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The example code for this tutorial, form_xml_validation, is available for checkout at Removedstruts-examples


In this tutorial we'll cover how to validate a user's input in form fields using Struts 2's XML validation methodology. In the Form Validation tutorial we discussed validating a user's input using the validate method in the Action class. Using a separate XML validation file gives you the ability to use validators built-in to the Struts 2 framework.


To enable the user to edit his information that is stored in the Person object, we have this form:

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When the user submits the form, we want to validate his entries into the form fields.


In the XML validation file (for this example that is EditAction-validation.xml), is this XML:

Code Block
xmlxmltitleXML Validator Required String

<!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC
 "-//OpenSymphonyApache GroupStruts//XWork Validator 1.0.23//EN"

 <validator type="requiredstring">
 	<param name="fieldname">personBean.firstName</param>
 	<message>First name is required.</message>


For example if the user doesn't enter a value in the first name form field and clicks on the Save Changes button, he will see the following.

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Validating An Email Address


Code Block
titleEmail Validator

 <validator type="requiredstring">
 	<param name="fieldname"></param>
 	<message>Email address is required.</message>
 <validator type="email">
 	<param name="fieldname"></param>
 	<message>Email address not valid.</message>


Code Block
titleREGEX Validator

<validator type="requiredstring">
 	<param name="fieldname">personBean.phoneNumber</param>
 	<message>Phone number is required.</message>
<validator type="regex">
	<param name="fieldname">personBean.phoneNumber</param>
	<param name="expressionregex"><![CDATA[\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}]]></param>
	<message>Phone number must be entered as 999-999-9999.</message>


Code Block
titleFieldExpression Validator

<validator type="fieldexpression">
	<param name="fieldname">personBean.carModels</param>
	<param name="expression"><![CDATA[personBean.carModels.length > 0]]></param>
	<message>You must select at least one car model.</message>


If the user did not check any of the check boxes, the Array returned by the getCarModels method will have a length value of 0. Since the complete OGNL expression will only evaluate to true if the length value is greater than 0, the validation fails. The user will see this.

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The fieldexpression validator is useful when doing conditional validation of a user's input. If the OGNL expression doesn't evaluate to true then the user's input won't be allowed.
