Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Updated the Intellj Setup link to point to the master


The code is downloaded into a directory called flink.

Azure Pipelines for CI

Azure Pipelines has restricted usage of free plan accounts to a case-by-case basis, making use of Flink's CI setup on a personal fork difficult. While the community decides on the best next-steps, there is a workaround to leverage the Flink community's Azure account for in-progress work without creating noise on the main apache/flink GitHub repository.

To do so, you'll need to fork the flink-ci/flink-mirror repository to your personal GitHub account.

Then, you'll need to add the mirror as a git remote in your local machine's Flink project directory.

Code Block
cd /path/to/your/flink
git remote add flink-mirror<your-user-name>/flink-mirror.git  

To run your changes on Flink's Azure CI:

  • push your branch to your flink-mirror fork
  • open a draft PR in the flink-ci/flink-mirror GitHub repository
Code Block
git push -u flink-mirror your-branch

When you're satisfied with your changes, you can:

  • close the draft PR in the flink-ci/flink-mirror repository
  • push your branch to your apache/flink fork
  • open a new PR against the apache/flink GitHub repository
Code Block
git push -u origin your-branch

See the Azure Pipelines Wiki page for details on setting up Azure for CI.

Proxy Settings

If you are behind a firewall you may need to provide Proxy settings to Maven and your IDE.


Check out our Setting up IntelliJ guide for details.

Eclipse Scala IDE


To build Flink without executing the tests you can call:

mvn -DskipTests clean package

Run a single/set of tests with maven

If you want to run a single/set of tests you can do this via maven:

mvn verify -Dtest=TestToRun

If you build multiple modules as part of the test run you might want to add -DfailIfNoTests=false:

mvn verify -DskipTests clean packageDtest=TestToRun -pl flink-runtime -am -DfailIfNoTests=false

Note that Flink uses the surefire plugin to run unit and integration tests. That is why you can also specify integration tests via -Dtest=SomeITCase.

Run Python Test

After building the Flink source code, you can run Python test in the flink-python module:
