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WebWork The framework adds support for client-side validation on top of XWork's the standard validation framework.

Client-side validation can be enabled You can enable it on a per-form basis by specifying validate="true" in the <ww:form> tag:.

Code Block

<ww<s:form name="'test'" action="'javascriptValidation'" validate="true">

Of course, all the standard validation configuration steps still apply. Client-side validation uses the same validation rules as server-side validation. That said, there are some caveats to using client-side validation:

  • You must use the <ww:form> tag
  • You must provide the correct "action" and "namespace" attributes to the <ww:form> tag


If a name for the form is not given, the action mapping name will be used as the form name. Otherwise, a correct action and namespace attributes must be provided to the <saf:form> tag.

Code Block
titleReferencing "submitProfile" in the "/user" namespace


Code Block

<ww:form namespace="'/user'" action="'submitProfile'" validate="true">

While the following will "work" in the sense that the form will function correctlyTechnically, the form's action attribute can refer to a "path" that includes the namespace and action as a URI. But, client-side validation will not: requires that the action name and namespeact to be set separately.

Code Block
titleWon't work with client-side validation!
<ww:form action="'/user/submitProfile.action'" validate="true">

(info) Note that the "required" attribute on many WebWork UI tags has nothing to do with All the usual validation configuration steps apply to client-side validation.
(warning) Upgrade Alert: This feature was introduced in WebWork 2.1. If upgrading from a previous version, make sure you are using the correct validators in validators.xml. You must be using the com.opensymphony.webwork.validators.JavaScriptRequired*Validator version of the standard XWork validators.

Building a Validator that supports client-side validation

Any validator can be extended to support client-side validation by implementing the com.opensymphony.webwork.validators.ScriptValidationAware interface:

Code Block

public interface ScriptValidationAware extends FieldValidator {
    public String validationScript(Map parameters);

The value returned by validationScript will be executed on the client-side before the form is submitted if client-side validation is enabled. For example, the requiredstring validator has the following code:

Code Block

public String validationScript(Map parameters) {
        String field = (String) parameters.get("name");
        StringBuffer js = new StringBuffer();

        js.append("value = form.elements['" + field + "'].value;\n");
        js.append("if (value == \"\") {\n");
        js.append("\talert('" + getMessage(null) + "');\n");
        js.append("\treturn '" + field + "';\n");

        return js.toString();


Client-side validation uses the same validation rules as server-side validation. If server-side validation doesn't work, then client-side validation won't work either.

titleThe left hand doesn't know ...

The required attribute on many Struts Tags is not integrated with client-side validation! The tag attribute is used by certain themes (like xhtml) to put a visual marker (usually '*') next to the field. The tag doesn't know if the validation system actually "requires" the field or not.

Client Side Validation Types

There are two styles of client side validation.