoch: 1

Code Block

# Get cluster-wide finalized features, and features supported by a specific broker.
#  - Use `--bootstrap-server` to provide a broker host:port to which queries should be issued.
#  - Optionally, provide `--controller` flag directing the tool to issue the query to the
#    controller (while discovering the controller via the bootstrap server).
#    This can be useful for debugging purposes.

$> describe \
     --bootstrap-server kafka-broker0.prn1:9071 \

	"status": "OK",
	"supported_features": {
		"group_coordinator": {
            "min_version": 1,
            "max_version": 2
        "transaction_coordinator": {
        	"min_version": 1,
        	"max_version": 5
        "consumer_offsets_topic_schema": { 
            "min_version": 1,
        	"max_version": 1
	"finalized_features": {
        "epoch": 0,
        "group_coordinator": {
			"min_version_level": 1,
            "max_version_level": 1
        "transaction_coordinator": {
			"min_version_level": 1,
        	"max_version_level": 4
   "host": "kafka-broker0.prn1",
   "port": 9071


# Upgrade to the max version levels of all features, as internally known to the CLI tool.
# - This command removes the burden to individually finalize feature upgrades.
#   This becomes handy to a cluster operator intending to finalize a cluster with all the latest
#   available feature version levels. This usually happens after completing the deployment
#   of a newer Kafka Broker release onto an existing cluster.

$># finalize-all \
     --bootstrap-server kafka-broker0.prn1:9071

	"status": "OK",
	"supported_features": {
		"group_coordinator": {
            "min_version": 1, Use `--bootstrap-server` to provide a broker host:port to which queries should be issued.
# - Optionally, use the `--dry-run` flag to list the feature updates without applying them.

$> \
     --upgrade-all \
      "max_version": 3
   --bootstrap-server kafka-broker0.prn1:9071 \

 [Add] Feature: consumer_offsets_topic_schema       "transaction_coordinator"ExistingFinalizedMaxVersion: {
 -  NewFinalizedMaxVersion: 1       	"min_version"Result: 1,OK
[Upgrade] Feature: group_coordinator      	"max_version"ExistingFinalizedMaxVersion: 6
1  NewFinalizedMaxVersion: 2     },
  Result: OK
[Upgrade] Feature: transaction_coordinator   "consumer_offsets_topic_schema": { 
 ExistingFinalizedMaxVersion: 4  NewFinalizedMaxVersion: 5       "min_version"Result: 1,
        	"max_version": 3
	"finalized_features": {
		"epoch": 3,
		"group_coordinator": {
			"min_version_level": 1,
            "max_version_level": 3
        "transaction_coordinator": {
			"min_version_level": 1,
            "max_version_level": 6
        "consumer_offsets_topic_schema": { 
			"min_version_level": 1,
            "max_version_level": 3
   "host": "kafka-broker0.prn1",
   "port": 9071


# Downgrade to the max version levels of all features known to the CLI tool.
# This command removes the burden to individually finalize feature version
# downgrades. This becomes handy to a cluster operator intending to downgrade all
# feature version levels, just prior to rolling back a Kafka Broker deployment
# on a cluster, to a previous Broker release.

$> downgrade-all \
     --bootstrap-server kafka-broker0.prn1:9071

	"status": "OK",
	"supported_features": {
		"group_coordinator": {
            "min_version": 1,
            "max_version": 3
        "transaction_coordinator": {
        	"min_version": 1,
        	"max_version": 6
        "consumer_offsets_topic_schema": { 
            "min_version": 1,
        	"max_version": 3
	"finalized_features": {
		"epoch": 3,
		"group_coordinator": {
			"min_version_level": 1,
            "max_version_level": 3
        "transaction_coordinator": {
			"min_version_level": 1,
            "max_version_level": 6
        "consumer_offsets_topic_schema": { 
			"min_version_level": 1,
            "max_version_level": 3
   "host": "kafka-broker0.prn1",
   "port": 9071

Advanced CLI tool usage




# Downgrade to the max version levels of all features known to the CLI tool.
# - This command removes the burden to individually finalize feature version
#   downgrades. This becomes handy to a cluster operator intending to downgrade all
#   feature version levels, just prior to rolling back a Kafka Broker deployment
#   on a cluster, to a previous Broker release.
# - Optionally, use the `--dry-run` flag to list the feature updates without applying them.

$> \
     --downgrade-all \
     --bootstrap-server kafka-broker0.prn1:9071 \

   [Delete] Feature: consumer_offsets_topic_schema       ExistingFinalizedMaxVersion: 1  NewFinalizedMaxVersion: -       Result: OK
[Downgrade] Feature: group_coordinator      ExistingFinalizedMaxVersion: 2  NewFinalizedMaxVersion: 1       Result: OK
[Downgrade] Feature: transaction_coordinator      ExistingFinalizedMaxVersion: 5  NewFinalizedMaxVersion: 4       Result: OK

Advanced CLI tool usage

Following are examples of advanced usage of the CLI tool. Going beyond regular usage, advanced usage involves adding/upgrading/downgrading/deleting specific cluster-wide finalized feature versions.

Code Block

# Add or update a list of cluster-wide finalized features.
# - Use `--bootstrap-server` to provide a broker host:port to which the queries should be issued.
# - Optionally, use `--upgrade` to provide a comma-separated list of features and new finalized max version to add or upgrade.
# - Optionally, use `--downgrade` to provide a comma-separated list of features and new finalized max version to downgrade to. This should be used only when required.
# - Optionally, use `--delete` to provide a comma-separated list of finalized features to be deleted.
# - Optionally, use the `--dry-run` flag to list the feature updates without applying them.

$> update \
     --bootstrap-server kafka-broker0.prn1:9071 \
     --upgrade group_coordinator:2,consumer_offsets_topic_schema:1 \
     --downgrade transaction_coordinator:3 \
     --delete replication_throttling \

      [Add] Feature: consumer_offsets_topic_schema       ExistingFinalizedMaxVersion: -  NewFinalizedMaxVersion: 1       Result: OK
  [Upgrade] Feature: group_coordinator      ExistingFinalizedMaxVersion: 1  NewFinalizedMaxVersion: 2       Result: OK
[Downgrade] Feature: transaction_coordinator      ExistingFinalizedMaxVersion: 4  NewFinalizedMaxVersion: 3       Result: OK
   [Delete] Feature: replication_throttling       ExistingFinalizedMaxVersion: 2  NewFinalizedMaxVersion: -       Result: OK

New or changed public interfaces

Summary of changes:

  1. We introduce 1 new API in the broker RPC interface (see this section). This is the new ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES (schema) that can only be served successfully by the controller.
  2. We introduce few optional fields in the ApiVersionsResponse containing the cluster-wide finalized feature metadata, feature metadata epoch, and the broker's supported features (see this section).
  3. We introduce 2 new APIs in the Admin interface to describe/addOrUpdate/delete features (see this section). Underneath covers, these exercise the APIs mentioned above.

Guidelines on feature versions and workflows

With the newly proposed feature versioning system in this KIP, it becomes quite important to understand when to use it, and when not to.

When to use versioned feature flags?

  1. A "breaking change" typically happens whenever the underlying Broker logic has introduced a different concept (such as a message type, or a new field in a protocol) which only certain newer versions of the Broker code can understand/process. The older Broker versions could consider such a change to be alien i.e. the older Broker versions could exhibit undefined or terminal behavior if they notice effects of the breaking change. Similarly, Kafka clients could exhibit undesirable behavior if they commence usage of a feature version on the cluster, assuming all Brokers support it, while in reality some Brokers don't.
    As part of Kafka operations, there are occasions when it becomes necessary to safely activate certain breaking changes introduced by a newer Broker version. Such changes become good candidates to be released behind a feature flag . The cluster-wide max feature version level can be safely increased/finalized (using the provided mechanism in this KIP), after the cluster-wide deployment of the required Broker version is over. With the versioning system in place, whenever the effects of the underlying breaking change is activated by the cluster operator, the system protects the cluster and Kafka clients from bad effects due to breaking changes.
  2. As a guideline, max feature version values should be increased if and only if the change is a breaking change. Also, min feature version value should be increased if and only if a feature version needs to be deprecated. Non-breaking changes or non-deprecating changes could continue to be made to the Broker code without modifying the feature version values.
  3. As a guideline, whenever each feature's supported version range is modified, or if feature versions are permanently deprecated, these should be documented in the upgrade section of Kafka release notes.

What are the common workflows?

  1. Upgrades: Most common workflow for the feature versioning system would involve finalizing a cluster upgrade to max feature version levels for all features, after completing the release of a new Kafka Broker binary on a cluster. This is explained  under Basic CLI tool usage section.
  2. Downgrades: Emergency downgrades of max version levels of features are rare, especially after they are finalized  (because these are breaking changes, and finalizing these changes can have consequences).  If the user has set the 'allowDowngrade' boolean field in an UpdateFeaturesRequest, then they must have had a good reason to attempt downgrading. Also, the CLI tool only allows a downgrade in conjunction with specific flags and sub-commands, as explained below:
    1. In the CLI tool, if the user passes '--allow-downgrade' flag when updating a specific feature, then the tool will translate this ask to setting 'allowDowngrade' field in the request to the server.
    2. Emergency downgrade of all features can be attempted using the CLI tool belonging to a specific Broker release. This is by using the 'downgrade-all' sub-command. For examples of these, please refer to the Tooling support section.
    3. Note: Please note that some of the downgrades may still be blocked by Controller if it is deemed impossible to downgrade. The controller (on it's end) can maintain rules in the code, that, for safety reasons would outright reject certain downgrades from a specific max_version_level for a specific feature. Such rejections may happen depending on the feature being downgraded, and from what version level.

Use case: group_coordinator feature flag (for KIP-447)

As described in the motivation for this KIP, the Kafka Streams use case is going to be immediately benefitted by programmatically learning the cluster-wide version of EOS feature on the brokers (KIP-447). We shall use the group_coordinator feature flag to achieve the same, as explained below. This feature flag will cover both schema and protocol changes related to group coordinator (KIP-447 falls under a change to the group coordinator).

Imagine we shipped the feature versioning scheme before the shipment of KIP-447. There would then be at least two versions of the broker binary:

  • One of these (the old/existing broker bits) would only advertise group_coordinator feature with max version 1 (shortly referred to as v1 below). v1 doesn’t contain the latest EOS semantic described in KIP-447.

  • The other (the new broker bits) would advertise group_coordinator feature v1-v2 i.e. max version v1 as well as v2. v2 contains the EOS semantic described in KIP-447.

Kafka Streams client uses the consumer rebalance protocol to propagate the group metadata information. There would be one nominated leader among the group. The sequence of feature upgrade events in the happy path shall be the following (T0, T1, …, Tn refers to increasing time):

  • T0: The broker cluster is running with old binary, and a stream application is communicating with it. The stream clients will be using group_coordinator:v1 feature. The leader stream thread would use its admin client to periodically call DescribeFeatures on a random broker in the cluster (presumably every minute), to get information about the latest cluster-wide enabled features. Thus, it would learn about the group_coordinator feature flag, with the finalized version at v1 .
  • T1: The cluster undergoes a rolling upgrade to the new broker binary. Once the upgrade is complete, every broker in the cluster is expected to support v1-v2 versions for the group_coordinator feature flag.
  • T2: The controller still will has enabled only group_coordinator:v1 in '/features' ZK node. So, the above rolling has no effect (yet) on the streams client side.
  • T3: Knowing that the cluster upgrade has completed, the cluster operator (i.e. a human) sends an ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES request to the controller. This is to finalize the cluster-wide group_coordinator feature version level upgrade from v1 to v2. When this request is successful, it means the following:
    → The controller has checked all brokers in the cluster advertised support for group_coordinator:v2, and it has persisted the upgrade to ZK '/features' node.
    → The brokers are gradually receiving ZK notifications about the update to the '/features' ZK node. When each broker refreshes the contents of the ZK node, it will become aware that group_coordinator:v2 has been finalized cluster-wide.
  • T3-4: The streams leader thread, at a certain point in time will see the above change (via the periodic DescribeFeatures call). It will then trigger a rebalance of the streams group plumbing down group_coordinator:v2 feature flag to all members. It is key to note that this event could happen concurrently with T3 that’s why the event is labelled T3-4.
  • T5: Every member of the streams group will be gradually upgrading towards group_coordinator:v2 just as the leader instructed above. This is when the stream client will switch from the old per-task producer model to the new thread level producer model (for KIP-447).

There are some edge cases in this happy upgrade path we shall explain below.

Delay of feature version propagation

Due to eventual consistency in metadata propagation, it is possible that some brokers get notified about group_coordinator:v2 later than others. At T3-4, the streams leader thread first upgrades to group_coordinator:v2 when it learns of a feature version level bump from the broker. Then, after T5 , there exists a case where the leader streams thread could query a stale broker, and learn that the feature support only contains v1. If this situation is not handled properly, we are in a danger of downgrade. This is because in KIP-447 we don’t support downgrade of the processing model, unless user wipes out the old stream instances and restarts from scratch. Following is done to make sure the above scenario never affects the stream use case:

  1. The stream clients shall not downgrade to group_coordinator:v1 once they upgrade to group_coordinator:v2. The solution is to persist the group_coordinator flag as part of the consumers' metadata when the rebalance completes, so that on a second rebalance as long as some members are already on the newer version, the leader of the group will not kick off another feature request because it knows an upgrade was ongoing in last generation, based on the eventual consistency guarantee. It will just continue to inform all the members to upgrade to the newer version.

  2. It is important to note that the user is only upgrading the cluster, from enabling group_coordinator:v1 to enabling group_coordinator:v1-v2. Therefore, once a client sees that v2 is enabled on any broker, it should be a clear signal that all broker binaries within the cluster would support group_coordinator:v2 semantic, it’s just a matter of time before feature version update metadata propagates to every broker from controller.

The above ensures that the upgrade logic is reliable/safe, as there is no case of a downgrade affecting the stream client (during the upgrade path).

Downgrade of group_coordinator feature

As such, we don’t support downgrades in this versioning scheme/system (see Non-goals and Future work). So, there is a danger if the cluster operator tries to downgrade the group_coordinator feature flag from v2 to v1 using the --allow-downgrade flag. This is because the stream client side shall not downgrade at all, and this would crash the EOS applications. A safe practice is to first downgrade the stream clients, before downgrading  the group_coordinator feature flag.

Potential features in Kafka

There could be many features benefitted by the above system, following are a selected few high level examples:

  1. group_coordinator: As described in the above section.

  2. transaction_coordinator: This feature flag could cover changes to the message format for the transaction state internal topic schema, and protocol changes related to transaction coordinator. The advantages are similar to #2.

  3. consumer_offsets_topic_schema: Currently the message format used in the consumer internal topics is tied to IBP. It’s a candidate for a feature, because we will be able to dynamically finalize a new version of the topic schema, without having to roll the brokers twice.

  4. inter_broker_protocol: For transitional purposes, the itself can be made a coarse-grained feature flag. This can be a way to operationally migrate away avoiding the double roll during IBP bumps. 

Deployment, IBP deprecation and avoidance of double rolls

There is a configuration key in Kafka called (IBP). Currently, the IBP can only be set by changing the static configuration file supplied to the broker during startup. Here are the various phases of work that would be required to use this KIP to eventually avoid Broker double rolls in the cluster (whenever IBP values are advanced).

Phase #1

Post development of the feature versioning system described in this KIP, we hit phase #1 where the new versioning system is ready to be used:

  • The feature versioning system will be released under a new IBP version: migration_ibp_version.

  • For the initial roll out, we should only operate the versioning system after the second IBP roll → this brings the IBP of the cluster to migration_ibp_version (that’s when versioning system is fully deployed).

    • As a safeguard, each broker will validate that it’s IBP version is at least at migration_ibp_version before applying broker validations for feature versions, and before advertising it's features in ZK.

    • As a safeguard, the controller will validate that it’s IBP version is at least at migration_ibp_version before allowing for feature version changes to be finalized in a cluster.

Phase #2

This is the phase when both the new feature versioning system as well as the existing IBP setup (in the form of static configuration) are active in the Kafka broker. Feature flags may be optionally defined in the code as part of Kafka development. During deployment of newer Kafka releases that use feature flags, there will be a requirement to finalize such feature flags using the provided API/tooling (as required by this KIP). By the end of this phase, we still have not eliminated the requirement for double roll during broker upgrades.

Phase #3

This phase is about realizing the benefit of this KIP to avoid Broker double rolls during upgrades. For this, we would like to move away from using the existing IBP-based setup (in the form of a static configuration) in the broker code base. This requires several steps, as proposed below:

  1. We need a way to map the usage of IBP in the code (in the form of a static configuration) to the usage of IBP in the new feature versioning system. To achieve this, we introduce one or more feature flags in the code. These will be used to release features which were otherwise released under the static IBP config. We illustrate the write-up below using one such feature flag called as ibp-feature. For example, we will use the ibp-feature flag in the code at places wherever newer IBP values (from static configuration) are otherwise needed to be used:
    1. The max version values for this flag will start from 1 and continue increasing for future IBP version advancements.
    2. The min version value for this flag will start from 1, and it is unlikely to be modified (since we rarely or almost never deprecate IBP versions).
  2. By this point, IBP-based decision making in the broker code will be such that:
    1. If the ibp-feature flag is finalized and if static IBP config value is >= migration_ibp_version , then the value of the ibp-feature flag is preferred for decision making over the IBP value from static configuration.
    2. Otherwise if the ibp-feature flag is not finalized yet, we continue to use the latest IBP value based on static configuration for decision making.
  3. We then release the ibp-feature flag as part of a subsequent Kafka release. The release would eventually get deployed to Kafka clusters, and, the ibp-feature flag is expected to be finalized in the cluster (via provided tooling).
  4. Once #3 happens, all future Kafka code changes can continue to use the ibp-feature flag, thereby effectively stopping the use of IBP as a static configuration.

Phase #4

This is the phase when we no longer advance the IBP values in the old IBP-based setup (in the form of static broker configuration) and have completely switched to ibp-feature flag(s) in the Kafka code. The former will be kept around for legacy purposes only

Code Block

# Add or update a list of cluster-wide finalized features.
#  - Use `--bootstrap-server` to provide a broker host:port to which MetadataRequest query should be issued.
#    The MetadataResponse will be used to discover the Controller, to which the actual ADD_OR_UPDATE request is issued.
#  - Use `--upgrade` to provide a comma-separated list of features and new finalized max version to ADD_OR_UPDATE.
#  - Use `--allow-downgrade` to allow a downgrade for feature version levels. This should be used only when required.

$> update \
     --bootstrap-server kafka-broker0.prn1:9071 \
     --upgrade group_coordinator:2,consumer_offsets_topic_schema:1 \
     --allow-downgrade transaction_coordinator:3 \

Please confirm before downgrading the following features:
1.transaction_coordinator from v4 (existing) to v3 (new)

[Y/n]? Y

	"status": "OK",
	"supported_features": {
		"group_coordinator": {
            "min_version": 1,
            "max_version": 2
        "transaction_coordinator": {
        	"min_version": 1,
        	"max_version": 5
        "consumer_offsets_topic_schema": { 
            "min_version": 1,
        	"max_version": 1
	"finalized_features": {
        "epoch": 1,
        "group_coordinator": {
			"min_version_level": 1,
            "max_version_level": 2
        "transaction_coordinator": {
			"min_version_level": 1,
            "max_version_level": 3
        "consumer_offsets_topic_schema": { 
			"min_version_level": 1,
            "max_version_level": 1
   "host": "kafka-broker0.prn1",
   "port": 9071


# Delete a list of cluster-wide finalized features.
#  - Use `--bootstrap-server` to provide a broker host:port to which MetadataRequest query should be issued.
#    The MetadataResponse will be used to discover the Controller, to which the actual delete request is issued.
#  - Use `--features` to provide a comma-separated list of finalized features to be deleted.

$> delete \
     --bootstrap-server kafka-broker0.prn1:9071 \
     --features group_coordinator,transaction_coordinator

Please confirm deletion of the following finalized features:
1. group_coordinator
2. transaction_coordinator

[Y/n] Y

	"status": "OK",
	"supported_features": {
		"group_coordinator": {
            "min_version": 1,
            "max_version": 2
        "transaction_coordinator": {
        	"min_version": 1,
        	"max_version": 5
        "consumer_offsets_topic_schema": { 
            "min_version": 1,
        	"max_version": 1
	"finalized_features": {
		"epoch": 2,
        "consumer_offsets_topic_schema": {
			"min_version_level": 1,
            "max_version_level": 1
   "host": "kafka-broker0.prn1",
   "port": 9071

New or changed public interfaces

Summary of changes:

  1. We introduce 1 new API in the broker RPC interface (see this section). This is the new ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES (schema) that can only be served successfully by the controller.
  2. We introduce few optional fields in the ApiVersionsResponse containing the cluster-wide finalized feature metadata, feature metadata epoch, and the broker's supported features (see this section).
  3. We introduce 2 new APIs in the Admin interface to describe/addOrUpdate/delete features (see this section). Underneath covers, these exercise the APIs mentioned above.

Guidelines on feature versions and workflows

With the newly proposed feature versioning system in this KIP, it becomes quite important to understand when to use it, and when not to.

When to use versioned feature flags?

  1. A "breaking change" typically happens whenever the underlying Broker logic has introduced a different concept (such as a message type, or a new field in a protocol) which only certain newer versions of the Broker code can understand/process. The older Broker versions could consider such a change to be alien i.e. the older Broker versions could exhibit undefined or terminal behavior if they notice effects of the breaking change. Similarly, Kafka clients could exhibit undesirable behavior if they commence usage of a feature version on the cluster, assuming all Brokers support it, while in reality some Brokers don't.
    As part of Kafka operations, there are occasions when it becomes necessary to safely activate certain breaking changes introduced by a newer Broker version. Such changes become good candidates to be released behind a feature flag . The cluster-wide max feature version level can be safely increased/finalized (using the provided mechanism in this KIP), after the cluster-wide deployment of the required Broker version is over. With the versioning system in place, whenever the effects of the underlying breaking change is activated by the cluster operator, the system protects the cluster and Kafka clients from bad effects due to breaking changes.
  2. As a guideline, max feature version values should be increased if and only if the change is a breaking change. Also, min feature version value should be increased if and only if a feature version needs to be deprecated. Non-breaking changes or non-deprecating changes could continue to be made to the Broker code without modifying the feature version values.
  3. As a guideline, whenever each feature's supported version range is modified, or if feature versions are permanently deprecated, these should be documented in the upgrade section of Kafka release notes.

What are the common workflows?

  1. Upgrades: Most common workflow for the feature versioning system would involve finalizing a cluster upgrade to max feature version levels for all features, after completing the release of a new Kafka Broker binary on a cluster. This is explained  under Basic CLI tool usage section.
  2. Downgrades: Emergency downgrades of max version levels of features are rare, especially after they are finalized  (because these are breaking changes, and finalizing these changes can have consequences).  If the user has set the 'allowDowngrade' boolean field in an UpdateFeaturesRequest, then they must have had a good reason to attempt downgrading. Also, the CLI tool only allows a downgrade in conjunction with specific flags and sub-commands, as explained below:
    1. In the CLI tool, if the user passes '--allow-downgrade' flag when updating a specific feature, then the tool will translate this ask to setting 'allowDowngrade' field in the request to the server.
    2. Emergency downgrade of all features can be attempted using the CLI tool belonging to a specific Broker release. This is by using the 'downgrade-all' sub-command. For examples of these, please refer to the Tooling support section.
    3. Note: Please note that some of the downgrades may still be blocked by Controller if it is deemed impossible to downgrade. The controller (on it's end) can maintain rules in the code, that, for safety reasons would outright reject certain downgrades from a specific max_version_level for a specific feature. Such rejections may happen depending on the feature being downgraded, and from what version level.

Use case: group_coordinator feature flag (for KIP-447)

As described in the motivation for this KIP, the Kafka Streams use case is going to be immediately benefitted by programmatically learning the cluster-wide version of EOS feature on the brokers (KIP-447). We shall use the group_coordinator feature flag to achieve the same, as explained below. This feature flag will cover both schema and protocol changes related to group coordinator (KIP-447 falls under a change to the group coordinator).

Imagine we shipped the feature versioning scheme before the shipment of KIP-447. There would then be at least two versions of the broker binary:

  • One of these (the old/existing broker bits) would only advertise group_coordinator feature with max version 1 (shortly referred to as v1 below). v1 doesn’t contain the latest EOS semantic described in KIP-447.

  • The other (the new broker bits) would advertise group_coordinator feature v1-v2 i.e. max version v1 as well as v2. v2 contains the EOS semantic described in KIP-447.

Kafka Streams client uses the consumer rebalance protocol to propagate the group metadata information. There would be one nominated leader among the group. The sequence of feature upgrade events in the happy path shall be the following (T0, T1, …, Tn refers to increasing time):

  • T0: The broker cluster is running with old binary, and a stream application is communicating with it. The stream clients will be using group_coordinator:v1 feature. The leader stream thread would use its admin client to periodically call DescribeFeatures on a random broker in the cluster (presumably every minute), to get information about the latest cluster-wide enabled features. Thus, it would learn about the group_coordinator feature flag, with the finalized version at v1 .
  • T1: The cluster undergoes a rolling upgrade to the new broker binary. Once the upgrade is complete, every broker in the cluster is expected to support v1-v2 versions for the group_coordinator feature flag.
  • T2: The controller still will has enabled only group_coordinator:v1 in '/features' ZK node. So, the above rolling has no effect (yet) on the streams client side.
  • T3: Knowing that the cluster upgrade has completed, the cluster operator (i.e. a human) sends an ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES request to the controller. This is to finalize the cluster-wide group_coordinator feature version level upgrade from v1 to v2. When this request is successful, it means the following:
    → The controller has checked all brokers in the cluster advertised support for group_coordinator:v2, and it has persisted the upgrade to ZK '/features' node.
    → The brokers are gradually receiving ZK notifications about the update to the '/features' ZK node. When each broker refreshes the contents of the ZK node, it will become aware that group_coordinator:v2 has been finalized cluster-wide.
  • T3-4: The streams leader thread, at a certain point in time will see the above change (via the periodic DescribeFeatures call). It will then trigger a rebalance of the streams group plumbing down group_coordinator:v2 feature flag to all members. It is key to note that this event could happen concurrently with T3 that’s why the event is labelled T3-4.
  • T5: Every member of the streams group will be gradually upgrading towards group_coordinator:v2 just as the leader instructed above. This is when the stream client will switch from the old per-task producer model to the new thread level producer model (for KIP-447).

There are some edge cases in this happy upgrade path we shall explain below.

Delay of feature version propagation

Due to eventual consistency in metadata propagation, it is possible that some brokers get notified about group_coordinator:v2 later than others. At T3-4, the streams leader thread first upgrades to group_coordinator:v2 when it learns of a feature version level bump from the broker. Then, after T5 , there exists a case where the leader streams thread could query a stale broker, and learn that the feature support only contains v1. If this situation is not handled properly, we are in a danger of downgrade. This is because in KIP-447 we don’t support downgrade of the processing model, unless user wipes out the old stream instances and restarts from scratch. Following is done to make sure the above scenario never affects the stream use case:

  1. The stream clients shall not downgrade to group_coordinator:v1 once they upgrade to group_coordinator:v2. The solution is to persist the group_coordinator flag as part of the consumers' metadata when the rebalance completes, so that on a second rebalance as long as some members are already on the newer version, the leader of the group will not kick off another feature request because it knows an upgrade was ongoing in last generation, based on the eventual consistency guarantee. It will just continue to inform all the members to upgrade to the newer version.

  2. It is important to note that the user is only upgrading the cluster, from enabling group_coordinator:v1 to enabling group_coordinator:v1-v2. Therefore, once a client sees that v2 is enabled on any broker, it should be a clear signal that all broker binaries within the cluster would support group_coordinator:v2 semantic, it’s just a matter of time before feature version update metadata propagates to every broker from controller.

The above ensures that the upgrade logic is reliable/safe, as there is no case of a downgrade affecting the stream client (during the upgrade path).

Downgrade of group_coordinator feature

As such, we don’t support downgrades in this versioning scheme/system (see Non-goals and Future work). So, there is a danger if the cluster operator tries to downgrade the group_coordinator feature flag from v2 to v1 using the --allow-downgrade flag. This is because the stream client side shall not downgrade at all, and this would crash the EOS applications. A safe practice is to first downgrade the stream clients, before downgrading  the group_coordinator feature flag.

Potential features in Kafka

There could be many features benefitted by the above system, following are a selected few high level examples:

  1. group_coordinator: As described in the above section.

  2. transaction_coordinator: This feature flag could cover changes to the message format for the transaction state internal topic schema, and protocol changes related to transaction coordinator. The advantages are similar to #2.

  3. consumer_offsets_topic_schema: Currently the message format used in the consumer internal topics is tied to IBP. It’s a candidate for a feature, because we will be able to dynamically finalize a new version of the topic schema, without having to roll the brokers twice.

  4. inter_broker_protocol: For transitional purposes, the itself can be made a coarse-grained feature. This could be a way to operationally migrate away avoiding the double roll during IBP bumps.

Compatibility, deprecation and migration plan

Migrating from IBP-based setup to versioning scheme

Here are the various phases of work that would be required to deprecate IBP completely.

Phase #1

Post development, we hit phase #1 where the new versioning system is ready to be used. Here we would like to migrate clusters from IBP-based validations to the new versioning system based setup. In order to achieve this, we shall once again use an IBP double roll. This means, once a cluster has fully migrated to a certain IBP version, we can almost entirely switch to using the new versioning scheme. Let’s say the value for such an IBP version is migration_ibp_version. Then, in order for the versioning system to safely provide a migration path, we do the following:

  • Firstly, the versioning system itself is a new thing. For the initial roll out, we should only operate the versioning system after the second IBP roll → this brings the IBP of the cluster to migration_ibp_version (that’s when versioning system is fully deployed).

  • As a safeguard, each broker will validate that it’s IBP version is at least at migration_ibp_version before applying broker validations for feature versions, and before advertising it's features in ZK.

  • As a safeguard, the controller will validate that it’s IBP version is at least at migration_ibp_version before allowing for feature version upgrades to be finalized in a cluster (via the ApiKeys.UPDATE_FEATURES API).

  • All other decision making logic based on feature versions in the broker code will always validate that the broker’s current IBP version is at least at  migration_ibp_version.

Phase #2

There can be a transitional phase where a Kafka cluster can use both IBP-based setup as well as the new versioning scheme. In order to completely deprecate the existing IBP-based setup, we would want to ensure we no longer have any references to IBP configuration in the broker code base. Once that is done, we can stop using IBP configuration altogether, and deprecate/remove the relevant support in the code.

Phase #3

This is the phase when we no longer use the IBP-based setup and have completely switched to using the new versioning scheme.

Phase #4 (long-term)

Completely deprecate IBP, and remove references to the code.

Migrating from versioning scheme back to IBP (i.e. emergency downgrade)

We do not foresee this happening once the migration is over, and IBP has been deprecated. However, it can happen that we would want to switch back to using IBP-based setup while we are in Phase #3 above (for example, due to an unprecedented issue). This will be supported, because we deprecate IBP only in Phase #4 above. To "downgrade", a user would first need one rolling restart of the cluster to reduce the IBP to the required version. Then another rolling restart to change the binary. Note that each feature will have its own set of requirements to make this possible (in some cases, it may not be possible), but this is outside the scope of this document.

Future work

As part of future work, we could consider adding better support for downgrades & deprecation. We may consider providing a mechanism through which the cluster operator could learn whether a feature is being actively used by clients at a certain feature version. This information can be useful to decide whether the feature is safe to be deprecated. Note that this could involve collecting data from clients about which feature versions are actively being used, and the scheme for this needs to be thought through.
